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RE: Drama that dreamt itself into being (original poetry)

in #dsound7 years ago


Emboldened by your permission to speak outside the poem, dear Daniel, I will say that I appreciate your taking up the challenge to write in simple language. There are great, plain-spoken poets, like Frost or Dickinson, Larkin or Cavafy, that manage to say a great deal using small words.

Also, I smiled at your comment about the lucky ones, intuitives, who perceive, and receive knowledge, intravenously-- directly into the bloodstream, so to speak. (I believe Madame H.P. Blavatsky knew a thing or two about that ;)

Thank you, for your latest ode to existence. I've just posted a piece about the role of the artist to remind us of the Beauty & Mystery of life, and I hear echoes of this in your poetry. May we never lose a sense of holy awe _/|_