What happened Tuesday at YouTube HQ?

in #dmania7 years ago

How is it that it seems that none of the major current events seem to have simple explanations?

The above screen capture was found at the AfricanSeer site. It was originally part of Nasim Aghdam's own website, which has since been taken down along with her various YouTube and Instagram accounts.

There will be several article links at the very bottom of this article for those who want to look at the information I have looked at preparing to write this.

It seems that Ms. Aghdam's father called police on Monday to report her as missing after several attempts to contact her by phone had not been returned over the weekend. Early Tuesday morning, her car was spotted by police parked on the side of the road. After investigating, police report being told by Aghdam that she had run off for a few days due to a family disagreement. It was determined that there no were serious issues involved the situation. The connection with the missing persons report was made and, around 2 am, police notified the father that she had been located. The father then claims that he told police the his daughter was angry with YouTube and that he thought that might be where she was headed.

It has been reported that Ms. Aghdam stopped by a gun range later on Tuesday morning before heading to YouTube headquarters. She entered an outdoor courtyard in the center of the YouTube complex around 1 pm during lunch. This was a publicly accessible area near a parking area. One man and two women were hit by gunfire. The man remains in the hospital in serious condition and both women were treated and have since been released from the hospital.

Initially, the police indicated the the man was a boyfriend, but later said that Aghdam had no connection to any of the victims. As the event unfolded, it was reported that a YouTube exec's Twitter account was hacked and fake info was tweeted out. There was also a man interviewed live during the event by a Fox TV reporter who claimed to have seen a woman being shot close range 10 times. It now appears that did not happen.

There have also been several news outlets who have continued to refer to this as a mass shooting. For me, with only three victims, only one of which is still hospitalized, what happened seems to fall short of a mass shooting. There was also a possible mention of the event in a recent Qpost although it is uncertain if that was about the YouTube incident or Parkland. Assuming it was related to the YouTube shooting, some 8-chan anons  have put out information indicating that one of Aghdam's family members had been arrested in 1999 for "Attempted Lewd Act W/Child Under 14". There is also a suggestion that Aghdam may have been part of an "MKultra'd family" Is it possible this was intended as an actual mass shooting? Perhaps Ms. Aghdam's strong vegan orientation overcame any programming she might have had causing her to kill herself before creating a large death toll? I don't know what happened. I'm only trying to find possible ways to tie things together. There is still a lot that needs to be learned.

As it is, Nasim Aghdam does not fit the standard "gun control " shooter narrative. So, if this was a 'programmed' event rather that a just a single person's action, what was the purpose? I have seen many suggestions, but only one of them makes sense to me. It has been suggested that the reason put forth that Aghdam was angry that YouTube had demonetized her account was intended to be used by YouTube in the future. It might be intended to be used to show that the people being censored by YouTube are actually crazy and dangerous, rather than just holding non-approved opinions.

In any case, Wednesday night Tucker Carlson gave a satirical  commentary about the Main Stream corporate media's Double Standard, how this incident didn't fit the typical gun control 'talking points' causing them to downplay it rather than push it. That video is embedded below and article links will appear below the video.