When Cops Don't Like You... (Welcome home, Adam!)

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Adam gets out of jail only to find his home/RV ransacked!

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I am very happy because you are out of prison
But this is nonsense about your home


Real Pigs @jsteem. This is really sad and scary.

So glad I'm not a US citizen

Sorry to see that happened to your RV brother. This kind of thing has gone on far too long in this country. Its too bad that some of our Police conduct themselves in this way. Most that I know want to do good and are just born into this system like the rest of us trying to make a change...Only to find out later that no matter what they do there is a flaw in the system and they cant really change anything, just follow orders because they are slaves to money and blinded like most of us. Some never wake up to this fact and continue on with enforcing unjust laws and become corrupt. Things need to change at the core of the law in this country in order for us to move forward in a positive direction of real change. My father was a Police officer for over 20 years. LAPD, then moved up to Washington state. He witnessed plenty of problems and corruption. I know for sure all police are not bad people. Its the few police who abuse their power that reflect badly on all their fellow officers and create that ongoing culture. You are doing good work @adamkokesh by trying to educate and awaken them with your book and knowledge of our country's problems. More are waking up to these things with the rise of social media and the internet. This is only the beginning and I believe real change will come with the power of blockchain and other technologies.. #respect.

Glad to see you still involved.

You know sir @thejohalfiles, it's even worst here in Saudi, especially for us who are only here for work, we are very much afraid of policemen and on what they can do to us. Although we didn't hear abuses by policemen that much because they can keep those incidents by themselves.

I wish I could work to a place or country where there is freedom as well as security.

This is the shift we need blockchain. I don't know how many days I was waiting for something like this to come along! It's unreal the implications it has on our society. @adamkokesh deserves the credit he is receiving he is on the front lines of changing the system. Blockchain is already starting to help us connect and put our own value to our lives and experiences!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

How come I get the feeling that the cop is liking it?

Because he does. You see he’s bent over and not resisting.

Lmao i was having a bad day tell i saw this pic thanks for cheering me up lol you got my vote

Cheers @bitlander00 !

I posted it hoping to give @adamkokesh something to smile about after they violated him.

Thanks for the upvotes guys!

No justice, no peace. Know justice, know peace!

Another crime committed by these officers!

Let him know how you feel!
Wise County Sheriff Lane Akin 200 Rook Ramsey Drive Decatur, TX 76234 (940) 627-5971. Fax: (940) 627-3797. Email: lane.akin@sheriff.co.wise.tx.us. Sheriffs' Association of Texas. About | Association Directory | Lost Lawman | Merchandise. Sheriffs' Association of Texas • 1601 S. Interstate 35 • Austin, TX 78741-2503.

Forget calling the jail, everyone should call the Wise County Crime Stoppers Hotline, and report this Sheriff Akin, and report the other troopers. Looks like they welcome people reporting actual crime; check out the "Crime Stoppers" welcome page: http://sheriff.co.wise.tx.us/

Life is really unfair

We claim to have freedom and rights in the USA, but day by day these seem to be slowly taken away from us.
It is a shame that something as private as your own home has no defense against police or government. They will do and take as they please.

Glad you are ok, and wish you the best.

It's a scary world out there. They certainly don't make me feel safe.

Glad you are free but that is bullshit!

It's all too common unfortunately.

Glad you are okay, so sorry about about your home Adam!

Get even indeed!

Much love my brother. It's been a while and I'm glad your tenacious spirit is still marching forward. You've got the Freedom Movement & Wandering Monks support! Give Thanks ~ McAD

AD and Kokesh WACC.jpg

Dude, I've been watching you for years and you stay more consistently vigilant than anyone else I've come across.

Thanks for everything you do!

That happened to me once upon a time. I did live in my RV as well. I had been parked behind my friend's house for a few weeks and came home from a bike ride one day to find that teenagers had completely ransacked everything! They dumped out all my cabinets and drawers. Everything I owned in my life was dumped on the floor! Then the little bastards took a shit on it. I was beyond pissed off. Cleaning shit off of my personal belongings. It's a horrible experience.

Disgusting display of statism.
Adam, we've got your back, this is just the beginning. VOLUNTARY collectives fighting for freedom FTW!

It's Great to Hear your out brother; Hopefully, the Truth will reign...
We're all up against a messed up system...Newq

Fuck the police! We don't need them.

I agree and disagree, we need protection, but not corruption.

The policing system makes sense to me, but the incentives and the people they target for hiring is all backwards. Just like politics, I think you need to flush the system out every once in a while.

Flush it? Why not get rid of it entirely, let the market function, and let people defend themselves? That would be of the highest utility to all. If the market were properly functioning, then people would not be driven to commit crimes.

The police does not protect me. If they wanted to protect me they must be walking around my house 24/7. And more important stop violating, harrassing and extorting me.

The police don't protect us. We protect ourselves. And guess what, if you don't have a means to do so--you are defenseless.

Unfortunately for us Brits we don't have that choice.

Sure you do! The police should never get in the way of freedom. Use your crypto to get a clean gun off the darkweb--it's easy!

