Is it truth or FUD?
After reading an article this morning from Bloombergquint I decided to just make a little post and link the article. It is no secret that many of the governments around the world have been more than skeptical when it comes to virtual currencies. India is at the top of the list and this news makes it seem as though they have legitimately went one step further in making harsh regulations in the field.
Here is a link to the article:
Read up if you would like to know more and always try your best to decide if these have any real effects on your investments or cryptos in general.
I hope everyone has a super fantastic day and keep on steemin on.
The Last Sage
fud or not, my Indian exchange has suspended withdrawal, I tried converting bch to steem but failed
Wow that is really harsh. The way I take the article is that any business that has association with cryptos and regulated by the RBI will not be allowed to do business without further approval/regulations. I hope things get remedied for you. Good luck.
thanks for the kind words