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RE: As Bitcoin Breaks All-Time Highs Near $18,000 Its Future Has Never Been So Uncertain

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin is a shitcoin now. Ethereum will takeover bitcoin soon if nothing is done about high fees. Dash and litecoin is also much better alternatives.


Disagree-Litecoin is a copycat or a little junior of BTC. Only popular because on Coinbase.


agree with you

LTC has slightly better tech than BTC, but in the end. It's just a BTC clone. If LTC got so popular as BTC is right now. Then LTC would experience the same problems.

And is litecoin ever got the traffic bitcoin has the fees would be same much higher

Fully agree with you... Litecoin is actually pointless...

Yeh it will just run up against the same problems as BTC if it's network activity increases

Seeing as though we are all using Steemit, EOS will take over, Like completely obliterate everything!!

Hope so. I bot some EOS on 0.54$ )))

So did I. At exactly .54 lol.

I'm not too sold on EOS. The coin isn't intended for it's own platform.

bitcoin cash faster.

waited over 1 hour for bch transfer wtf ?
I know handful of other private coins quicker

ETH, Dash & Litecoin have SAME scaleability issues.
BTH - not a real answer too.

BTS - can handle a Visa scale today. So I choose BTS (and Steem, and EOS)

Never heard of BTH?

Monero, Ethereum, Iota.... pretty much anything is better than the current shambles that is Bitcoin.
Not too keen on Dash and Litecoin as they don't really bring anything unique to the table....but are indeed functional as currency.
I also love Steem cos it has an obvious use case and it's superfast and with no fees....though maybe its economics need to be ironed out to make it a contender for the top spots .

Maybe what we really need is a few currencies which don't bring anything unique to the table, which avoids potential cryptokitties dangers and just works;)

Well hopefully with plasma and sharding implemented there will be no impact on the main chain

But maybe Litecoin could be a feasible replacement. It does the job with lower fees. Also, Bitcoin Cash is touted as THE replacement. But I’m not very fond of it. I don’t like most of the Bitcoin Forks, though this one may become very successful just because of its name. I don’t like what it brings to the table. I think the most likely case is that Litecoin will outpace Bitcoin in the future and ethereum will remain a second option in the #2 spot. Ethereum has a lot more potential to go up

IOTA is probably the most promising sleeper coin out there. With the proliferation of the "internet of things" a coin that operates within those transactions will out play everyone in the game. It's likely to take a few more years to fully integrate but once that happens it will skyrocket

Yes. IOTA is a great technology. The Tangle tech compared to the Blockchain is much better. However, it has its problems. As someone pointed out to me, the algorithms they use aren’t fully proven to be exempt from bugs and hacks. But, if the problems get fixed i feel IOTA has a bright future. It will be one of my HODL coins soon

I offer dogecoin as an alternative to bitcoin

I’ve been so adverse to dogecoin because of its name that I know nothing about it. I refuse to get into it. It’s name will drive people away and not take it seriously. I don’t believe this coin will see a top spot in the market

It might still appreciate though.

Pretty much all coins can go up. But a sustainable growth is what most people want to see. Like ripple or dash or some of these other coins that are starting to test the top 3 and make a run for Bitcoins spot

Check out my latest post, it addresses this issue.

Iota it's said to become the currency for the internet of things, just imagine robots paying other robots do to work..including maybe murder, haha :)) crazy times we will live, once the A.I and virtual reality will be fully onboard

I agree and i believe it will eventually loose support from the masses and remain an artifact in the hands of the few rich only. And will see the rise of alternative coins , cheap fast and equally secured.

I do agree ... altru I think Ethereum, Dash and Bitcoin Cash will be the winner ... I do not really understand why people buy Litecoin it looks very over both at this moment ...

Mike Maloney put together a great video about the future of Bitcoin and also how
“Hashgraph” has many of Advantages over bitcoin. Virtually zero wait time and low Power consumption .

