The Aliens Are Coming, Trump Gets Emails Stolen

in #dtube7 years ago

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Donald Trump getting his transition emails stolen by Robert Mueller, the track record of the FBI within this Russia probe investigation. We get into the New York Times and DOD releasing recently that UFO's do exist with people apart of the program convinced alien extraterrestrial life exists. We also get into Terry Crews a Hollywood whistleblower, the NDAA plus a lot more.

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Do you think we will ever get past this two party system plague, and will we ever get these corrupt career politicians out?

Some real questions for a change.. community needs to speak up more... we are changing the world!

Julian Assange 2020!

Love your videos man. Keep up the great work. Joe Rogan has a speaker (Tom Delonge) on his radio channel that’s talks about aliens and how there slowing trying to present it to the people.

Who whants to meet Aliens on the new year? :D

Meet Trump he is an alien

He is too dumb to be an alien LOL

Great coverage of a range of topics. The more we learn the more questions we have.

Glad you're not signing on with Trump. I thought maybe it was going to be good to have a non career politician, however hes just been doing the regular republican things. I miss when Alex Jones was anti Republican and Democrat. Hes slowly turning into a Fox News 2.0 and just supporting everything the Reps do. Now the Reps pushing to extend NSA surveillance program this month and shanking the little guy with tax plan. Career politicians on both sides are crooked as ever and we need to do something about the 2 party system.

As an Anarchist, I believe its possible to work outside the system with 'Counter Economics'.

Where I live (Goldfields, WA) you can't survive without working for a Corporation.
But we can still find ways to avoid paying taxes. There is an obvious financial incentive to do so.
For example, what if a union or group of workers demand that the company only pay them a minimum wage and pay the rest of their check 'under-the-table'? The employer can add their pay-checks to his own and then pay the workers out of his own pocket.

But then you would also need to take into account the 'worker benefits' that the employer needs to pay for. This would also need to come from his own pocket.

There is actually no legal precedent to pay taxes. It is by voluntary compliance, which we all voluntarily do. You just have to be willing to take on the IRS in court and hope you don't get a corrupt judge and a stupid brainwashed jury.

I live in Western Australia (WA). Here, the 'Payroll tax', also known as withholding tax, pay-as-you-earn tax (PAYE), or pay-as-you-go tax (PAYG), requires that the employer deduct from an employees wage before giving them their paychecks. And the taxes that an employer pays is based on the employee's wages.

I'm not exactly sure how they send it to the "Australian Taxation Office" though.

Australian Taxation Office.jpg

very true ... bold comment

Thank you for mentioning the Yeman/Iran/Isreal/seria/Russia/China/ISIS situation.

Aliens are nothing more than another distraction. They have become so desperate to keep the illusion going they literally (in the days of CGI and digital technology) resorting to UFO and aliens. - I am not dumb enough to believe we are alone, but I don't need, want or care about what the government admits. They are all liars.

Keep your eyes and minds open. Stay awake. The government is only a theatre full of puppets, the masters of said strings are the ones who have been in charge since the 1800's. Power hasn't changed much in the last 200 years. Do some research into who built our infrastructure, agricultural and commuter systems. The same families.

Lots of shady and corrupt deals going on in the private and government sectors. Take a step back and look at what all the pieces make up, the picture is still quite unclear, however the INTENT of their actions have never been more so self-righteously thrown in the faces of the public than it has been for the last 10 years. They will only continue to grow more audacious in their goals.

There is a global narrative, please wake up and cover the bigger picture. The one variable that has historically been a thorn in the side of control and oppression is the will of the vast majority, "The People." The only way to subvert this kind of evil and world changes to come is to wake up the very people they are targeting.

the tiger is showing its stripes

they now attack every potential movement or person capable of starting one at the very beginning, i never believed it until i had to admit it happened to me. with that awareness things can be done, without it, you will be controlled opposition, part of the kabuki. like charlottesville.

Re UFO's: The pentagon is being audited so they are releasing some of the money black holes. The unidentified flying red herrings or Unidentified Fishy Objects.

Mention aliens and suddenly everyone trusts what the government says... The whole UFO, aliens among us nonsense is just a distraction. They know that the majority of people are more likely to believe that aliens are among us than they are to believe that our government funds terrorist groups like ISIS. Even when the latter has much more substantiating evidence.

Aliens are coming? What did Wernher von Braun say about what the last desperate hoax will be? Wasn't it ...Aliens?

I love you, Luke! Best of the best in news.

It SHOULD be an alarm for everybody... and it SHOULD start a stampede to steemit.I still have my facebook account, but when I go there I feel sort of like I do when I have to go to Wal-Mart for something...
Thanks for the appropriate skepticism on the UFO thing. It stinks. Interesting, but smelly.

Like the entro rant. Very clear.

Probably dozens of secret programs, that's why 500 million went unrecorded in pentagon

Yeah Guys we need to make move on him!

