<p dir="auto"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Last post, I talked about how you can <em>get data from the blockchain.<br />
For some applications that might be all you ever need.
<p dir="auto">But maybe you want to <em>store something <em>on chain.<br />
For example: you want to make a vote:
<p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="mouthpiece.png" srcset=" 1x, 2x" />
<h3>Python broadcast
<p dir="auto">Assuming you have <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Beem installed, the easiest way to vote for this post would be:
<pre><code>from beem import Hive
hive = Hive(keys=['yourpostingkey'])
account = 'youraccount', account=account, identifier='@felixxx/a-hacky-guide-to-hive-part-21-yo-broadcast')
<p dir="auto">While this may be a neat example of how to do get the job done, it's not the best way to go about it.<br />
I just wanted to come in hot and start with a working example.
<p dir="auto">Clearly you could improve this code a lot, but before that, the most important here:<br />
For it to work, there must be a private key stored in the code itself. That's not good. That's not safe.<br />
There are many different ways to make this safer and I will adress some, but for now:
<h3>System Design
<p dir="auto">This may be a <em>hacky guide, but I don't want to write a <em>shitty guide.<br />
The first line of defence against vulnerabilities and errors is to adress them at system design level.
<p dir="auto">You could go ahead and write a long script that looks something up on chain and then reacts to events somehow and broadcasts a transaction, and loop over all this somehow...<br />
You could automate something on chain like this. That approach works and I've seen it and done it.
<p dir="auto">If you aren't careful, you will end up with a pile of spagetthi code with your keys somewhere inside of it, though.
<p dir="auto">I am not the right guy to write a guide on system design, but I'll not just hack away, either.<br />
I don't want to just post code snippets. I will lace in the design principles, that I have settled on.
<h3>Python limitations
<p dir="auto">Leaving design and safety aside: if you look at this stuff with only your Python hat on, eventually you will run into a wall. There are problems that are very hard or impossible to solve, if you try to do everything in a single script.
<h2>user broadcast
<p dir="auto">If you want to have <strong>users input something, Python is in most cases the wrong toolbox.
<p dir="auto">First of all: if you don't have to, you shouldn't be involved in the signing of other people's transactions. In <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">the documentation it says:
<p dir="auto">By utilizing Authenticating services, you can eliminate or give more confidence to user, so they are assured their keys are safe. They can securely interact with your application, website or service.
<p dir="auto">So, right out of the gate: I don't want to touch anyone's keys.<br />
And if I don't have the keys, this whole Python-side signing stuff is useless.
<p dir="auto">The good news: You can just hand over those responsibilities to a third party.<br />
That makes your life easier and the final application safer.
<h3>Custom User Client
<p dir="auto">I need to be careful here to not overuse the expression <em>client.<br />
In the last post, I talked about writing your own <em>custom client for Hive.<br />
That was in Python, and like I wrote above, this can do a lot of things and get you quite far.
<p dir="auto">But you may also want to build your own <em>custom user client, that allows your <strong>users to broadcast to the blockchain, without you being directly involved in signing process. In this case it is easiest to just leave the Python environment and use javascript instead.
<p dir="auto">If you want to just stay in Python, and don't plan on making user interfaces, the next part might seem useless at first. I am trying to make a point though. Please bear with me...
<p dir="auto">As an example, I created a really simple game.<br />
It only has one move: an empty custom transaction on the Hive blockchain, of the type 'YO'.
<h3>Code Example with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Hive Keychain
<pre><code><!DOCTYPE html>
<button id="yo_button">YO</button>
let yo_button = document.getElementById("yo_button")
yo_button.onclick = () => {
null, 'YO', 'Posting', '{}', 'YO broadcast', (response) => {
<li><p dir="auto">save as <code>yo.html
<li><p dir="auto">you <strong>need Keychain browser extension installed<br />
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">for chrome<br />
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">for firefox<br />
you <strong>don't<span> want the SDK or anything else from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">
<li><p dir="auto">you will have to <strong>serve this somehow, otherwise keychain won't work.<br />
From <strong>inside the directory, which <code>yo.html is stored in:<br />
<code>python -m http.server -b 8080
<li><p dir="auto">Alternatively, in Visual Studio Code, try <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Live Server
<li><p dir="auto">For other <em>requests: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">The part of keychain's documentation that you actually need
<p dir="auto">If it all went right, you can now make a <em>move.<br />
Follow this url:
<h4><span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">
<p dir="auto">Result looks like this:
<p dir="auto"><span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">
<p dir="auto">Now you have a <em>custom user client in javascript.<br />
It's extremely simple, but it's unique. 🦄<br />
As far as I am aware, only I have ever made a <code>YO <em>on chain.<br />
It's a minimalistic game that only I have played so far, and that has no goal, but<br />
Maybe you want to join...
