The Crisis of Science

in #dtube6 years ago


In recent years, the public has gradually discovered that there is a crisis in science. But what is the problem? And how bad is it, really? Today on The Corbett Report we shine a spotlight on the series of interrelated crises that are exposing the way institutional science is practiced today, and what it means for an increasingly science-dependent society.

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I thought I would share this TED Talk James did in 2014 just in case you all have not seen it. @corbettreport is amazing! Thank you James.

Thanks for sharing.

It is so bad, that i can factually say that everything i learned in college science classes is wrong. EVERYTHING.

Corbett, one of the few big names in alt media smart enough to use the Steemit platform. Salute. Awesome video as always my friend.

I think all the self-declared pro-science, pro-vaxxers & global warmists are digging their own grave. Let them.

Unfortunately this affects us ALL. We are not an island. We are ALL connected not just b/c we are bodies, but thru energy.

Is the "water memory effect" a hoax also? This was supposed to be discovered by a Nobel prize winner. If anyone has credible infofmation concerning this study, please share here for posterity. Thank you.

Pseudoscience...There is an institutional control, and modern science has more political than scientific character.

One of the hardest hitting episodes yet. For whatever reason, people don't regard scientists as human beings who are susceptible to every kind of temptation that anyone else is susceptible to. Throw in a system that rewards dishonesty and loyalty above honesty and integrity and the result is what we see today. Bravo, James.

Great video & information James.

Thank you so much.

I knew it was a corrupt system, I just didn't understand all the ways & reasons for the corruption.

It's worrying but know I think. This is the problem when corporations are given control and power. A system where no one company has global control is urgent needed 💯🐒

We do have to stop treating scientists as GODS . They’re sheeple . They’re bought and paid for mouth pieces of the establishment . RATS 🐀 ❗️

Great video. I have always remained skeptical towards totally embracing science and I am glad I was able to watch this video to understand some of the real problems that exist. I am not against science, but against those that think scientific research is the only one way to perceive reality and you must disregard everything else.

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