Nathan March Investigations - Book 2: Murder, After the Fact - episode 4

in #fiction7 years ago

episode one
episode two
episode three

Book Two

Murder, After the Fact

Episode Four

At sunrise Lena Phelps was startled and sat up in her bed. When she finally realized that it was the sound of draws and cabinet doors being opened and shut that woke her, she immediately reached for her cell phone, on the table beside her bed.

Troy Holden’s cell phone which was on speed dial rang but he never answered it. Lena was now under her bedspread after pulling the security cord by the headboard, which sent off an alarm in the main house. Less than a minute passed, before an anxious security guard arrived.

“It’s like someone started searching for something and they must have heard us coming and fled,” said the young man as he stood looking inside her bedroom while another searched her quarters for the intruder.

`”I’m glad you weren’t hurt Lena, said Detective Peter Ryan some minutes later as he arrived with two police units in response to a call from Security about a break-in, Nathan wasn’t far behind.

Leaving Mickey to stand guard over a sleeping Reggie, Nathan arrived at the guesthouse where Lena had lived for the whole time Collette owned the estate. Her quarters weren’t totally ransacked but it was clear someone felt an urgency that made them take the risk of searching her place while she was at home.

“This is a much earlier start to my day than I planned on, but I do have a great deal to discuss with you Nathan,” said Peter as he escorted Lena to the living room sofa.

“Well it‘s no stretch to say that Lena‘s been a victim of the same person who threatened the life of Reggie if she didn‘t locate and forward all Collette‘s digital notes,” said Nathan.

“So that‘s what this is all about said Lena. Nathan some time ago I found a receipt for a very pricey Digital Voice Recorder with a Micro SD Card slot as well as dozens of the Micro SD Cards themselves. I thought it was for dictation so I paid the bill, filed the receipt, and never thought about it again.

When Collette died I looked it up on the Internet to find that all that’s necessary is a Micro SD card placed into a Digital Voice Recorder and each client’s session could be recorded on it. Removed from the Digital Voice Recorder and placed in the Micro SD Card slot on a lap top and anyone would have access to a permanent record of the deepest secrets of each of her clients.

That’s when I started searching for these SD Cards. I told Douglas Mayhill I couldn’t find them or the Digital Recorder anywhere. I’m sure that they have all kinds of very private information since she closed her laptop every time I entered her office, putting a tiny black card inside a silver compact she kept on her person,” Lena added.

“Our very enlightened Collette was no psychic or a healer in fact she was probably the most successful blackmailer on three continents, and we‘ve got some parties to interrogate after you’ve had time to read a file Mickey obtained from Doug Mayhill‘s office,” said Nathan to Detective Ryan.

Peter took the file, sat down and began scanning it and quickly realized that their interview with Mrs. Mayhill later this morning was not going to be very comfortable now that they knew about her husband’s relationship with Collette.

“I really need to keep busy so let me see if we can open the kitchen a bit early, said Lena.

“That’s a good idea, officer escort Mrs. Phelps and stay with her,” asked Detective Ryan.

“Will do sir,” said the young police officer as he took Lena’s arm and headed out the door toward the main house.

While Peter read the file, Nathan returned to his quarters to shower as it was certain that on this beautiful early spring morning, no one was going to sleep who wasn’t already asleep.

When Nathan returned to Lena’s quarters a half hour later he was dressed in jeans that hugged him like a glove and a Irish knit sweater that set off his hazel eyes and complimented his perfect white smile.

Looking up from the file containing Collette’s emails to Atty. Mayhill, Peter could only smile observing a fifty year old Nathan, who looked younger than him by a decade, and was also in much better shape. He comforted himself with the thought that the man was closer to a billionaire than he’d ever admit, thanks to wealthy parents, a wildly successful acquisitions career, followed by operating his own equally successful investigative agency. With that status Nathan could afford to live very comfortably, but instead he kept his life simple and uncomplicated, unlike the cases his agency investigated.

Their conversation was interrupted minutes later when Lena used the intercom to call from the kitchen to advice the pair that their breakfast was ready. Walking slowing in the direction of the main house, Peter continued sharing the news that Nathan was right about Doug Mayhill having been shot twice with the second bullet striking him after he was dead.

