  • 스팀 코인판 커뮤니티를 이용해주셔서 감사합니다.
  • 2019년 10월 15일부터는 스팀코인판에서 작성한 글만 SCT 토큰을 보상받을 수 있습니다
  • 스팀 코인판 이외의 곳에서 작성된 글은 SCT 보상에서 제외되니 주의 바랍니다.
  • Thanks to everyone who continues to participate in SteemCoinPan community.
  • From Oct 15, 2019, we will provide SCT rewards for postings published on SteemCoinPan.
  • You won't get SCT rewards at all if you create a posting on other Steem Dapps after Oct 15, 2019.

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If the downvote is against abusive content, for example scam and spam.
Some people tend to downvote others without any reason. That is not right.

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  • No

Only if the person is doing it because they don't like the creator rather than their content being stolen or any other actual offense.

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  • No

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  • No

Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade for newcomers in the following category:Congratulations @steemlondon!

  • Comments - Ranked 6 with 11 comments

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  • No