Tamarandus indica #flower1

in #flower7 years ago (edited)


Tamarindus indica flowers belong to an infinite compound flower (Inflorescent racemosa) consisting of the following parts:

  1. Parts that are like stems or branches, namely: mother flower stalk (pendiculus, pendunculus communis or rachis), pedicle (pedicellus), and flower base (receptacullum).

  2. Leaf-like parts, namely: petal leaves (sepala), crown leaves (petala), stamens (stamen), and fruit leaves (carpella) pistilizer (pistillum).


Includes complete flowers because it has petals, crown leaves, stamens and pistils as genitals, thus also referred to as hermaphrodite flower because it has 2 genitals of flowers namely stamens as male genitals and pistils as female genitalia. The flower of T. indica is small. In addition there is a lot of symmetry (polysimetris), having a petal that belongs to the polysepalus or between the petals of one with the other loose which amounts to 4 strands.

At the crown of each other loose or called polypetalus with yellowish color and pink streaks, amounting to 3 strands in the stalk along the 3 - 5 cm with generally small crown. The thread sits on a petal, called Calyciflorae, which is 3 pieces. The pistil includes a single pistil (simplex).

With the formula of interest are: ♀ * K4, C3 + 0, A3, G1


Hey @firdayanti, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

You have a minor typo in the following sentence:

Tamarindus indica flowers belong to an infinite compound flower (Inflorescentia racemosa) consisting of the following parts:.
it should be fluorescent instead of florescent.

thank you for correcting