“I need to tell you also that the woman whose been sharing an apartment with Troy Holden for over two years, filed a missing person’s report on him, late yesterday. She said she hadn’t seen or heard from him for over two days and the last time she spoke with him he was very upset over Mayhill’s murder and said he needed to talk with someone about it,” said Peter.

“Peter, this foreboding sense tells me we are going to find another body here on the property,” said Nathan.

“When I got that report I decided it was best to have the men search in the daylight, that’s what they are doing right now, said Peter.

On cue, a phone call for Peter told him that Troy Holden was no longer among the missing.

Mickey Stone was ordered by Nathan to send for Martin Dickenson and then take Reggie to breakfast and stay with her, while the police and Nathan observed the scene where Troy Holden‘s body was left. The heavy damp bushes covering him and the cool temps at night over the last few days meant his body was in perfect condition sustaining minimal decomposition.

The medical examiner was the first at the scene but within a half hour photos and the forensic team along with six uniformed officers arrived. Peter Ryan now wanted the grounds searched using a grid so not one inch was missed. The gates at the entrance and exit were locked for the first time in years and a police officer was standing at each one.

A member of the forensic team tried to ease the tension by saying that after so many recent visits to this address, her car took her there without needing her GPS at all, but it didn't get a laugh, not even a smirk.

Martin Dickenson couldn’t believe how horrible this place was to visit now. When he’d inherited it and brought Collette there to live it was so bright and welcoming. At the time he had his whole lifetime ahead of him. He remembered being so filled with dreams and goals which his fortunate financial situation allowed him to enjoy with his young family.

He didn’t count on the heartaches Collette would introduce him to over the years, including the loneliness and the humiliation of signing for the delivery of gifts from her clients that in his heart he knew where mostly the result of maintaining several lovers which made him question his reason for maintaining his marriage.

The final blow was losing his family home and it contents to someone like Collette, who knew nothing of legacy, or family pride, nor the value of a person’s heritage. But it was the price he paid to have Reggie with him full time, so he paid it gladly. Now it was a place of so much violence and deceit, it was barely recognizable to him.

Nathan saw Reggie embrace her father Martin after he stepped out of his car. He knew that Martin, and Reggie deserved to know everything that he, Mickey and Detective Peter Ryan had learned in the ten days since Collette was found dead. However the time wasn’t right just yet. The team needed Brenda Mayhill’s information which Nathan hoped would put a new and more focused investigation together, leading to an individual or individuals responsible for the deaths of Collette, Atty. Mayhill and young Troy Holden.

The horror and the sorrow being carried by so many at the estate made it necessary to stay alert and healthy. Nathan made Peter aware of that as he led him and Martin into the kitchen for a protracted breakfast. Although it was eaten during unsettling conversation, it was greatly appreciated none the less.

Nathan only smiled when he observed the affection between Lena Phelps and Martin Dickenson at breakfast. He admired her solicitous behavior pouring Martin coffee as she rubbed his back and later replenished his toast tenderly touching his hand. Outside later Martin’s arm was around Lena’s shoulders as they walked the grounds talking to one another without noticing another soul around them.

Witnessing their actions toward each other told Nathan that their kind of love was worth all they had to endure to find it. Maybe Martin and Lena didn’t realize that’s what they had going for them, but it would become clear to them when the time was right, he was sure of that.

Commenting to each other Mickey and Reggie observed the goings on through the floor to ceiling windows in the large living room of the main house.

“Mickey something’s been bothering me since I received that death threat, and I think I finally know what it is,” said Reggie.

“Tell me about it,” said Mickey.

“Despite our security system and his wall safe at home, Dad always insisted that my heirloom jewelry as well as anything else I considered priceless be placed in a safety deposit box in the bank for safe keeping. It wouldn’t be ridiculous to think mother might have hid those SD cards in one as well. Maybe not here in Atlanta, but she could have picked anywhere to keep them from returning to the hands of her blackmail victims and maybe even to the police,” said Reggie.

“You do have excellent instincts, both Nathan and Detective Ryan obtained a court order to open a safe deposit box that’s in your Mom’s name which she opened a dozen years ago, in Palm Beach,” said Mickey.

“I’m a day late and a dollar shot, I guess,” said Reggie. “Well at least I was beat out by a master at as his craft,” Reggie added.

“What I found fascinating was how he found out about it at all. It was a gold pen set on your mother’s desk, a thank you gift from the bank that tipped him off,” said Mickey.

