
I usually stick to writing action/adventure, suspense, and sometimes light sci-fi. Though I'm trying to branch out and will probably experiment with some other genres soon. As for reading, I'm all over the board. How about you? I saw you have a novel posted on your blog, I'll have to check it out.

Thanks. Mine is a fantasy/romantic story (not romantic in the sense of love between a couple, but romantic in the sense of wearing rose-tinted glasses). I wanted to examine how a baby born with a gift (of Empathy) would affect the world. Obviously she starts off by affecting those close to her first, in this case, Robert. In many ways you may not enjoy the story, at least until the Cherinian family is established and with a secure emotional base. She and they can then concentrate on affecting all the species they meet.

I'll admit that nothing happened the way I thought it would and I learnt that empathy is not quite what I had believed it is.

An easier start for coming to know the world of Cherine, is to read Boxee (it is the first story I posted...if you need the links for it, I can give them to you).

That definitely sounds interesting, I'll give it a look. I should be able to find it, but if not I'll hit you up for the links.

Happy reading