Ghana Locks Down It’s Major Cities

in #education4 years ago (edited)

The corona virus pandemic is quite new to the African continent in comparison with the Eastern and Western Worlds and whiles it is rampaging across the globe with no respect for the ages or the young, the poor or the rich, royal or ordinary citizen most countries are putting in lots of measures in an attempt to either eradicate the virus from their countries or slow its spread long enough for a cure to be found or made. As at today, the United States is leading the global record with the most recorded or confirmed cases whiles Italy records the most highest death per day yesterday.


In Africa, Countries such as South Africa and Rwanda have locked down their countries completely with military enforcing the order whiles others like Ghana are taking the gradual step in attempt to also salvage the economy and the lives of the paupers who May die from hunger as a result of the lock down even before the virus itself becomes a concern for them.


Ghana closed it boarders to all who May be coming in irrespective of where you are coming from and the last flight that landed on Sunday, 22nd March which had 1030 passengers under mandatory quarantine have had 79 testing positive so far. There have been 5 deaths as at now with 2 recoveries and existing 55 from routine surveillance responding to treatment. The country has also taken measures and have fumigated all major markets in the two main cities which are marked as the red zones because they are the only places where there have been confirmed cases.


The lockdown which was issued by the president in an address on 27th March 11pm focused on these two major cities thus Kumasi and Accra. It one to be described as a partial lockdown as essential service providers are still allowed to operate. Some expert call it a graduated lock down irrespective the important thing is that the government is acting to curb the pandemic. Ministers who were on official duty and have just returned from abroad are under quarantine and more cases are expected to come in as contact tracing for already confirmed cases are ongoing. Africa is the least prepared and equipped to fight this disease? Are we yet to see the worse or they may just survive it? The genes are rumored to be powerful although WHO confirms this as a myth in relation to the pandemic. What happens next? God Save Us All. Stay safe, stay at home and observe all precautionary measures.

upnext, measures to protect yourself from getting infected, what is social distancing? FAQs etc