HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #209

<div class="text-justify"><center><b>Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!<br />This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.<br /><br />It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.<br /><br />Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.<br /><hr /><h4><code>Highlighted Posts:<table><th><center><h5>Curated By:<th><h5><span><a href="/@theinkwell">@theinkwell<tr><td><div class="phishy"><center><br /><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><br />Community: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">The Ink Well<span>Author: <a href="/@trudgencia">@trudgencia<td><center><b><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Paint by Numbers - a short story<div class="text-justify"><blockquote>Paint By Numbers The method she worked out over the years was by no means easy. The research alone took weeks pouring through websites and visiting museums, she had to know who had what was public knowledge, and what was not known. She had to know the right kind of people, the kind that knew things, above all how not to talk and who would work when and where they were expected, she had to find buyers and not just any buyers but the kind that had money and taste, but they could not be too smart or ask too many questions. forging artwork was not easy ...<tr><td><div class="phishy"><center><br /><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><br />Community: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">The Ink Well<span>Author: <a href="/@cheeamaka">@cheeamaka<td><center><b><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">PRANK TO PAIN<div class="text-justify"><blockquote>Have you ever tried to prank someone and it backfired on you? Well, I have experienced that. Growing up, I was surrounded by a lot of family and friends. We did not exactly live together, but we are all very close knit and so, although we bridged the geographical dustance by keeping in touch, we made it a ritual to all travel down to the village every Christmas break ...<tr><td><div class="phishy"><center><br /><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><br />Community: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">The Ink Well<span>Author: <a href="/@jennyzee1">@jennyzee1<td><center><b><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">I thought I could be smarter<div class="text-justify"><blockquote>As a little child, I fantasized about so many things. One of my many fantasies was to become a musician or an actress, but just like most African homes where parents dictate what their children will become, my parents wouldn't hear of it, especially my dad. "You're going to be a surgeon. A great one at that, so quit this imagination and focus" ...<br /><hr /><br /><table><th><center><h5>Curated By:<th><h5><span><a href="/@hivepakistan">@hivepakistan<tr><td><div class="phishy"><center><br /><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><br />Community: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Loving HIVE ❤<span>Author: <a href="/@ahmedhayat">@ahmedhayat<td><center><b><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">My first anniversary on hive and a juicy giveaway on this special day.<div class="text-justify"><blockquote><span>Hello everyone I hope you all are doing fine. This time i am not with any travel blog or any weekly prompt to write here but celebrating my first hive birthday with you people. The sad part for me on this day was that no one expect the <a href="/@hivebuzz">@hivebuzz remembered my hive anniversary and wished me on this markable day. Thanks to you <a href="/@hivebuzz">@hivebuzz for that and now i will share some insights of my hive journey ...<tr><td><div class="phishy"><center><br /><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><br />Community: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Ladies of Hive<span>Author: <a href="/@deraaa">@deraaa<td><center><b><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">When I Am Safe (LOH 195)<div class="text-justify"><blockquote>I made a statement to someone about how I felt 32 and not the opposite. He asked me why and I explained that most times it feels like I don’t know what fun is anymore. He told me he still saw my inner child. He said that I may not know it but my inner child comes out often especially when I’m stressed ...<tr><td><div class="phishy"><center><br /><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><span>Author: <a href="/@cryptoandcoffee">@cryptoandcoffee"><br />Community: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">LeoFinance<td><center><b><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Calculating Making Smart Decisions<div class="text-justify"><blockquote>Now is not the me to be buying GCOTI unless you see it gaining significant value over and above what COTI will do later in this cycle. The maths does not add up and I will explain why. I do think that making the right decisions regarding your crypto investments is not always that obvious and why you need to sometimes let the figures speak for themselves. This would also change depending where we are in the cycle as we kind of know we have approximately 12 17 months remaining of this one we are currently in ...<br /><div><hr /><center><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><hr />Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.<br /><br />If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, <a href="/@yaziris/introducing-hivediscomod-a-discord-bot-for-hive-user-info-and-community-moderation">check out this introductory post.<br /><br />For deploying a fully fledged curation system, <a href="/@yaziris/curation-and-curators-payroll-management-system">this post explains the details.<br />Or if you are interested in deploying a <b>delegations curation rewards distributor, <a href="/@yaziris/hivediscomod-major-update-automated-delegations-curation-rewards-distributor">you can check out this post to know how to set it up.<br /><hr /><h5>Which Curators Are Included In The Report?Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!<br /><br /><sup><b>Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.<br />Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.<hr /><div><center><table><tr><tr><td><center><a href="/@hivediscomod"><img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /><tr><tr><td><center><sup><a href="/@yaziris/introducing-hivediscomod-a-discord-bot-for-hive-user-info-and-community-moderation"><b>HiveDiscoMod<br /><code>Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs!<hr /><sup><b>Currently deployed on 68 Discord servers, with over 7724 Hive users!<hr /><div class="phishy"><center><sub><span>© 2024 | <a href="/@hivediscomod">@hivediscomod | By: <a href="/@yaziris">@yaziris