"You have only as much freedom as you are willing to take." -Stirner

Maybe the pigs just wanted to feel at home in a pen so they trashed your place.

I have never been there, don't know anybody that has. But believe I definitely feel the outrage. I will send prayers your way.

Glad you are out, too bad the "man" screwed up your stuff!

That's a very violating feeling! Respect to you from Vancouver... thanks for not backing down or selling out!

That's vandalism man...

Dude! So sorry...that is total 💩 ! Still remember you from the Ron Paul campaigns :D. Been following you for a long time.

So ehh, why did they lock you up?

@adamkokesh are you an animal?

Did you know that in 21 U.S. Code § 321 - Definitions; generally

In the definition for the term 'drug' it is presumed that the man called Adam is an animal?

If that piqued your interest, learn more about my thoughts on the topic in the comment section of this post.

So happy you are ok. No one is safe in a world where this bullsh#% is allowed to stand. The fight for justice has just begun.

DAMN !!! The law in this world like a knife, sharp down, blunt to the top

I am @babangsunan really like your post every there is your post I do not forget upvote thank you friends have shared things that visit my blog @babangsunan interesting i love you

Please, let the POLICE do their JOB! They're helping us fight crime.

Hmmm. I think you got a couple words mixed up here. Maybe your autocorrect isn't working. Instead of "do," it should be "quit." Instead of "helping," "hurting." Instead of "fight," "being." Instead of "crime," "criminals." There! I fixed it for you!

Please, let the POLICE quit their JOB! They're hurting us being criminals!

Adam, so incredibly sorry for your loss. I don't blame you for being upset and frustrated. Thank you for fighting the good fight when others of us can't. You helped convert me to Libertarianism and I couldn't be more grateful. I have a wife and two kids and wouldn't dare put them in harms way, but I do my best to fight on the ground I'm capable of, by spreading the message of freedom without completely kicking the wasps nest. You have been an inspiration for years, and am sad that someone who has done so much for this movement is constantly harassed for being peaceful. Keep fighting the good fight. The world will look back on this moment in history and men like you will be revered as heroes and pioneers of the freedom movement. #taxationistheft #livefree

I'm glad you're home Adam, but I'm so sorry that they did that to your home/RV. What childish, abusive, hateful assholes! You, as much or more than most of us, probably knew what to expect, at least somewhat. I can't even begin to understand the evil mindset that one would have to posses to do that to someone's home. These people are extremely mentally disturbed. "To Protect and Serve?" Seriously? Do they think anyone actually believes that crap? We all know that they're there to abuse, extort, terrorize, and imprison, nothing more.

I honestly don't remember how many subscribers you had the last time I looked, but I see you have 7,000 now. I wish it was 7,000,000!


That is unfortunate but we live in a world where the same police officers do whatever they want because of the simple fact of carrying a plaque or a gun at the waist, whether or not they are right things are done to their way or else to pay attention to the consequences. damn corrupt!

What were the charges!?!?!? Everything happens for a reason! You're my new hero!

Don't worry, they'll get their comeuppance. Good to have you back Adam.

Aggh!! Some days I just can't look at any more of it!
I will be attending a memorial for Iva Henderson tomorrow. You probably never heard of her, but she was a WARRIOR for truth and liberty, a small player at Malhuer.
I will be driving past the home of a PILLAR of the libertarian party, literally helped get it going. I won't stop to say "Hello" because he does not want visitors now, he will soon be gone and prefers we remember him healthy.
And for those who forgot, it is the anniversary of the cold blooded murder of Lavoy today.
Love ya, Adam. Thank you.

Adam! Your run for presidency is DOOMED and I LOVE you and your COURAGE . The MSM was DARK on you and this EXPERIENCE you were put through so how the HELL do you think you will get national attention? Seriously, we NEED your MILITARY leadership NOW!
No more ASKING, like SLAVES, I am not saying we have a war, I am just saying we need our own GANG and they need to be ARMED so tht CRIMES like what happened to you are IMPOSSIBLE.

Hey Adam, you just don't understand! "They are protecting you!"

wellcome back to home adamkokesh! finaly truth win!

These cops need to be reported

I hope he got his dog back ok.

great news of politics, thanks for good sharing

Goddamn Road Pirates.... Fuck the jackbooted thugs. Glad to see you're free again, Adam.

Glad to hear you made it out in one piece. Sorry to hear about your RV, I hope they didn't damage it, or your other property too badly. That's messed up, throwing your tablet and other devices around like that. And the toilet!? Fucking pigs. So do you really believe that you were arrested to kill off your run for president before it even got to start, or did they happen to get lucky? Seems as if they maybe got lucky, considering how you got stopped twice. You was definitely targeted for who you are, but it does not seem they were sitting on you, watching. At least to me.

Keep a cool head dude. Been there. It's a feeling you really can't describe. Until it happens to you. It is a crime ,it is being violated. I feel you man. But this is a time to get it together. Your time will come. Glad that your out. So am I OUT.

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