ETH Short Term: $1,382

in #eth7 years ago


Short term target for ETH is $1,382 with a Head & Shoulders spotted. This doesn't mean the bottom of the correctio is in necessarily but the Head & Shoulders seems pretty clear and VOLUME CONFIRMS!!

Legal Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.

Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?

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This baby is going to bounce and head higher!

:D lets hope so. Eth, NEO, EOS are all interesting nice to see them all run up again like Eth did last year near Feb/Mar

I need to get back into ETH before I miss the boat... Got out forever ago when it showed no activity..

Short term trades

Looks like a happy face to me!

Yes it does! But why no elliot waves? They say something else, a lower low to come...

Draws smiley faces (haejin), gets 281 votes, lol. I guess comedy is more important on here than realistic, solid analysis!

Your contribution here certainly provided some realistic, solid analysis!

good to hear ETH is heading back up!

Has anyone heard anything about an ETH hard fork on the 19th? Also it seems like Bitcoin is going back up. Did BTC pass a line of resistance up?

Ethereum is garbagio

I hope you're enjoying your BTC fees and transaction times bro..

good analyst @haejin Short-term target for ETH is $ 1,382 with Head & Shoulders look, this is great for helping me great thanks to your good post

How exciting, I grabbed some ETH this morning as things turned into a sea of green. I'm actually aiming for $1400 so we'll see what comes of it. :)

Flagging without reason.@steemcleaners

I'm wondering what message you are conferring

The hidden one. @kimjongpoo

My friend Elliott used Head and Shoulders and waved goodbye to his dandruff!

Hahahah I’m dying 😂

Thanks for the head's up. I'll be watching...

Great So there is no wave 5. Well played haejin!

Si es muy cierto tu análisis, habrá que esperar y ver, los pronósticos son buenos a pesar de la bajada, estoy seguro que la recuperación va a ser buena.

thank you. i always appreciate your analysis
i just bought some ETH

Don’t buy on his recommendation only...

Question is if Bitcoin drops further, will this pattern hold?

Nice analysis on the cryptocurrency.
Planning to get some ETH

I always follow your advice and this post is just amazing

Great analysis @haejin! I recently started using Steemit and I came across your blogs. I appreciate you taking the time to post such helpful information bro. Please check out my blogs and D-Tube videos!!!

YES, for sure. Eth is here to stay - it was 1300 a few days ago too, I'm positive it will reach it 1300. Thanks for the extra bit of confidence :)

Ethereum might well be 2018's Bitcoin at its current rate of increase over the last Q. Crazy movements.

Can't sustain for long. Their blockchain is encumbered. Beware.

I'm aware, but I think there are (potentially) feasible workarounds! Love your content btw. Followed :)

If bitcoin dumps t will all go down with it. Isn't it the same on bitcoin? They should have similar charts at this point. Its funny I dont see it on the chart on binance on the 1 hour chart. I would actually stay with 4 hour chart. My friend showed me the same yesterday on hour hour or 30 mins. if you wanna confirm but it didn't end well. Everything dipped overnight.

Marvelous writing. keep it up dare

Thanks. Looks to me like BTC is also having a head and shoulder.

Should I trade .1 BTC for Eth

Man this dude's insane. Always love his technical analyses on the crypto market. Mind = Blown.

I will take an opposite side here, if for nothing else, then for the sake of playing devil's advocate.

Looking at your chart, volume in this bounce, or say up move, is smaller, which would indicate that volume does not support this up move. Now I will admit, volume is generally in stock market not that helpful, but I'm not sure about crypto world.

Besides I never liked H&S or inverse H&S pattern, it failed me too many times...

Please take a look at MED, thanks!

I'd say it's probable that this little bump of BTC is wave 4 of the 5 wave correction. Wave 5 will be going down to the terminal end of C which could bring everything back down. Just a heads up

ppl need to stfu about @hajein making too much. such much hate. just stfu. Im sure I speak for alot of people.... and if you want to hate him. do it on your posts so we can enjoy his posts and you can advertise w.e you wish. were here to stay and we appreciate everything he does.

Keep up the great work mate! - Never let the haters get to you! - You see something different - You've figured it out!
One day, we shall all learn the secret ;)

Muchas gracias por compartir tus análisis son de gran ayuda

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Just click the link to Join Monetize Coin

Thank you for posting.

It's really unlikely that it will hit $1380. Closer target is actually $800 short term

Hey @haejin, volumes on other exchanges are different...

Could the bottom across the board be in? Looks like reverse head and shoulders on everyone of my coins. Maybe a new flag forming on btc? Maybe an extended flat correction... not this big scary wave 5 deep correction? Got a feeling in my bones a new count is now in play. Will validate many of Haejin's calls on the alts... Which in many places look like a further low would break against TA while a pump is most probable.

Suggest reading this post by someone who offers some good objective warnings and valid points regarding Haejin. Surely, an “expert” with alleged 20+ years experience should have picked up on the obvious bulldozer that was heading towards us if he’s any good. After following for a long time you begin to see the number of completely revised counts he has to do.

Suggest scrolling through the last month and having a careful look at his wave counts and the number of ones which have been fundamentally invalidated by elliott theory since then. Of course, with the constant revisions it makes it seem like he always gets it right. And don’t forget the alternate counts!

Hell, I can predict price direction with 50% certainty, it’ll either go up or it’ll go down. Now let’s make my primary count going up and have an alternate for down. Wallah, my chances of being correct on either my primary or alternate are now 100%. Let’s now throw in a bull market prediction that price will reach higher highs sooner or later, whether it be days, months or years. And BOOM, different pathway same destination. Wow! What do you know. Im never wrong :o !

the new roadmap (including the new ICO modelling) announced for ETH is also helping the price

nobody likes you, leave this beautiful community and take your cash grab, nonsense TA, useless courses and donation links with you. Greedy scam. You've turned into a money horny scam who doesn't care about his content and audience anymore whatsoever. All you want is their sweet juicy upvotes and money.
Summary of your posts: max 10 lines with some crappy arguments explaining your "TA", max 2 pictures with patterns that originate from the stock market (a totally different market), and a whole bunch of copy-paste nonsense filled with links and addresses to squeeze even more money out of his audience.
You're a cockroach in this beautiful crypto community. Abusing the steem system for your own good, selling nothing more than lies.

Come check out my dogecoin analysis: here

Could quickly increase by 164% in the next x amount of time!

Man, you're sad...

Nah, I am fooken happy

This is why im an ETH fanboy, & I will keep on being one until something more advanced comes by.

ETH is going to gobble up serious marketshare this year

Wow, that was a pretty boring and useless post. You are in the wrong venue. You are not a good fit for this community.