
Hey man,

Thanks for dropping in.

Yeah... been around for just over 5 years now if memory serves.

WRT "active all the way": Well, that really depends on your definition of "active" ;-)
... but yeah, I try and post and manually curate regularly. There have been times when I manage to blog weekly for months at a time, but then there's often a fair stretch when my only blockchain activity is on the gaming side of things (and automated curation trails etc.)

P.S. Where you from in SA again? Every now and then I get a bee in my bonnet about creating old-school "tweetups"... but for HIVE. But I can count the number of Hivers here in Pretoria on 1 hand... so it generally doesn't last more than 1 or 2 meetups when we do kick it off.

Laughs yeahh its hard being active every single day.. Life takes over... But this year I am going to try and post everyday.. I might fail... I might not.. We shall see... I jist want the yearly author badge at least once😂

I am from Bloemfontein bud, hardly anyone blogging over here or atleast I think so... Sofar I've not heard of anyone! Although I have to say there a alot more now then there was back in the day... Or im exposed to a few more... I really wonder what happened to Jayna? She was hella active and now she's just gone?