Thank you dear 🤗🤗 I love you too for always been such a spark of light on hive.
I was just hard to plan a frictional vacation for two of the most important people in my life when I wish they had lived longer so in time I could at least have done something for them, was a bit young when they both passed
In all honesty, whatever I am today and end up been tomorrow will be thanks to my father's foresight 😊 thank you so much for your compliments 🙏
that's what you don't realize.
you have done EVERYTHING for them.
What do you think parents want more than anything? To know that their children are achieving all that they have fought to give them.
and you are. and they are so proud of you Princess.
So you writing this post IS what they wanted. :) it's not about the trip. It's about honoring them. and you did!!!!
They read it with all of us - and they are probably doing this and more in heaven!
Well done!