Hillary Clinton Is Spirit Cooking The US

in #finance8 years ago (edited)

I heard the term “spirit cooking” for the first time a few days ago. At first I assumed it was some form of culinary style that was done in a spiritual way.

Boy was I wrong.

Reports on the internet are actually referring to a meal involving "blood, sperm and breastmilk." The term was mentioned in an invitation to John Podesta, chairman of the Clinton campaign. Podesta didn’t go to the dinner involved, apparently, but the term and its ingredients made considerable news on the internet.

As I thought about the term more and more it seemed to be an appropriate fit for the Clinton campaign. This became especially clear in the news earlier today when the FBI managed to “review” 650,000 emails in nine days (after taking a year to review 33,000 previous ones) and they also determined that none of them would have an impact on their July decision to clear Hillary Clinton of “leaking” classified documents.

I couldn’t help thinking that the term “spirit cookery” seemed increasingly appropriate for what was going on. It feels like this entire presidential election has been subject to “spirit cookery” - mostly on the Democratic side. The accusations against Hillary and the Clinton Foundation as well, are so numerous that their lack of legal impact is surely some kind of sorcery - or spirit cookery.
I’m not alone in being mystified. Rudy Giuliani - an especially obnoxious politician but a former US federal prosecutor - was recently on CNBC voicing the same opinion. “I've never seen a case with as much evidence as the one against Clinton,” he said.


If Rudolph Giuliani were prosecuting Hillary Clinton for her emails, she would already be indicted, the former federal prosecutor told CNBC on Friday.

"The two main elements to prove intent is destroying evidence — well, she destroyed 33,000 emails — and what we call false exculpatory statements. You've got at least 12 lies," the former New York mayor said on "Squawk Box." "How about 'I had only 1 cellphone?' She had 13 cellphones, and they've all disappeared. How could 13 cellphones disappear unless you destroyed them?" ...

"I've prosecuted a lot of cases. I've never seen one with more evidence against Hillary and her whole band of co-conspirators. I see it as a racketeering case," he said.

What Giuliani says here seems right. Killary has not potentially ascended to the presidency on her own. It’s been a group effort involving the very top levels of the Anglo-American establishment at home and abroad.

Killary seems to be one horse all can agree to ride - presumably all the way to the presidency. At that point, it seems clear she will elevate simmering military tensions with Russia to a maximum level - one that many believe may lead to a nuclear war.

I am not so sure exactly how far this will go however, though we’ve reported in the past on the potential for a significant shooting war or worse, between the US and Russia and even China.

The point here is that military tensions benefit Hillary domestically. She can use a state of war to damp down dissension at home and gather even more personal and “executive” power. The damage to whatever is left of US freedoms could be substantial.

While we’ve been quite skeptical of Trump, we should say this… It is possible we have him wrong. We don’t know everything. And it is certainly possible with all the lies and corruption we’ve been exposed to that we’ve become too jaded.

But in the the wake of the FBI’s decision to clear Killary, the dollar soared against the Mexican peso almost a full 2% to 18.66 in response to what many perceived to be a decreased likelihood of a Trump victory.

Also after Wikileaks threatened Hillary via Twitter and said,

“Hey, @HillaryClinton, you have until Monday to drop out, or we will destroy you completely.”

These things, combined with Julian Assange’s mentioning in an interview that the elites would never “permit” Trump to become president, leads to a lot of uncertainty - meaning this could be a very volatile week in both the foreign exchange and stock markets.

Surely, a Killary presidency would ring the bell for the end of the US… but it is less clear with Trump.

However, one noteworthy fact is that if Trump is elected President, on the day of his inauguration, he will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days of age, exactly.

Many Christians seem to believe that Trump has been sent by God to save America.

Could this be the case? Of course, anything is possible.

But, we’ll believe it when we see it.

Especially since the elites do love using the number seven - as we’ve highlighted before in our analysis of the Shemitah and Jubilee timelines. We’ve also mentioned in the past how globalist puppets including people like Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF, have made speeches like hers that involved testing people’s “numerology skills”. Not only did she preface the speech saying “I do what I’m told”, but she then went on to to talk about the significance of “the magic number 7”.

