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RE: D.Tube 0.5: Big Optimizations

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

The Dtube devs aren't the ones posting pirated stuff. Of course they should be rewarded for their work.
Your comment seem to be based on the premise of pirating being immoral.
But many disagree with that premise.
Your comment is very subjective.


Disagreed with you completely. DTube is amazing, still slow compared to the mainstream rip off Youtube who does not pay a single penny to its users rather than they selected Youtube stars. Agreed with you in the subject of original content creators but the film industry make billions every single day, let the pirates earn some bucks...Or are you the world Saviour, detective?

Hi, I just wanted to say hi and wish you merry christmas. Also a big thank you for keeping me on your auto-voter.

So I guess those people who think there is nothing immoral about pirating would not think it immoral if I stole their car or any other of their property I think I might want to sell or use.

So you feel it's perfectly fine to upload a movie and make money off it? That's weak man.... Freebooting fucking pathetic mentality

Pirating isn't good in the societies we live in. Only because copywrite was created...... You know? That jumble of bold letters coded onto a screen which you pair meaning to?
Content should be free. Probably not the content that you find pre-2009 but everything thereafter should be free. Society develops as fast as those who run it. Look at bitcoin, doing its lunges. The money is moving and the companies will follow. They will deal with it all and a resolution will come to play in time. - look, the fence isn't that bad. Calling the glass a container with liquid is the same as saying its half full. or half empty..
also @diskidomain those words wont get you far here. What are your honest thoughts on constructive criticism?

Here for the discussion, not the argument

The whole point of the Blockchain is to protect content fairly I believe. But now sites like this are going to make the issue worse? No thanks, won't be a part of it. I will stick to Youtube then and feed the giant I hate rather...@kodieamos - thanks for the reply. Sorry man but I don't feel original content creators should feel obliged to work 100's of hours on work and then some douche thief comes along and steals thier work and monetizes off it! That's the issue here. If ORIGINAL content creators got rewarded for their original work, the ecosystem would thrive. Instead, we have little runts sitting and waiting to steal content daily. These same runts like Ladbible have massive followings and obivously get better reach or engagement. That is simply unfair! No two ways to look at it. It shouldn't be about the money, but when you see thieves profiting off your hard work, it's disgraceful. I have had this happen to me multiple times. I am a creator and to see my original work get stolen and then viewed 14 MILLION times by some theif scum account, I have every right to be upset.

If Dtube welcomes the pirates and the thieves, then do they welcome child porn and ISIS beheading videos and things of that nature too?

"Pirating isn't good in the societies we live in. Only because copywrite was created...... You know? That jumble of bold letters coded onto a screen which you pair meaning to?
Content should be free. Probably not the content that you find pre-2009 but everything thereafter should be free. Society develops as fast as those who run it."

Stealing cars isn't good in the societies we live in. Only because theft laws were created...... You know? That jumble of metal which you pair meaning to?
YOUR car and all of your belongings should be free for anyone to use. Probably not if your car is pre-2009 but everything thereafter should be free for anyone to use. Society develops as fast as those who fuck it up!