<h2>Massive censorship is back, and it's better than ever!
<p dir="auto">Every citizen in a EU country should be concerned right now.
<p dir="auto">As it has been many times before, EU regulations - perhaps in an attempt to not overreach, is potentially opening up the doors for exactly that, and opening the door for potential stifling of freedom of speech, through the platforms that arguably have some of the biggest impact, on peoples access to information and freedom to exchange views and dialogue.
<p dir="auto">Article 13 of the proposed law, that will be voted on during the European Parliament vote tomorrow, june 20, will potentially have effects far wider than forseeable and/or intended, even IF we assume, that the law has been designed and written with the best intention in mind.
<p dir="auto">The final countdown has begun, and this is our final chance to be heard, if that is a possibility at all, before what can essentially be likened to a "patriot act" for social media and blogging platforms.
<p dir="auto">In my next post, I will break down the specific article included in the law; the potential dangers I see, and why; and of course - how this can be a 'final stand' use-case for blockchain based, <em>truly decentralized social media platforms.
<p dir="auto"><em>But in short:
<p dir="auto"><strong>It forces participating countries to open up for enforcement of censorship of user-uploaded content, to social media and blogging platforms, in extremely vague terms, BEFORE this content even reaches the front-end of the platform.
<p dir="auto"><strong>That is to say: <em><strong>ALL<strong> your content has to be algorithmicly(?) assessed, and 'approved' before it actually hits the surface-web, so to speak.
<p dir="auto">As a user of the 'free' internet, and a citizen member of the European Union, it is to a certain extent your civic duty to speak out against this potential for stifling of free speech and mass surveillance online, by tweeting or e-mailing your local country representative, and ask them to vote <em><strong>NO to Article thirteen in the <a href="https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52016PC0593&from=EN" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from hive.blog" class="external_link">proposed EU Copyright Directive.
<h3>This can be done easily via
<h2><a href="https://Saveyourinternet.eu" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from hive.blog" class="external_link">https://Saveyourinternet.eu
<h3>where you can easily tweet or copy/paste en e-mail for your local representative to see, as the first thing when they sit down at the "round table" tomorrow.<br />
<br />
Go make your voice heard, no matter how late in the game!<br />
<p dir="auto"><code><strong>Brevity is the soul of wit - and longevity the soul of the contemplative!
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<p dir="auto">#8.1 - SaveYourInternet.EU - A last minute cry for action
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