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RE: Why Depression is Not Reality

in #depression7 years ago (edited)

Yes I agree, the darkness can feel very real and can be a literal thing that shadows every aspect of life itself, can I ask what sort of spirituality helped you at when you were feeling like this? What helps me often is just feeling a connection with everything that exists, remembering I am just part of things, make you remember perspective. :-) Yes Jim Carey is pretty cool, he seems to have been through the mill but much wiser for it :-)


Hi George -- I didn't see this under my 'responses' or I would have missed it if I didn't come back to this article. I'm eclectic spiritually, so it's difficult to pick out any one thing. I have found that most religions/philosophies have some very similar, basic intrinsic truths behind them. When I was at my worst depressive wise, it was digging deeper into Hinduism and Buddhism, plus I had some profound spiritual experiences. In some ways, it came to me! I did chakra work too. Now, I'm pretty much a mixed bag spiritually. I agree that it helps to know that we are a part of a whole, bigger picture that is eternal and infinite. For sure our difficult experiences in life can transform us spiritually.

Yes I would agree with all of that, difficult experiences definitely alter how we perceive reality and from a spiritual point of view too :-)

What is chakra? I have read a lot recently about buddhism it seems to have huge amounts of wisdom in its teachings and is very interesting but like you I am generally open to all sorts of different ideas, from a spiritual point of view it seems insane to pick one thing and go with that as it seems unlikely that the entire universe could ever be so narrow, I would love to learn to meditate actually but my mind is so busy I find it very hard to get it to shut down.

Thanks for your reply :-)

I would be interested to see what you think of my 2 latest posts I wrote today about mental health, would be really good to get your feedback :-)

Hi George -- try 'universes' plural. According to string theory there are endless ones. I love theoretical physics. Chakras are seven spiritual centers located within the human body that directly affect our body functions and spiritual well-being. It stems from Hinduism but parallels with many other beliefs, such as Kabbalah and Edgar Cayce, to name a few. If you 'google' it there is tons of information about it. I used to teach it therapeutically and I am planning on posting some of my own articles about it soon. I always had trouble calming my over-active mind too. It took me years to get to a point where I can now. That's why guided meditation helped me a lot as opposed to self-guided. The ones that emphasize breathing are most beneficial. When we breath calmly and smoothly the mind and body are soothed and relaxed by it. There's lots of guided meditation/breathing exercizes on youtube. I'll take a look at your posts soon!

That is very interesting, I will look this up and read more about it, do you have any tips about meditation? I can manage to do breathing exercises when I am calm to a certain extent, but I really struggle with meditation, all the ones I have listened to are soothing voices talking about being on a beach somewhere and they actually stress me out more, do you know any good videos or podcasts or apps for this? Or what method do you use?

It happened to me too. Some of the guided meditations had a scene that actually started upsetting me. For example there was one on top of a cliff looking out over a beautiful scene but I have a fear of heights and that started making me feel panic. I just stop the meditation when that happens. It's a matter of finding what works for you. There were ones about 'healing your inner child' that worked for me. Try those on youtube by googling it. I recommend you read my article on the 'Chakras'. You may find something helpful there.