Even if Trump is the winner, aside from the point that even if he wanted to and knew how to, “fix” the US, it’s impossible to fix an inherently flawed system of governance which uses communist style central banking as a mechanism to steal from its people. It cannot be fixed in any meaningful way without completely shutting down the Federal Reserve and renouncing the national debt just for starters.

And, if that were done it would have massive repercussions for the markets that no one could possibly predict and a market crash of biblical proportions would likely follow.

We warned this fall was going to be insane... and we may now be heading into the craziest week yet. The US government is now warning of terrorist attacks by ISIS and/or Russia this week in the US. They would certainly know if it was ISIS, since ISIS is the CIA. As for Russia, Killary seems to think that every time she is exposed, “Russia” is behind it, even though Wikileaks has stated it is not.

To make sure you get the latest information and analysis in this most crazy of times, subscribe here to TDV to get analysis and alerts in real time with actionable investment information. And, mark your calendar for February 24th, 2017, where we will be holding the TDV Internationalization & Investment Summit. Don’t book flights just yet though, let’s see if we all get through next week first!


I don't understand the fascination with whether or not Hillary has been or should be "cleared" by the FBI. That's not what this is about. Since when does the FBI "clear" anyone and make a public declaration of the fact? They investigate and either make a recommendation for prosecution based on evidence (which may be good or bad), or they don't. Unless you're a celebrity and someone at the Bureau opens his mouth when he shouldn't have, you will never know whether or not you've been investigated, and you certainly won't be notified that you have been "cleared". If we've reached the point that the act of investigation is "evidence" of guilt, we're well on our way to a police state where the presumption of innocence is meaningless.

The fact that they are being investigated should not be evidence of guilt, but the reams of emails and now publicly available info do combine to evidence of guilt. Guilt of a range of crimes.

After watching the video clips of Trump and Kila-ry at the Jesuit fund raiser and realizing that he was Jesuit trained. Also comparing the outsider mentality and the general terms being used with the obummer fiasco. I am starting to think that Trump was the chosen one all along. Your 777 revelation convinces me even further.

If Inauguration day is January 20, 2017, He will be will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days. Hilllary will be 69 years, 2 months and 26 days. It would have been more interesting if she was 666. Alas ... Has anyone verified her birth certificate?

I don't know why is everybody questioning the fact that they managed to review all of the emails in few days...I mean they have the technology to do it if they know what are they looking for

Those emails are pretty creepy.

You know what's creepy? That the Bush admin "lost" 22 million emails. http://www.newsweek.com/2016/09/23/george-w-bush-white-house-lost-22-million-emails-497373.html

"Do you pick someone who’s under federal investigation for using a private email server?

"Or do you pick someone who called Mexicans rapists, claimed the president was born in Kenya, proposed banning an entire religion from entering the US, mocked a disabled reporter, said John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he was captured, attacked the parents of a fallen soldier, bragged about committing sexual assault, was accused by 12 women of committing sexual assault, said some of those women weren’t attractive for him to sexually assault, said more countries should get nukes, said that he would force the military to commit war crimes, said a judge was biased because his parents were Mexicans, said women should be punished for having abortions, incited violence at his rallies, called global warming a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, called for his opponent to be jailed, declared bankruptcy six times, bragged about not paying income taxes, stiffed his contractors and employees, lost a billion dollars in one year, scammed customers at his fake university, bought a six-foot-tall painting of himself with money from his fake foundation, has a trial for fraud coming up in November, insulted an opponent’s looks, insulted an opponent’s wife’s looks, and bragged about grabbing women by the pussy?

"How do you choose?" (Seth Myers)

And from Fareed Zakaria:

I'm voting for neither, but I know who convinced you.

oh, so cryptic.

I don't get it. I stated that it's obvious Hillary convinced you. Not too cryptic. Hillarys emails are creepy to me, and Trump is a lifelong friend of the Clinton family, so I don't like any candidate. What is cryptic about that?

You did not state that "it's obvious Hillary convinced me".

