A Little of This, A Little of That...

in #food7 years ago

I have been away for a couple weeks enjoying a summer vacation with my sister and her little people, and spending some time with my son and daughter-in-law and their little joy; my granddaughter, Charlotte. I went whale-watching for the first time ever and saw two whales! One, we saw come up for air and dive again several times. It was very exciting. I don't think I have ever been so close to such a large mammal! The marine biologists on the boat identified it as a Minke whale.


Also this week, I have been busy making a cake to enter in our town's Old Home Week Hobby Show. This is the first time I have ever entered a contest/competition for my cakes and I must say it has been really fun to design a cake! Usually, a client tells me what they want and almost always sends pictures of someone else's cake design for inspiration. I love trying to put my own twist on a cake, but I don't often have the chance to design one on my own.
The birch bark stump cake has been very popular this past year or so and I wanted to try making one. I have also seen several wood stump cakes as well and decided to make a two-tier stump cake; the top tier as a birch bark bird house and the bottom cake as a tree stump with the regular brown "bark".


Has everyone been enjoying summer? I still have a few day trips planned to areas in my province next month, and in early September my family is going to Ottawa to visit the granddaughter for a few days (and her parents, of course, but honestly, she is the main attraction!) After that, back to normal schedules for us.



Pretty cute little grand baby you got there!

She surely is the cutest thing breathing on the planet right now. ;)