Why Do Businesses Fail At Using The Right Accounting Practices In Canada?

in #finance5 years ago

Every year, thousands of businesses hit the ground running. However, according to Industry Canada, only half of them hit a five-year mark. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada statistic states that as much as 96% of new businesses survive one year, 85% manage to get through 3 years maximum and only 70% survive for a full five years.
An accounting system in any business accounts for planning and operating the budget of a system, its receivables, expenditures, and income. It can also look out for taxes, payroll, and many other business accounts, like for example the health care coverage, or the compensation of workers, and many others.
With the right and reputable accounting outsourced services in Ontario and Canada , you’ve nothing to worry. There are many reasons that businesses fail in Canada, and one of them is the failure to use the right accounting system. Here are a few of them when it comes.

Accounts Payable
These are the bills that a business needs to pay to cover the assorted operating costs. If the accounting system is not in place, accounts are paid later, or they are not paid at all, and it results in a variety of problems in Canada. One of the reasons entrepreneurs fail because they do not scale up at an appropriate rate.

Here, the businesses, due to this reason see utilities turn off, product delivery stop, insurance coverage dropped, or many other devastating outcomes. Anyone of these occurring has the potential to severely damage the productivity of Canadian business.

Having a solid accounting system can raise the flags before reaching to this point. Or outsourcing your accounting and bookkeeping to a reputable company can help with the same.

Accounts Receivable
It is as important to know where your money is coming from as it is to know where it is going. Most of the times, Canadian businesses fail to keep track of if the clients and customers are paying the expected amount of money. Though, consumers usually pay by credit or debit card, this is a trend catching up with business to business payments as well. However, some industries can have the consumers pay in 30 days, but that doesn’t ensure that your client will pay the bill. Financial risk is taken if unpaid accounts go uncollected or deliver any product without compensation. Businesses in Canada which have a thin profit margin are especially losing money in this regard, which put the operations in to the path of financial difficulties.

Budget Planning
According to a study by Industry Canada, one of the main reasons for businesses failing is inexperienced management. The managers of such firms do not have the necessary knowledge, experience, or vision to run a business. And thus, budget planning is extremely necessary to make sure the businesses stay on tracks. A budget plan analyzes all the financial needs of a business and creates a plan that resembles a financial road map to pay all the bills, employees at the right time and in the right manner. Also, to keep the business in line regarding its earning and income projections. The businesses in Canada that fail to achieve a stable budget plan are bound to fail. And they do too. This is one of the main reasons businesses fail to achieve the intended success.

Tax Preparation
A business can handle the tax preparation, or it can also work with an outside tax preparer. It doesn’t matter how it is being handled; the proper accounting processes and practices can and will ensure the fulfillment of all tax obligations. This can only be accomplished if a detailed financial record is maintained. Canadian businesses often fail to handle the tax payments and in turn, face fines and tax penalties and can damage the business a great deal.

Lack of a proper accounting system can lead towards unawareness towards any financial defraud. Any employee can take advantage of the lousy accounting system to keep extracting money illegally form your account, and it can result in failures in business. Sometimes Canadian businesses fail to read and understand balance sheets, which lead to unprotected business finances. Hiring sufficient manpower to segregate the duties is one of classic control to avoid misappropriation where custody of assets and recording of assets are split in to two jobs. However, small businesses have challenge in financing this kind of sophistication. In such a case, hiring an outside accounting outsourced services can help a great deal with this.

All you need is to hire the right accounts and bookkeepers, and you’re all set to go!

Maroof HS Tax Accounting and Business Services Inc. provide both outsourced accounting services in Ontario and Canada, and also provide accounting system design and implementations for small to medium businesses.