What Facebook's Cryptocurrency Means: 6 Predictions

in #dlike5 years ago

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Facebook's cryptocurrency, which it will announce shortly, could be a powerful force for good in developing countries. Facebook will likely pay interest to its users. It's likely to become a powerful force in capital markets, to raise all kinds of regulatory issues, and it also to benefit bitcoin.

This article is quite a detailed in depth look at the currency that FB will soon launch. I understand that for crypto purists, FB is evil and this won't be a pure crypto. There is a huge amount of distrust of anything to do with FB.

Setting all that aside, I personally think that this has the potential to make a big impact on the world, reshaping the global financial framework in a big way. Pretty much every crypto project has started with a "product" (for want of a better word) and then tried to find people to use it. The difference with FB is that they have the people, billions of them. Encouraging an existing base to use something is a vastly different prospect than trying to find people to use something.

I am fascinated to watch this play out, and see what I think will be a dramatic shift in global financial power take place.

Interesting times ahead. Do click through to the article as it is well worth the read in my opinion.

Thanks for reading and have a great day everyone,


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Wow yes very interesting to see how this plays out.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think its going to be much bigger than many people realise.

Posted using Partiko Android