Today I decided to help anyone out there that is starting to code.
Whats the first thing you should do?
Well, in my opinion it would be best to start with a flow diagram to decide what you need to code in step by step form.
We start off with an oval, this is to show Start/End of you flow diagram
We then move on to a Rectangle to show Input/Output, this shows what values etc. you will be inputting into your coding and what you hope to get out of it.
Thirdly, your process shape, a parallelogram, this shows how you will process the information to give the required result.
Lastly, this one is optional, we get the decision shape, a diamond, this will show a decision in an algorithm. Ultimately it represents a for, while or if statement.
But how would you put this all into a flow diagram?
Lets use this question as an example:
A programme is required to accept a number as an input, double the number if it less than 10, then display the answer.
I hope this helps anyone who is starting to code
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