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RE: The HumanBot Curator Incubator & Link Drop v2.1

in #curation7 years ago

If you focus on the amount of effort that a post took to write and try to make some correlation to post payout, Steem is going to be a frustration to you. This is not a blogging platform, it is a social media network. The amount of post payout depends almost entirely on the amount of time and effort the post author has put into engaging with other users in the social media network; making quality posts helps of course, but it is a MUCH smaller factor in this equation than the engagement with the social media network. The number one mistake I see people making when new on platform is to spend all their time and energy writing posts (and seeing very little reward for it) when time and energy spent reading and honestly/thoughtfully commenting on other poster's posting is more important to build up the network needed for success.

As far as the post you linked, I am reasonably sure it is plagiarized from a French language source but have not been able to prove that yet. You will note that all the images are French language and no source is given for the images. The language usage feels like auto-translated English version of a foreign language piece - there are some funny word choices that I don't think would have happened if this was just a poster who spoke English as a second language. Leaving aside the question of originality, a factual post like this needs to cite sources. Those images, which are definitely not the original work of the poster, need to be sourced. Sources need to be listed for the factual claims. I personally don't support science posting with upvotes if it does not meet this very minimal bar of citing sources for all material that is not the original work of the post author.
