Duvel Belgian Golden Ale is the best beer I've ever tasted, by far.

in #food7 years ago

I'm not usually one for strange craft beers, but when I was at dinner yesterday I wanted a beer, and the choice the waiter gave me was, 'blanche, blonde ou rousse.' Roughly translated, white, blond or red. So I picked blond, I don't like the others.

This is what he brought me:

This is Duvel Belgian Golden Ale. It sells for a paltry $3.55 a bottle (330ml) at the local state-controlled booze outlets.

I cannot overstate how awesome that beer (ale) is. It is perfect in every way. Taste strong, but nothing overwhelming, smooth, delicious, and hiding behind it all is a 8.5% alcohol content! I say hiding because usually anything with over 5 or 6% tastes like someone mixed in grain alcohol, but here, just buttery, velvety smoothness. Grab it if you can, it's worth the detour!
