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RE: All the different reward curves explained in an easy to understand way. And how they effect you.

in #exyle5 years ago (edited)

You respond to a tech post that has nothing to do with animals or the environment with nonsense about cholesterol, that also has nothing to do with either animals or the environment. You really need those B12 supplements as brain damage is clearly starting to set in. And yes, I'm old, so will you be, just at a way younger age, in actual years, than me, on your current "premature aging diet.
And what's more, if you care for those two you wouldnt be vegan if you had researched the facts first as you would have realized mono cropping hurts both way more than cattle farming. And as for cholesterol, the 20th century called and it wants it's science back. Cholesterol doesn't make anyone sick or fat. Google David Diamond, Ivor Cummings, Michel de Lorgeril and Uffe Ravnskov and look into their work. The LDL hypothesis is pretty much dead, and guess what, it's those plant based sugars and refined grains and plans based high omega 6 ultra processed seed oils that cause CVD and cause obesity, not the eggs and bacon.

Enough said, here is a link to get you started on your obviously long path away from ignorance, premature aging and B12 deficiency induced brain damage. See you on the other side.


I've done months of deep digging into the topic. Those that are telling you animal products are healthy are brainwashed or shills of the meat and dairy industry. We evolved as frugivores, we need to eat our species specific diet for optimal health. Watch durianrider on youtube for the best info on this. Or watch What The Health. Or just look at the cultures that eat a lot of dairy and meat, and compare those to cultures that eat a lot of rice and fruit.

Regarding cows. There are over 1 billion of them on the planet, and they take way more resources to grow than plants do. On top of that they end up eating a lot of plants for their food, so it's a double hit. Plus all the methane gas they release. There are much more cows on this planet than humans pound for pound.

Exyle, keeps posting steak photos on his blog so I was trying to get his attention. My bad if it was unrelated.

I've been navigating nutritional tribes for over 30 years now because of being delt a bad hand genetically. Been duped into the plant based narrative in the past, and went ovo-vegetarian for a few years untill I discovered new health problems (gum disease) were cured magically by just eating some duck liver once a week. Years later I found out that specific plant foods (legumes and sweet fruits such as bananas) were responsible for headaches and weight issues respectively. Like all diet tribes ever, a vegan diet is mostly narrative that pretty much breaks down when you run the data or run N=1 experiments. I'm not with the whole carnivore diet clan, but the number of people who resolve decades long health problems by eating nothing but water and meat is really telling us the plant based for health is humbug.

As for genetics, we decent from entomophagous proto-primates and we as apes diversified to also eating meat, leaves, roots, fish and fruit. And guess what? Environmental issues faced today can be solved without monocrops and without monocrop fed CAFO meat if we just embrace our entomophagous root. Read the post I linked to.

I'dd suggest we stop polluting Exyles comment section with this off topic sub-thread and move this discussion to that post instead.

i replied to you in the thread that you linked in case you didn't see it.