ICO EPIK ( The Future of Digital Collectibles )

in #epiktoken6 years ago

EPIK token powers BLMP, the world’s first B2B2C blockchain solution for officially licensed virtual goods. We have been working hard to create a fully functioning product, gaining 1,000+ brands and millions of monthly active users in just under 3 months. A unique feature of this token sale is Collectible Token Rewards – considering we have the main author of ERC-721 on our team and we specialize in ERC-721 collectibles, we thought it would be cool to reward purchasers with collectibles that grant special abilities.

Billions of gamers are part of the virtual goods economy, a market that is worth $15B+ annually1 . Games such as Candy Crush Saga are a proven pipeline for the distribution of digital goods at a rate of more than $2M USD every day2 . As the online gaming and social media spaces continue to grow rapidly, there is an untapped opportunity for digital platforms such as video games, social networks, and messaging services to enhance their product offerings by collaborating with brands to produce branded virtual goods.

The problem with creating a thriving, branded virtual goods marketplace is fragmentation. Today, digital platforms operate as closed-off ecosystems and brands are fragmented operating in silos with little accessibility.. Additionally, when considering licensing agreements, each brand juggles considerably different brand objectives such as geographical location, demographics, licensing fees, marketing power, and attractiveness.

BLMP is solving this complex business problem by creating a vast collaboration network of global brands and digital platforms to facilitate the licensing process. BLMP is uniquely positioned for growth because of relationships with established licensing companies such as Evolution and BDLabs with a combined total of over 1,000+ clients, partners, properties, and brands.

With every passing year, more traditional forms of entertainment struggle for attention while new gamers and social media fanatics are born. There is little doubt about the current and future growth of apps, video games, esports, social networks and messaging services because increased time is being spent online versus offline. The human population is experiencing a transition between the physical world and newly created digital worlds and all of these digital ecosystems have one thing in common which is virtual goods are for sale. These virtual goods don’t physically exist in real life and are contained within digital worlds but these items have meaning to consumers because that is where they are spending most of their time.

According to a recent study, 2.2B gamers worldwide generated $108B in game revenues3 in 2017, of which $94.4B is attributed to digital game revenues. The buying, selling and trading of virtual goods itself is an economy worth over $15B+ annually4 and much sought after items in popular video games like Counterstrike are sold for over $50k USD each

Contrary to popular belief, the purchase of virtual goods is not limited to male “nerds”. In 2014, reality TV star Kim Kardashian launched mobile game: Kim Kardashian: Hollywood targeting teenage girls. Within the game, players could purchase fashion designer items to clothe their personal avatar (in-game persona) to mimic Kim’s luxurious celebrity lifestyle. The top global luxury brands became so engaged that they even created custom fashion pieces specifically for her game and Kim’s game generated $74.3M in its first year and an estimated $200M in 2015’s

So, how can brands, celebrities, or intellectual property holders stay relevant in the digital age and receive new income and royalties from the sale of licensed virtual goods? How can digital platforms increase visibility, enrich product offerings, and get help with content creation?

The ideal solution is to create a platform that empowers customers and gives them the ability to purchase licensed virtual goods online for the same reasons that they make purchases in real life which is to establish status, identity, membership, class and performance.

Additionally, the ideal solution should be able to also facilitate the customer transactions when customers purchase the items to ensure fair compensation between the IP holders and digital platforms involved in creating the item. As the items are sold, the profits should automatically be split based upon predetermined licensing agreements.

Such an ideal solution would expect to create explosive growth in the virtual goods industry. Currently, BLMP believes there is too much friction surrounding deals between brands and digital platforms in the form of inefficient processes, legal paperwork, trust, accountability, and transparency.

BLMP (Blockchain Licensing Marketplace) is a blockchain technology company solving this very complex B2B2C problem by enabling all parties involved to have complete trust within the BLMP network. BLMP is developing the world’s first B2B2C virtual goods marketplace that covers the virtual goods retail supply chain including the creation, tokenization, and provenance of licensed virtual goods.

Around the world, teenagers split most of their time on social networks, video games, or messaging services. With recent breakthroughs in VR and augmented reality, the growth of alternative digital worlds is a reality. Moving forward, new virtual worlds and private ecosystems will rise and fall and will function as the centers of commerce, trade, business, and socialization. According to IDC, the augmentedreality and virtual-reality market is projected to grow from $5.2 billion in 2016 to $162 billion in 20207 . The average American spends 1.5 hours on social media8 and over 5 hours per day on their mobile phone9 . They already spend over 20% of their day consuming content from digital platforms.

This has not gone unnoticed by commercial brands. In 2018, the average firm is expected to allocate 41% of their marketing budget to online, with the hope to sell products in the real world. Of that online advertising budget, 20% of it will be spent on social platforms. They understand the need to be present where their audience is engaged and spending time. Presently, these brands are limited to advertising on these platforms to sell real-world goods and services. Imagine the result if brands all switched to focus on branded virtual goods. Branded virtual goods act as both advertising and an instrument to generate revenue.

Licensed virtual goods have an economic opportunity that is limitless as the constraints of the physical world are no longer present like manufacturing costs, transportation, logistics, administration, and auditing. By joining the BLMP network, we expect global brands will be able to sell their virtual merchandise at a fraction of the cost resulting in both advertising benefits and sales figures on a scale and scope that was previously thought unimaginable.

As new virtual worlds emerge and consume more of one’s time and have a higher priority in day-to-day activities, brands that fail to transition to the digital world will be at a massive disadvantage and may become vulnerable in the very near future.

Token info
Token: EPIK
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Price in ICO: 1 ETH = 2,600 EPIC

Investment info
Min. investment: 0.25 ETH
Accepting: ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC
Distributed in ICO: 50%
Hard cap: 15,000,000 USD

Visit and click on the link for more information!

Website: https://www.epiktoken.io/ Whitepaper: https://www.epiktoken.io/assets/pdf/BLMP_whitepaper.pdf Twitter: https://twitter.com/epiktoken Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EpikToken

Author: vanan

Bitcoin talk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1320086

ETH WALLET: 0x21393098DA15Af830891c2e19A8128169dfDc6C1