“Remind me never to do anything illegal around Nathan,” said Reggie.

“Trust me I don’t try anything I don’t want to bite me in the butt in his company, he’s just that good at storing and retrieving information at will,” said Mickey.

“I’ll bet the list of woman after him is pretty big as well,” Reggie said hinting for Mickey’s input.

“That subject’s off limits to even his assistant Reggie,” said Mickey.

“Is there someone special on the list, can you tell me that at least Mickey? I mean is she the one he visited recently?” Reggie asked.

“Okay this once and only this once the answer is yes. She’s beautiful and very special to the boss. No insult meant to you but you can’t hold a candle to her Reggie, she’s in a league of her own. He made me aware from the beginning that their relationship and any others are strictly his business,” said Mickey.

“Well I guess you told me,” said Reggie sporting a pout.

“You’ve got a mirror, so you know there is nothing wrong with your looks Reggie and the fact that you are so young adds to your allure. But the boss is the kind of man that needs a rock solid woman who makes it easy on him to leave and return in total freedom. That’s the kind of woman that’ll get him to settle down again one day,” said Mickey.

“She definitely won’t be me for sure. I like my man close and pliant,” said Reggie.

“Well remind yourself often, that Nathan March won’t ever be either of those things on a regular basis. Keep on searching that entourage that chases you down every chance they get, because the right guy for you will probably be among them I’m sure,” said Mickey.

When her father and Lena Phelps came into view arm in arm Reggie watched and then shook her head. “I wonder when Dad will stop with the younger ladies and realize what a beautiful and caring lady Lena Phelps is?” she said.

“Looks like he’s doing some realizing right now, said Mickey as Reggie turned in the direction he was looking to see her father pull Lena into an embrace and plant a hungry kiss on her mouth.

“Well hell’s bells, I’ve been waiting since I was sixteen to see that happen,” said Reggie.

Nathan and Peter caught the same sight themselves as they entered the living room in the main house.

“Reggie I’d say that amidst the insanity going on all around here that your father finally came to his senses about that pretty lady out there,” said Detective Ryan.

“I agree. Maybe it takes the kind of upheaval we’ve all witnessed to bring out the truth in every situation,” said Nathan.

Mickey watched Reggie cast her eyes in Nathan’s direction and knew it would take a while for her to accept that nothing was likely to blossom between them. A love affair with her wasn’t even possible in Nathan’s mind, Mickey knew for sure. That kind of behavior with a friend’s daughter, Nathan would never succumb to, and now Reggie knew it as well.

It bothered Nathan to witness a close relative fall apart when positively identifying their loved one’s corpse. Jenny Hart was more pathetic than most because she couldn’t believe that Troy Holden, her strong and protective young man, was dead and seeing proof of it appeared to break her heart.

“Why would someone do this to Troy, what happened to take him away from me forever?” she asked and not receiving the answers seemed to make her pain even deeper.

Her older sister could only hold her close while Detective Ryan shut off the video screen that allowed Troy’s body to be viewed from a less gruesome angle on closed circuit TV, as it laid on a gurney covered up to its neck with a sheet.

“When I spoke with you on the phone Jenny you told me that Troy was not himself recently,” said the detective.

“For days Troy and I weren’t getting along because he was stressed out about Mrs. Dickenson’s death, and felt so responsible because he was her personal bodyguard,” said Jenny.

“He didn’t mention anything else that was bothering him?” the detective asked.

“No although he told me some time ago that Mrs. Dickenson had gone from being the hardest person he’d ever had to work for, to the most laid back employer he’d ever had. It confused him because she’d lost all interest in projects she’d begun with enthusiasm and seemed to spend more time alone. Even her arguments with Armand were fewer and far less heated according to Troy,” said Jenny.

Pamela Hart could only smile knowing that her sister had omitted a very important part of the story. On the floor in the closet she shared with Troy, less than twenty-four hours after his disappearance, Jenny had found several small black plastic cards, no bigger than the tip of her finger.

When she showed them to her computer savvy sister Pamela, her sister knew they were Micro SD Cards and immediately put each into the slot made for these cards on her laptop. Both sisters learned that a Mr. Vincent Bertrillo an Atlanta resident was in hot water because of his son. A biography on the Internet, made them both realize that the mob boss might want to retrieve the information they had for a modest one-time fee and become the first of a handful of people they’d convince to redeem their SD cards as well.