Anyway, as a reminder...the Electoral College chose...they did not pick the person who WAS under federal investigation. Instead they picked...

Someone who called Mexicans rapists, claimed the president was born in Kenya, proposed banning an entire religion from entering the US, mocked a disabled reporter, said John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he was captured, attacked the parents of a fallen soldier, bragged about committing sexual assault, was accused by 12 women of committing sexual assault, said some of those women weren’t attractive for him to sexually assault, said more countries should get nukes, said that he would force the military to commit war crimes, said a judge was biased because his parents were Mexicans, said women should be punished for having abortions, incited violence at his rallies, called global warming a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, called for his opponent to be jailed, declared bankruptcy six times, bragged about not paying income taxes, stiffed his contractors and employees, lost a billion dollars in one year, scammed customers at his fake university, bought a six-foot-tall painting of himself with money from his fake foundation, has a trial for fraud coming up in November, insulted an opponent’s looks, insulted an opponent’s wife’s looks, and bragged about grabbing women by the pussy.


Hillary defended her rapist husband and is the sociopath that laughed about killing Ghaddafis kids. Both are psychopaths but one is also a murderer. Sad, I agree. Mom, is that you?

Edward Snowden tweeted how easily the FBI could review the new emails.

How is it to treat accusations as evidence though? You've been accused of many things om this site alone. Scams, addiction, fearmongering... If all you care about is accusations without evidence shouldn't we treat you as a criminal?

Amd Trump... Sent by god? Yeah, going to accuse you of insanity for that one. He wants war, remember. He plans to send troops in to take out ISIS and has said we should go after the family members of terrorists. Genocidal much?

I posted earlier this morning about how dangerous Trump is. Seriously, Anything but Trump!

Have you even read the emails? I've spent hours filtering through them and the criminality is blatant. And Trump wants to take out ISIS? Good, Hillary has repeatedly said she wants to go to war with Russia so I'll take a war against ISIS any day. I hate Trump but I'd just rather not have a self-serving, criminal, warmonger in office serving Goldman Sachs and the Saudis. Compared to Clinton, Trump is tame!

If you don't think Trump is a self-serving, criminal warmonger you're only proving how biased the media you consume is.

There's nothing truly incriminating in the Wikileaks emails, which is why there was a two day news cycle spent on Podesta being invited to a dinner. Wikileaks kept promising "tomorrow" they'd drop a bombshell that would end Clinton's campaign... and all we got was a dinner invite. Tomorrow never came.

You obviously didn't read them lol

I read a lot of the ones people were citing as malfeasance, and they were all circumstantial at best. The kinds of things that only serve a proof if you're on a witch hunt...

I only read the original sources, so I guess the Clintons are biased against themselves. And Hillary is still under investigation, even though she got away with the confidential email server, destroying evidence, and lying to Congress. She's under investigation for operating a criminal enterprise. Yeah what a witch hunt.

She's under investigation for operating a criminal enterprise. Yeah what a witch hunt.

Trump is about to stand trial for racketeering and who has been shown associating with actual crime families. He was going to stand trial for raping a child, but his supporters bullied her into dropping the charges.

I have no idea what criminal organization you're talking about, but after the Republicans investigated her 9 times for Benghazi then admitted it was a political ploy are you sure this isn't just their latest political ploy? Because yeah, I've read the Boy Who Cried Wolf and the republicans are looking a lot like that kid these days.

Dude these are straight lies! I know Trump is a piece of shit but how can you be so blind to Hillary's criminality? The Trump rape thing is a bunch of horseshit - she dropped the charges because there was no evidence. And on Benghazi, the Republicans admitted it was a political ploy.. BY HER. God damn, try reading more than the header next time. She lied to the American people so she could hide the fact that she was a terrible Sec of State and that her and the CIA were using the embassy to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia. Public knowledge. Public documents. Lastly, the criminal enterprise is the Clinton Foundation. Absolutely blatant fraud. It's essentially a slush fund for the Clinton family, who use their connections with Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, our government as well as foreign governments, to illegally profit themselves and their friends. Proof: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-07/clinton-letter-bombshell

Dude these are straight lies! I know Trump is a piece of shit but how can you be so blind to Hillary's criminality?

