message to a corporate hypocrite.

in #freewriting5 years ago


Push the biblical sliver back in your eye.

don't tell me what I ought to do. Don't tell me anything for that matter.
Tell the next poor sap you see, because a poor sap is not me. I've quit my job, and I know your type now. So fuck off.
Go assert yourself to someone who has agreed to play along with your bullshit. A person who wants to people please so bad they just get walked all over and are expected to kiss more ass than a convict at his execution hearing.
Go have fun being lost in mindless interaction, spawned from muscle memory. You have all rehearsed that dance before. People who wear masks always have to rehearse. The greatest gift of living with integrity and actually being a truthful person is you don't have to REMEMBER your LIES. Most of them are so addicted to the game that is the rat race mentality that they think nothing. You simply exist to do worldly things and present masks to everyone you meet. This is why you don't really love yourself and you talk about everything and everyones shortcomings behind their back.

Then pat your ego with another little dopamine hit.

You showed them. You are assertive at all costs.

Every little christ that you crucify

is another repetition in your shallow, self satisfying, hypocritical monkey life. A rehearsal at being a dick.

You merely exist as a fixture now. The target of much dislike. The person who not only dislikes themselves and the world at large, but has negotiated a job and a cushy position in life that allows them to express their self hatred by projecting it out onto others! A fitting job for this cowardly being is to punish or reward people dependent on a paycheck, and always doing your absolute best to make employees feel uneasy

You are the person that no one wants to be like,
and you have convinced your conscious mind of the exact opposite.

You removed one biblical splinter from your eye. Immediately boasting of your victory, only to create another allegorical splinter right in its place for the way you behaved.

There is a splinter in your mind.

This metaphorical splinter serves a dual purpose :
1)- as a dull but permanent reminder that you are lying to yourself.
2)- as a tool of discovery. Because once you remove it, you will know that you are open to the TRUTH.

For every finger you point at someone else, there's 3 pointing back at you.

The splinter in my lens, is that YOU are ME.

Monkey mind exists, and it hides behind grand curtains of noise, movement, distraction, and these empty stupid utterances perception genius.jpg


Awesome! At first I thought this was directed at someone here on Steemit, as if you had a grudge. Then, at the bottom, I noticed the hashtag, "poetry". With that in mind, I came for the "hate speech" but, stayed for the poetry. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! You get a worthless upvote from yours truly.