Jenny knew she couldn’t change things about Troy’s death, but she might have the chance to change her life for the better and help her sister as well. After a few more questions, a police officer was assigned to drive the Hart sisters back to the apartment Jenny once shared with Troy.

“I know you are going to ask if we found anything on Troy Holden at the time of his death Nathan, and other than a wallet comb, keys a few twenties and some coins there was nothing,” said Peter.

“Someone was lurking on the Dickenson property right under our noses and got away with Troy’s murder Peter,” said Nathan.

“Nathan I tell you we checked out everyone on the estate and questioned them about their pasts in the presence of their lawyers. We cleared them all. You’ve got to believe me,” said Peter.

“It’s best to remember Pete, that even good people succumb to their lower nature when enough money is being offered,” said Nathan.

“I know you’ll end up right as usual, but I hate looking so inept while people drop all around me,” said Peter.

“Remember the first rule we heard at that seminar we attended together?” asked Nathan.

“Don’t make any of it personal,” said Peter with a smile.

“It’s not about you or me, it’s about conditions set a long time ago when decisions were made that would end three otherwise normal lives,” said Nathan.

As Detective Ryan and Nathan Marsh observed, the home of the late attorney Douglas Mayhill was a fourteen-room Tudor-styled house, impeccably landscaped and maintained on the outside and the epitome of understated elegance throughout each space inside. Nathan felt that it was too cold and austere to be what most would call a family-friendly home.

When she arrived in the large library on the first floor, Brenda Mayhill was dressed in a light-wool sage-colored pant suit appearing anxious to get to the business at hand. She was tall, extremely thin and even her chin was pointy. Her eyes however were chocolate brown and full of emotion. Her silver hair was cut fashionably short and the jewelry she wore also hinted at her knowledge of the finer things in life. At forty-nine years of age her face although ghostly pale, was relatively wrinkle free. Her mouth however looked as if she was practiced in resisting showing what were a perfect set of teeth.

“I hope you’ll forgive my deliberate omission of any small talk. This meeting, which you should note is taking place without an attorney, is meant to help in the investigation of my husband’s recent death.

“First and most importantly you should know that while I remained married to Douglas, an arrangement of sorts was arrived at to accommodate his relationship with Collette, which I learned early on was sexual in nature. You should also know that this was not always a sacrifice on my part as Douglas knew of my sexual preferences for those of my own gender, which I hid well from the public, but made him aware of decades ago.

“Our children are grown and in our discussions about their father’s estate over the last two days, I made my son and daughter aware that I was immediately taking up residency in Canada. I simply want their father’s assets split fairly between each of them and myself. It is all very amicable and their knowing of my homosexuality and my plans to live with my lover at a distance, is no problem for either of them,” said Brenda Mayhill.

Nathan smiled into Brenda’s face and whatever it was that his smile transmitted to her, her manner changed and the emotional distance between them, seemed to evaporate.

“This will sound hollow to you I’m sure, but I do miss Doug very much. I cannot imagine anyone wanting him dead. If she was alive Collette Dickenson would be the only person I would suspect because she was so volatile even in my presence. I truly abhorred her for many reasons other than Doug’s association with her,” said Brenda “and NO I did not kill her.”

“Mrs. Mayhill,” said Detective Ryan.

“Please call me Brenda,” she said graciously.

“Brenda did you ever discuss with Doug the possibility of Collette using her relationships with some very influential people to blackmail them?” asked the detective.

“Oh yes we did. In fact we spoke of it several times. The first time we talked about it was when I was worried about Doug himself. He wasn’t sleeping and his coloring was as grey as an old dollar bill. I also noticed that he was biting his fingernails and stuttering the way he did when we first met over thirty years ago,” said Brenda.

“Did he suspect who it was she was blackmailing?” asked Nathan.

“Doug told me that a very angry man had called him. He was a Sufi and a very good man from the Muslim community where he was born into an extremely wealthy family. Collette’s attempts to get money from him were the result of sessions in which she learned about the Sufi’s secret relationship that would have destroyed his life, were it to be revealed,” said Brenda.

“Over weeks of assuring Collette that she’d end up in jail if not killed if she didn’t cease her blackmail efforts, she denied everything and instead reminded him that it was his job to protect her and her assets, not to support others in their attempts to do her harm,” Brenda added.