DAG-based cryptos are already good (like IOTA or ByteBalls). But hashgraphs is upgrade for DAGs. Cant wait for it's actual implementation

I'd been following Mike Maloney for a number of years on Youtube but then I stopped. Thanks for sharing this. I was curious to know where Mike and the folks at would stand on cryptocurrencies. The second half of the video does kind of sound like a sales commercial for Hashgraph but the first half did a really good job of explaining how Bitcoin and the blockchain work. It's worth taking the time to watch.

thanks for this


Bitcoin is a shitcoin now.

Ummm... I wish I could shit coins that are worth $17K - $18K. LOL!

Some one in core team must wake up ASAP

Honestly, I’m happy just switching over to bitcoin cash. There really is no reason any of us should care about their drama, we should just use that which works best.

I have a transaction with zero confirmations and it’s been 72 hours! I upped fee to $18.00 and it’s still stuck

'Store of value', but their's no way of every retrieving that value. Lol.

That’s the way it’s going sadly

$29.00 tx fee. ‘Nuff Said.

That’s cheap
My last transaction was$ 45.00

Same here, fee has already been 12 bucks!

I transferred $50 BTC the other day from coinbase to bitterex and I ended up paying $15 fee. Whaaaaaat. Shit that is F.......g high fee right there.

I agree its ridiculous . you guys should use its the cheap alternative. basically the same company but with fewer fees and they also dont charge you for transferring between the platforms

I have transferred 400$ BTC and paid 18$ fee. The more you pay the better.

Yes. I don’t mind the high fees because they get my transaction done. I wish they were lower since that was the goal of Bitcoin, but if I need to pay that fee to get my crypto, then I’ll pay it. Bitcoin said it was going to eliminate fees and get rid of the middlemen that plague fiat currency. But the miners have become the middlemen.. and they charge much higher fees than a credit card or debit card or bank in a lot of cases. Bitcoin will explode. But I hope it is headed up way before that happens.

Mine was 33 bucks transfer and 12 bucks fee, ha, and no confirmation yet!

Awesome video.

It’s horrible!

With Monero about to get the multi-signature support, it's looking to be a good option. It will further increase its privacy and pave the way for it being adopted by more platforms.

Monero is even less scaleable than a BTC ((

What crypto has solved the scalability issues completely?

i doubt that...
ADA is the best cypto tech as of December 2017 ... there is nothing better on the blockchain then ADA...
with that said BTC will always be on top ...

What is that? Cardano right? Yeah I believe that has a lot of potential to rise above ethereum, but it may take a while to reach the mean. Good HODL coin though with great daily gains

Totally man! i fully agree! i am really excited about it... it's the same co-creator of Ether... I think it will go high... that and XRP really high hopes for both coins... def a HODL

I think the same, that's why i exchange my coins to Ethereum. I change them to Monero and Iota as well tho. I dont think u can call em shit coins, I'm pretty sure they are going to takeover

Right now, taking into account the high value of BTC is probably a good moment for anyone that has investments to diversify with some altcoins. Not only with the main ones, people should start to purchase/mine some small amounts of the altcoins that are extremely low in value but have a good volume. With a BTC high, even if it doesn't crash we will see some corrections on its value that could be used to gain a porfit in the altcoin exchange.

And always keep some of the interesting alts as long term investments. You don't really need grat amounts of BTC to do this, just around fifty thousand satoshis will do. You never know their value in one year or two.

I really don't get this whole "this coin is shitcoin, that coin is going to take over" talk. If you are talking from a purely speculative point of view, maybe it is. But competition is key in a healthy economy and there is much more to cryptocurrency than its sheer USD value. A lot of alt-coins solve some problems bitcoin has and therefore, puts pressure on bitcoin to become a better coin. Bottom line is, there is no silver bullet, different problems, different solutions.

I don't think so, Ethereum will never takeover bitcoin there is a small chance that Bitcoin cash can takeover but...

But people don't know what Eth is . Bitcoin is the brand which will bring masses to Crypto . It has a long way to go , still only 1% of population are in this game .

People will know in the future. If these alt-coin get too big heights. They will get more media coverage.

Remember, most of the non-coiners have absolutly no Idea about crypto-currencies. Every now and then, the media reports about 'BTC reaches $10.000'. But they don't know much else about it.

The only reason that BTC is getting media coverage, that's because 'it's a good investment, with 1700% returns'. They aren't interesting in the technology behind it. They only care about the potential profits.