Because no one ever shows me anything substantial to prove it. Innocent until proven guilty is something I believe in pretty strongly. It's very easy to accuse people of things, even if they are false. Look at you and the rape thing. You think it's blatant bullshit because there's no evidence (except for an eyewitness who came forward.) This is the same kind of thing the GOP has spread about Clinton, except there are far too many people who simply buy it.

And on Benghazi, the Republicans admitted it was a political ploy.. BY HER.

Really? She made the Republicans investigate her 9 times, and forced them to have 22 hearings? Does that really sound even remotely realistic to you? For her to have herself investigated by her opponents who absolutely want to beat her in this election?


Proof? It's an image file with no source link to back it up, and it's some guy's blog post. Looking at his other posts he's blatantly against Hillary.

This is what I mean, accusations without real proof coming only from people who clearly hate her. Meanwhile Trump is documented as using his charity for personal use, bribing attorney generals and is widely known to not pay contractors and use illegal labor. He even admitted to illegally buying Chinese steel in one of the debates, and blamed Hillary for not stopping him!

Alright fine I jumped the gun on that one, but to be fair I've been studying for an exam all day and haven't had the time to look up the sources. But I mean hey try researching for yourself they're public domain, plus it's not like you're providing any proof on your claims. Anyway, I'm just telling you the facts about Benghazi. How many times they investigated her has nothing to do with the facts, or the outcome. And Trump using his charity for personal use? Hillary paid for her daughter's wedding with charity money! But regardless of her corruption, 300,000 NATO troops are preparing for war with Russia over her "No fly zone", and she wants to sign an executive order that would essentially create an oligopoly on guns, which would allow the gov to easily control the companies. War with Russia and the infringement of the 2nd amendment are not okay. I really don't think war with another superpower is a good idea. That's why Trump needs to win.. Again, I really wish Johnson wasn't such a weirdass.


What I say, very few will believe, and that is the way it should be. The mind blocks out things too horrible.

"Spiritual Cooking" is basically performance art. (compared to what they really do.) It is that oooh, gross, but in a humorous sort of way. What they do requires someone to make a real sacrifice. And an important part of the ritual is very strong emotions. (Stronger than what you just thought. Strong like... why do you not take young children to horror movies?)

There is a monopoly in The U.S. that nobody knows is a monopoly, but with something like 75% market share, they are truly a monopoly. They bought out all the competition, and then doubled and quadrupled all of the fees. They are completely in violation of monopoly laws. They expanded so fast on borrowed money that they should have collapsed under their own weight. But, none of their creditors ever complained or demanded foreclosure.

This industry is the mortuary business. Or more specifically, crematoriums.

Missing children is a statistic that The U.S. does not keep track of. (See some of David Icke's videos, he has the facts and statistics)

Now, put all those dots together.

Your quote “Hey, @HillaryClinton, you have until Monday to drop out, or we will destroy you completely.” is not to be found on @wikileaks timeline ?????

It was a tweet I think, seen it mentioned elsewhere..

Yet not on twitter...

Doesn't surprise me, everything is being wiped pretty every where....

If it's been wiped then why haven't wiki leaks said as much? Seems more likely to be a doctored image, not something they would idly threaten like that. Seems pretty immature.

It could be, but it was reported at the time but I didn't check Twitter myself.
So I don't know for sure :)

But honestly if what has come out so far ain't enough I don't think anything else is going to matter much...

Trump is God's choice to save America this time. Take it or leave it. In 48 hours we will see what fate US people have chosen for themselves and also for all other countries.

God isn't registered to vote. Or real.

First part is true, second is not.

Get ready to be disappointed.

Thanks, I'm ready. Always hoping for the best and ready for the worst.

do you really think joe blow in down town melbourne or Sydney care who the next president is we already no the usa is just out to rip us off and trod on our sovereign rights .might be why we're so cosy with china and india and Indonesia so can you leave all us other countries out of your reasoning

is that still english? I guess I cannot speak language of your tribe. :)

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