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Donald Trump getting his transition emails stolen by Robert Mueller, the track record of the FBI within this Russia probe investigation. We get into the New York Times and DOD releasing recently that UFO's do exist with people apart of the program convinced alien extraterrestrial life exists. We also get into Terry Crews a Hollywood whistleblower, the NDAA plus a lot more.

we are waiting it :)

@lukewearechange...tq for sharing the news keep it up...

Luke, one of the top experts in the UFO field is Dr Richard M. Dolan. Highly educated, well researched, and very grounded. Has written numerous books and is considered by many the most prominent name in U.S. UFO government research. You absoutley need to look him up and if possible, interview him. I cant stress enough how much I respect him and his 25 years of work in the UFO field.

There are no 'aliens' coming. It has been a ploy all along, we have advanced technology that we aren't being told, free energy isn't just an idea but a reality realized by Nikola Tesla and destroyed by our government (for the world anyway, but not the elites).

There is an incredible amount of pressure to suppress the idea that we live on a flat earth, and unless you are willing to engage the debate you will not realize that it is happening.

Here is my post on why I believe the earth is flat...

If I am right, the reason this is being suppressed is

(1) giant money maker - take in billions, give us some cgi
(2) alien invasion - sell the world on aliens, differ accountability of true cuplrits
(3) satanistic cults - spreading confusion and lies to lead the world astry

if you are unaware of the satanic nature of the world elites, i'd tell you to spend some more time researching how they in fact work, because they are, without a doubt, satanic.

Heard the US are spending alot preparing for this "Alien invasion"...while in Nigeria I don't think we care

They are pushing the alien agenda because evolution is failing. Obviously we were created so now they will push the whole created by our alien saviors. Constantly NASA is putting out new planets with possible life within reach. Hollywood has been slowly prepping us for aliens. It’s all a big illusion. These will be fallen angels or demons. There is no space

Tramp cok ciddi duruyor ama

Keep your eyes and minds open. Stay awake. The government is only a theatre full of puppets, the masters of said strings are the ones who have been in charge since the 1800's. Power hasn't changed much in the last 200 years. Do some research into who built our infrastructure, agricultural and commuter systems. The same families.

Lots of shady and corrupt deals going on in the private and government sectors. Take a step back and look at what all the pieces make up, the picture is still quite unclear, however the INTENT of their actions have never been more so self-righteously thrown in the faces of the public than it has been for the last 10 years. They will only continue to grow more audacious in their goals.

There is a global narrative, please wake up and cover the bigger picture. The one variable that has historically been a thorn in the side of control and oppression is the will of the vast majority, "The People." The only way to subvert this kind of evil and world changes to come is to wake up the very people they are targeting.

Harvey Wienie is the right hand of the leftest lobby, as is Hollywood. With every movie produced equates to x amount of new converts to the left.

Thanks for making me aware of this. Greetings from a Britt in Malta. Watch for the Jesuits.

Who cares how he sips water?

We want to meet aliens
If you want to vote in these comment

political connection to Hollywood..
who could deny it?? for that mater
most countries on the surface of earth
have, any one denay ..

human rights.... which politicion or party ever cared it??

this DTube video on "The Aliens Are Cumming..." is Wow really awesome what a video.

Nobody likes the truth.

Great informative post love to meet aliens in the new year

Any one interested in knowing more about extraterrestrial life should look into the Billy Meier case. It's a more... heh, "Down to Earth" case.

Not Terry Crews! He would mess some celebs up!

Hi Luke, hope you are doing well. Regarding the Facebook censorship agenda, I wanted to highlight this post of mine where I took screenshots of my Facebook account being censored in real time. It is quite revealing for those wondering how the censorship is taking place on Facebook. I'm sure a large number of members of your audience are probably having this happen to them now so I wanted to present some evidence as to how it is being conducted. I hope others see this and also begin taking screenshots and recording their screens so we can all work together to more quickly assemble the larger picture of how the Deep State and social media giants are colluding, and how their censorship is being conducted.

My research is primarily focused on exposing war crimes carried out by the global elite and their tools in world governments. I particularly focus on the FSA and White Helmets ruse in Syria, as well as the war crimes of the Ukrainian Nazis since the coup in 2014. I also focus on exposing the censorship agenda, and find it quite ironically obvious, that terrorists in Syria and Nazis in Ukraine seem to be given a completely free pass by these corrupt social media giants. Previously, I also highlighted your excellent video exposing Cass Sunstein as the US censorship czar. Thanks for doing what you do and I hope you check out this Facebook censorship post as it does help show clearly how comments are being marked as spam to hide them from public view.

Link here to the Facebook censorship post:

Link here to the Cass Sunstein expose' featuring your video:

Wow !! Very Nice Post

I am feeling this site freedom sounds so good to the ear !
Thanks for this news i cant stand cable tv news