Playing With Aliens

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Originally posted Jan 5, 2016:

You know how, when a word or concept is newly learned, it seems to pop up everywhere, when previously you “never” came across it?

Well, seems like aliens are everywhere these days. Think about it: Hollywood, TV, board games, video games, books, and toys.

Before I “believed,” all this was just in the category of Science Fiction the same as anything mythological.

But since I’ve seen photos and videos and first-hand descriptions of aliens, specifically gray aliens and Sasquatch, any “make-believe” products with their features or likeness makes my head turn. [my 2018 disclaimer: the following images have not been vetted for authenticity; some may depict PLFs; some are faked; and some are of ETs - I show them as the "source" material for our concept of a "gray alien" rather than a means to prove anything]
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I was flipping through a book made for kids at the local elementary school book fair about monsters - and Gray aliens, depicted as if straight from a photo, were right there alongside the three headed dog and the vampires. Except, the authors had a word of caution to their young readers: if you see a UFO, stay far away…you don’t want to end up getting abducted. Whatever tongue in cheek may have been intended, it did not come across that way to me at all. Did the authors really mean to imbed a very real message to our kids about the dangers of this certain race of extraterrestrial in our midst?

And if not, shame on them for making fun. At the same time I spotted this kids’ book, I was deep into reading the testimonies of abductees trying to sort out who and what was contacting them. And many them were dealing with PTSD from it. Not something to joke about. How long will it be before there really is a line of books helping kids understand that aliens are real and they really do abduct people? Not to mention our government’s inability to contain the runaway deals they made with certain races, which leaves the population vulnerable to their agendas?

Have you noticed the enlarging of eyes and heads going on with toys and animation? Of course there is the biological truth that large eyes and other features in large heads make us think of babies and therefore of cuteness and innocence. But the enlarging of only heads and eyes are too close to the typical Gray features to ignore. Consider these examples:

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What am I saying? I can’t declare it’s a conspiracy or anything; I am only questioning what is behind the decisions of the toy makers to push these limits of human and animal features in this direction. The affects of the ubiquity of large heads and eyes naturally is greater tolerance, even preference, for this look, which therefore lessens the “strangeness” of those races that sport similarly exaggerated (to our human aesthetics) features. I think it serves to inoculate us to extraterrestrials’ alien-ness.

Scientists and graphic artists got together to show a prediction of what our human features will evolve into in the far future - as was featured on various news outlets a while ago:

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And I think in general that is a good thing. It won’t be long - I’m guessing before the end of my lifetime - that the masses will have encountered real live Grays and other races, and it’s not too early to prepare for the inevitable resistance to the “other.” How can other galactic races hope to contact us openly when humans of one color are still shooting humans of a shade different?

Since we established that not all aliens are in rebellion from God (not demonic, in other words), many races remain that are not only “safe” to contact, but are loving brothers and sisters eager to welcome us to the Grand Universe family. Let’s prepare ourselves for this next chapter in the story of our post-quarantine human existence.

June 10, 2018 addendum:

Just for some comparison, here are some toys from a few decades ago (granted, you find what you are looking for, but I think my argument holds that enormous, slanted eyes are a recent trend):

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