Cryptocurrencies Help Expose How Fragile The Global Economy Truly Is! - Jerry Robinson Interview

in #dtube7 years ago

Jerry Robinson of is our guest in today’s interview, as cryptocurrencies reach $500 billion in market capital we discuss the transfer of wealth from the debt based fiat economy to digital assets and the ongoing monetary revolution.

We also look at a bubble in every aspect of the financial system and break down how fragile the economy of the West truly is.


05:35 Undervalued investments
07:50 The entire world economy is experiencing a bubble
15:20 “Cryptocurrencies are the monetary revolution”
21:30 How fragile is the global economy?
28:05 Where to find out more expert insights from Jerry

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Original Release on & YouTube 2017-12-14

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The next crypto bubble will pop the dollar!

It's been a long time coming. I think the only reason usd has not popped yet has been due to lack of an alternative.

there are no bubbles in cryptocurrencies. bubbles are impossible in this new paradigm. cryptocurrencies having any relation with the death of the dollar is fake news and will be used a scapegoat to ban the use of decentralized currencies for the argument of the federal reserve crypto.

The Blockchain is actually changing people's lives.
I'm truly grateful that this technology exists.

Amen to that @bitton!!! I am new here and a bit curious, what other cool crypto-projects besides steemit do you think is going improve our lives in the future?

Right on @bitton it's changing lives and a lots of lives are in the process of changing and so many have no clue. I had no clue about three weeks ago until I first heard @bluerocktalk mention it on a national radio broadcast. Here is also an interesting thought in the same vein in how the NEXT GREATEST TRANSFER/CREATION OF WEALTH...

«Will the blockchain create a world where all our mistakes are inscripted forever and can be used against us if needed?» - «Let's prevent that!»

Thanks for discussing global economy through Cryptocurrency.

dtube blockchain cryptocurrency usdollar money
all this tag very good

Another good opportunity that you guys might wanna check out is salt.Just did a write up on it and why i think its good.Cheers!

salt is one of my altcoins that is climbing up on the market

I've got loads in my cupboard.

I like the Performance of Salt , but not the idea behind it.

Lost me when he said he had a portfolio of "6 cryptos that are less the $2". Sounds like a real good deal bro. Maybe I should buy up Kittehcoin. That shit is only $0.000013. Best deal ever.

For real though some of this interview was actually good.

We've already seen the largest transfer of wealth thanks to the baby boomers. Now with crypto we are finally taking it back HODL!

your posts are very informative.
I like your information@crushthestreet is great article

I like it

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9 years since: The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks

Think we'll see more bailouts, this system cannot go on forever. Meanwhile crypto keeps rising.

Let's take advantage of the bubble, if it is a bubble that is :)
Here's my take on Einsteinium coin:

Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 23.41.30.png

Muy bueno tu artículo, este tema realmente me apasiona!

I wonder what the Rothschilds think of this. Will they try and fail to stop it? or will they join it?

Excited to see where Blockchains will take us.

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Thanks for giving us information. :)

Nice post dear and it is rewarded so enjoy the reward
i followed you so pls vote back on

my only regret is that I started so late. I wish I would have started earlier. As it is I am still very new to this and still trying to figure it all out. Thank you for the information you are posting on here.

This is why I get so upset when people who flat out do not understand crypto think the whole thing is going to somehow explode and go away.
Great stuff.

This is the first time, after many tries, that I understand how cryptocurrency works. It makes much much more sense to me now. Thank you for this.

lets see, what will happen to the world banks?

Thanks Jerry for share your valuable views.

Im really new to CryptoCurrency and wish that’s I could live long enough to see the real end of national currency and the hold governments have over society. The illusionary cash we all strive for by working for others is how we’re all ‘controlled” it seems.
I see that there is a movement towards a “cash less society” which I see as giving the big banks, corporations and government a tighter grip on our freedoms (or lack of freedom). CryptoCurrently truly “de-nationises” money or more correctly value and that is something we can or should get on board with.
I gotta admit that at 60 years old and a newcomer, I don’t really understand how Crypto is going to work and how Sterling, Dollars, Yen and such currencies will be supplanted with Crypto; but here’s to it :)

Not sure if this can answer your Q, but I'm new to crypto like you, and I decided yesterday to investigate and write about national e-currencies, a fast-growing trend. There are already a couple countries that have created national cryptos, but it looks like many countries are planning to run cryptos alongside their existing paper currency, at least at first (for example, Sweden is considering that). Here is a link to my article that might explain a few things:

Thanks for your opinions about global economy through Cryptocurrency.

Blockchain changed my live, i don't live by the river ANYMORE!!!!! :)

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Crazy times! Lets hope this is a great year for crypto bring on 1 tril market cap!

The blockchain is clearly THE future in the crypto technology world. It is also an amazing opportunity that is being popularly used for crowdfunding as well.
Thanks for the discussion!

it's literally crazy how so many of these gurus know so little about political economy. we've always had debt based financial systems even with commodity currencies. The exchange rate for countries were actually more stable in near term under Gold but when there was volatility you could easily see 30% moves which is too much for a currency system: check the lira in the 1990s, Franc in 2015, etc. And this is based on systems that tried to give the relative exchange parity that crypto people want (since they complain about inflation etc etc). The whole idea that debt is bad is so idiotic given that the global economy and national account balances operate in a quasi-zero sum environment. You always have countries that export more or import more. Cryptos will not change this just as the Euro didn't change the cost of adjustment between Greece and Germany. There are already loads of examples of countries with no Sovereign monetary policy: Hong Kong, Eurozone, etc. I love cryptos but this doomsday stuff is the reason why crypto suffers from a lack of mainstream adoption.

I'm wondering when this crypto crash will happen and if by the time it happens if it'll even bring things down to the levels they are at now.

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