<p dir="auto">Next episode, I will demonstrate how to <em>observe a <code>YO live.<br />
That will end with a <code>YO client in Python, which I can later build a <code>YO API on.
<p dir="auto">Don't worry! I will connect all the services later.<br />
What I want to emphasize: Even though these <em>services and <em>clients can all work as parts of the same <em>system, they each do fundamentally different jobs.<br />
Looking up Hive blockchain data is a different procedure than broadcasting to the chain.<br />
I will keep this stuff apart on the system level side of things.
<p dir="auto">This comes with the immediate benefit, that I can work on them separately.<br />
I mean: the broadcasting part of the client already fully works.<br />
Anyone can now <code>YO in 15 lines of code.
<p dir="auto">Maybe someone wants to even upload this html to their webserver. 😬
<p dir="auto">Anyways, to build things like this is probably best described as <em>microservice architecture.<br />
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Here's a video, that I found eye opening and entertaining. Please watch, if you haven't already.
<h3>Get and Set
<p dir="auto">If you are coming from traditional game- or web-development this might apear unusual or complicated. You might try to view these things as <em>get and <em>set methods; If you don't need to broadcast any other transactions than your own, you could even get away with treating it that way.
<p dir="auto">While you can access a lot of blockchain information like you would a REST API or something, A Hive broadcast is much different than a <em>set method, though.<br />
That may make some stuff seem more complicated, but it comes with advantages:
<p dir="auto">If you want to build anything that requires users to have an <em>account, you will have to enter the world of <em>user authentication. If you've ever touched the topic before, you know how that can be a huge pain. If not, then google it. There are huge libraries dedicated to user auth, password hashing and whatnot.
<p dir="auto">Maybe all the above sounded complicated and you don't understand what I am trying to get at. Maybe you can't (at this point) appreciate, how the above demonstration entirely eliminates the need for any authentication measures on your end...
<p dir="auto">Let me tell you: It's a big deal. That just solved a big problem with no effort. You don't need any infrastructure, no user tables...<br />
A lot of stuff just happened <em>en passant.<br />
I tried leveraging Keychain and Hive's protocol to do the heavy lifting.
<p dir="auto">Maybe <a href="/@brianoflondon/hive-has-the-best-log-in-and-authentication-system-on-the-internet">this post explains it better.
<h3>Hive Blockchain
<p dir="auto">I will expand on all this in further posts, but for now:
<p dir="auto">Trying to build anything directly <em>on chain (for Hive) comes at a price. It has strict limitations.<br />
But if you stay inside this framework, you can build amazingly cheap and tight applications.<br />
<sub><strong>the rhymes!
<p dir="auto">I may have left a lot of threads open with this post.<br />
I hope that with a few more posts, it will all come together.
<p dir="auto">Maybe all the above wasn't news to you.<br />
Maybe this post was to much talking and to little action.<br />
But I have to go over some fundamental concepts for the rest to make sense.<br />
I'll try sprinklig in useful code examples - maybe that can keep some of you interested, or attract new readers.
<li>This is a work in progress and subject to change.<br />
With this one, I am really not sure, if I didn't try too much...
<li>I appreciate feedback - it could help me a lot, but:
<li><strong>please try to not comment 'That's not right' without further explanation.<br />
At least provide a link or something.
<li><strong>please don't just come up with questions just for the sake of it.<br />
I am trying to publish something helpful here, work <strong>with me please.
I was thinking to use Hive SQL instead of the python. Did you use it also?
Like I wrote in the previous post:
It depends, on what you are trying to do...
For this guide, I won't use HiveSQL, no.
You could use this guide to build your own, custom HiveSQL, though...
Hope that helps.
Thanks, yeah, mostly crunching some numbers, so I will check out SQL first.