So if alt-coins like Steem are getting more profits, they will be mentioned in the media, too.

You make a solid point. That is how I have interpreted it as well. I think they are buying it as an investment and not realizing that it is also a currency... but it leads them to the water that is alt coins.

Well Bitcoin can’t be a currency in its current state. Its not possible. But I also believe that with enough people investing in these cryptos, the prices will stabilize, which would allow for it to be a currency

LTC (litecoin) will exceed the Ethereum coin in years to come. Mark my words.

bitcoin cash much faster than ltc.

Yes I just went ALL IN ON ETHEREUM!!!! I have been in the crypto scene since 2012. I have rode the wave with bitcoin getting in and out at times. I can tell everyone with assurance that Ethereum is headed to be number 1 right now! As soon as people are more educated they are going to see this. I'm telling you RIGHT NOW. ETHEREUM IS THE BEST BUY YOU COULD POSSIBLY MAKE RIGHT NOW BASED ON EVERYTHING I KNOW! Of coarse this is not investment advice. Hold me to this if you want. I am already holding myself to it putting my face to it. Ether is hitting $1500 by new years and $5000 Jan or Feb 2018.. possibly more and I could be off the number could be HIGHER!

Don't predict that Bro!!!!! Etherum can't reach the top again, It will get sucked up again.

@ajith123 ETH is already at peak !!

Bitcoin is the mother of all other coins, if its going high, then other coins going high, if it falls then other coins fall too!!

@davidfar agreed to your point

Bitcoin is pretty shit now - but there is no bubble. I don't think a bubble is possible, maybe just a slow down which is what we're seeing.

@uglygirl BTC is good investment ! only transaction fees are increasing but if you compare to prices it is still very low

Another promising coin is the swisscoin...most of these coins will takeover bitcoin soonest

@raggah on what basis do you feel this happening ? BTC is still dominating #crypto

You have high fees because the people are buying. Bitcoin represent a bitcoin store of value, 50% of marketcap. Also in order to buy altcoins you need to buy bitcoin. Bitcoin will grow as long as will keep the marketcap higher than 50%.

Ethereum is not able to handle much, its running 100% most of the time and its crashed due to multiple ico´s and due to cryptokitties, oh and fees are not far off from bitcoin... I hope more people start to see the value of Bitshares, Steem and Eos soon, just take a look

But many alt coins follow the course of BTC. If BTC drop, alts drop etc. What will happen if all people get into ETH instead? Will Alts follow ETH?

@littleboy gracias senor for your view , i completely agree with your view , high fees definetly killing users nows .. the bigwhales are earning good amount on every BTC transaction , even coinbase bittrex are charging heavily

Hi. @littleboy Nice information. You done great job. This comment is helpful for me. thanks.

I am big on litecoin and monero.

I almost 100% agree with you... These fees associated with it are killing me... If you are not buying huge amounts and trading, you end up losing majority of what your trying to trade smdh!!!

its so true man...i opened a wallet and bought bitcoin worth $64.4 using bitpesa and only received $50 thats about $14 lost in fees at this rate fewer and fewer people are going to transact wtih bitcoin this may lead to its price dropping. Dogecoin and Iota are the cryptocurrencies to watch, I agree Ethereum is going to replace bitcoin

I’m starting to agree. I’ve got a Blocktrades transaction waiting a day to process. Not happy.

@littleboy think little as well. I guess BTC will surely cross 400k$ till 2020. Bet with me.

It IS tough to know exactly where to put your money. But, I posted a video about the perfect portfolio. There is a good solution to this.

YES! I just went ALL IN ON ETHEREUM! I have been in the game since 2012. Road many waves in Bitcoin. Ethereum is headed to 1500$ by new years eve $5000 by Jan or Feb. This is going to be INSANE growth. A soo as people are more educated. I seriously put everything I have in. EVERYTHING. Never has it been set to soar so high it will be going MUCH higher then 5k as well MUCH MUCH MUCH. Hold me to it if you want! I am putting my face to it. I am THAT certain!

@littleboy you are absolutely little boy , totally disagree with your comment