“Brenda weren’t you afraid considering your homosexuality and her lack of conscience in blackmailing others?” asked Nathan.

“No, and to prove it I told Doug about the incident that I’m going to tell you both about now. Several years ago Collette showed up stating that Doug was resting in her bed after making love with her. She hoped to cause a scene and so she said that Doug told her I got my needs met elsewhere.

“I reacted by throwing her to the floor so hard I broke her two front teeth and bruised a few ribs. Putting her bloody front teeth in the palm of her hand and then closing it, I told her that the professionals I’d hire would do lots worse if she ever opened her mouth or disrespected either Doug or me again. Doug assured me Collette would not bring my name up in any conversation making me realize that I had terrified her,” said Brenda with a grin.

“Well Brenda we are about to obtain the Coroner’s report which we believe will list Collette’s death as a homicide and maybe even the fact that not one but two individuals were involved in her demise,” said Peter.

“According to Doug there were many people who she directed to contact him about her alleged betrayal of their confidentiality. When they did it was obvious to Doug that they were crippled with anxiety about issues Colette coaxed them to discuss with her during their sessions.

“You know it just may be that Collette’s assailants could be amongst those that she had been successful in blackmailing and who may have simply gotten tired of paying for her silence,” said Brenda.

“I thought of something totally out of the box. What if it wasn’t her clients, but the people they were involved with that she approached with the idea she had the goods on them or their illicit behavior. It they were richer or more influential than her clients it would make sense for her purposes, to blackmail them instead,” said Nathan.

“Can you bring us through the night before Doug was murdered Brenda?” asked Peter.

“I have revisited that night hundreds of times in the last five days. It was a nightmare living with Doug once Colette was dead. He’d go into the bathroom turn on the shower and cry. I even joined him in his bedroom across the hall so I could hold him, he was so broken up inside.

“‘Doug and I were honest to God friends to the last moment I saw him and the last words I spoke to him were to encourage him that time would help him heal. When he told me for the one hundredth time that he was so sorry for hurting me with Colette, I told him that I forgave him for the one hundredth time and reminded him of how much I appreciated him because he allowed me to be who I am, so I could find love myself.

“He was very troubled about the meeting the next afternoon with Collette’s employees and their reaction to being told that they were two weeks away from unemployment.

“Of course he was terrified that they would be incensed on learning that Collette had lied to them all along and that the small inheritance she left each of them wouldn’t mean a thing to them. He feared they might take their disappointment out on him and his staff,” said Brenda.

“It’s not been proven that one of them didn’t” said Peter.

“A memorial is planned for him tomorrow and our son and daughter will release his ashes over our property from the air. I’ll be gone to the airport before then. The rest is up to my children to handle, I have no wish to witness it,” said Brenda.

“May I ask about the terms of his will Brenda?” asked Nathan.

“His partners say Doug amassed four million dollars in cash and a million and a half more in assets. I have no mind in any of it, so, I’ll sign off for whatever they send me and then I’ll move on,” said Brenda.

“One last thing Brenda, it’s a question we failed to ask you before. When Doug was found, he was grasping what forensics said was the corner of a manila file folder. Did you see him that morning with that folder and if so did hint about it contents to you?” asked Peter.

“No, but I do remember that he called me late that afternoon. It was after 5 o’clock and he sounded so pleased. He said he’d be bringing home Cantonese dinners for us both, which he only did when we were celebrating something important. He said the meeting was over and he believed that someone there had solved a mystery for him that meant that he could help a lot of people and he said that if he could it would make his millennium. That was all. Before three hours passed, I was told he was murdered,” said Brenda.

Both men looked at Brenda and saw the anguish and felt she needed a fresh start at being honest and open about her lifestyle choices.

“Thank you for being so forthright Brenda, I will see you tomorrow at the Memorial,” said Nathan as he and Pete Ryan prepared to leave her home.

“I believe every word she said,” said Detective Ryan as he drove back to Reggie’s estate.

“It’s what she didn’t say that’s still troubling me. But I must admit I do like her. She had to do a lot of forgiving and a lot of growing to keep from being eaten up alive. So, I do want her to find happiness,” said Nathan.

“What is it that you feel she didn’t say?” asked Peter.

“She didn’t say anything about the woman she was joining in Canada, it just struck me that she was so extremely forthcoming with every detail except that. I found it curious that’s all,” said Nathan.


Very interesting.

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