That's very true - most of my friends do that. To be honest, I'm always a bit scared when I see them check those little maps. Wouldn't want my location to be pinned on a map for everyone to see.
We need to teach the kids today why privacy is important
But that's the problem - nobody is teaching them that.
I posted this a couple of weeks ago on my feed ... I think it is applicable here .... I (we) cant give up, we have to keep trying.
Don't be too hard on yourself ... remember that the adage of 'the next generation is better off than the previous one'...was a total lie.
It was built on debt of the future, to pacify the electorate.
NOW is the time the charade is falling to pieces.
It was inevitable, it's just that this generation (and the next one) are 'it' in the game financial musical chairs.
That's why we need a non debt based monetary system so it doesn't happen again...or it sure as the sun comin' up in the morning..