Bread of Life

in #en-us7 years ago

1Peter 1:7, "So that your genuine faith, which is more valuable than gold that perishes when tested by fire, may result in praise, glory, and honor when JESUS, The Messiah, is revealed"🙌🏽.
Waiting is a big problem for most Christians today🤦🏽‍♀. Our inability to wait is the cause of most of our problems😐. Most often, we are in a hurry but GOD isn't. See, most of us are in GOD's waiting room and waiting is a matter of trust👍🏽. Sometimes, what we think as No from GOD is actually Not yet😃. Remember that you actually save time by waiting on GOD👌🏽.



"we are in a hurry but God isn't"
This is so true! Thank you so much for this reminder. I really needed it