DeepOnion TOR Wallet: How to Backup & Import Wallet Data

in #deeponion7 years ago

DeepOnion TOR Wallet: How to Backup & Import Wallet Data

This tutorial will go over the simple process of backing up and importing your wallet data. It is recommended to backup as often as possible, but especially when a significant change in wallet data occurs (i.e. good sized transaction). Failure to backup wallet data could result in loss of tokens in the case of local hardware failure or corrupt wallet.

Backing Up DeepOnion Wallet

  1. In the wallet menu bar, click “File” > “Backup Wallet”
  2. When the Backup Wallet dialog box appears, save the file to whichever destination you want. It will save in a .dat format. For tutorial purposes, we will save this file to the Desktop with the name wallet.dat.

You have successful backed up the wallet information.


  1. Create backup folder and create folders to contain wallet data organized by date
    a. (Example: Backups/7.18.17/)
  2. If you have multiple wallets that you wish to backup at the same time, name files by token name
    a. (Example: ONION.dat, ABC.dat, etc.)
  3. Save Backup folders to encrypted drive and encrypted thumb drive

Importing Backup

  1. Close any running instances of the DeepOnion Wallet
  2. Open any file explorer and type in the search bar “%appdata%” and press enter
  3. Navigate to the DeepOnion folder, notice in this folder you see a “wallet.dat” file
  4. Select your previously saved backup file and copy/paste into the DeepOnion directory overwriting the original file.
  5. Open DeepOnion wallet, wait for wallet to sync, and now you have successfully imported a backup file.

Good Post!
Thanks for sharing.@sowellsvt

Thank you!

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