WATCH: Congressman Accidentally Admits Cryptocurrencies Threaten Govt's "Control" Over You

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Washington, D.C. — On Wednesday, the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Securities, and Investment (Committee on Financial Services) held a hearing they called “Examining the Cryptocurrencies and ICO Markets.” During this ostensible "examination," banker-owned politicians used their time to fabricate and perpetuate outright lies and fear about cryptocurrencies. At one point in the discussion, however, one banker shill accidentally admitted the real reason government doesn't like cryptocurrencies and the blockchain—it threatens their control over you.

Wednesday's hearing marked the first time Congress has attempted to tackle the regulatory issues stemming from initial coin offerings (ICOs). Georgetown University law professor Dr. Chris Brummer, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati partner Robert Rosenblum, and Coinbase’s chief legal and risk officer Mike Lempres were featured as witnesses to the hearing.

During the two-hour-long hearing, there were many positive points made by well-informed politicians who understand the value in the blockchain and in cryptocurrency. However, one banker-funded shill, Representative Brad Sherman (D - CA) couldn't have made his bias and ignorance on the matter any clearer.

“Cryptocurrencies are popular with guys who like to sit in their pajamas and tell their wives they are going to be millionaires. They help terrorists and criminals move money around the world. Tax evaders. They help startup companies commit fraud, take money, and one percent of the time they actually create a useful business,” Sherman said, attempting to ridicule and shame the millions of good people who choose to invest in blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies.

But that was only the beginning. As Sherman continued, he would slip up during his sentence and reveal the real reason him and his cronies in Washington don't want you to invest in the crypto world.

"It hurts the US government in two ways," Sherman said. "Our contr...." Sherman slips, about to fully admit that the government is scared of crypto because they cannot "control" you with it.

Although he mostly came right out and said it, Sherman then clarified what he started to say by noting how the US government essentially uses the dollar as a weapon around the world and domestically to force their control.

The dollar, as Sherman correctly states, is used to "impose sanctions" (aka acts of war) and "stop tax cheating" (making sure the government can get every dime possible off the backs of its citizens).

Watch for yourself below as this banker shill makes this bombshell admission.

Calling Sherman a banker shill is not an exaggeration either. When we look into who is financing his campaigns, it becomes entirely clear as to why this man is taking to the podium to perpetuate lies about the blockchain.

One of Sherman's top contributors for 2017-2018 was Allied Wallet which is a global payment gateway for government-backed fiat. They are directly threatened by the far more efficient and far more private payment systems that exist using blockchain technology which explains why they have their puppet shaming people for using it.

It is also no coincidence that the top industries funding Sherman are all Securities and Investment firms which make up the bulk of his campaign income.

The good news is that Sherman is a dinosaur. While the hearing appeared to be split down the middle over their perceptions of the blockchain, some members gave heartening testimonials as to what's to come.

Rep. Tom Emmer, a member of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus, made the fear-based opponents of this revolutionary technology look like the shills they are.

"I tend to trust people and believe that they’re in these things for good, and that they’re trying to improve their own lives and hopefully the lives of people around them — that old adage that a rising tide lifts all boats. And yet I hear elected officials who don’t have any concept of what we’re dealing with here and how exciting it is, talking about how we got to regulate and create more government infrastructure. I respectfully disagree that that won’t act as a wet blanket on this amazing new technology. I realize there has to be some regulation, but there’s got to be balance," Emmer said.

And he is correct. Blockchain technology is already and already has been changing the world for the better. One coin, in particular, DASH, is bringing commerce to poor countries in Africa and South America while at the same time funding alternative media projects to make sure the establishment is not able to maintain their grip on the flow of information.

Anonymous donors are funding breakthrough science that government would never support and donating millions to charities—all because of the blockchain—hardly the work of "terrorists and money launderers."

Make no mistake, those who are threatened by cryptocurrencies are not that way because they want to protect you from terrorists or poor investments. One need only look at the megabanks who are caught laundering money for terrorists all the time and never face consequences. These same banks are also caught in massive schemes designed to rip off their customers, stealing billions in the process, and no one ever goes to jail.

Like Sherman admitted in the video above, the establishment is scared of the blockchain because it gives control—using radical transparency instead of government secrecy—back to the people.


Decentralization will replace regulation as we know it. Some centralized hybrid approaches may exist (steps along the way) and those will invite regulation. There are fewer steps than meets the eye when you set you eyes on the end game.. The end game also means trusting markets to self-regulate.

I really enjoyed watching this yesterday and still have many mixed emotions about it. There appear to be a few heavy hitters who really support Bitcoin and crypto, but there still remains a stigma attached to it as well. BIG week for the CryptoVerse...let's see how things turn out! I still feel that there is a huge future in Bitcoin and cryptos, so I still plan on holding all my assets and continuing to invest! Good post!

Pirates and Emperor's. Except this time around the pirates are poised to make the world a better place and take from the rich to give to the poor. They also seek to unmask the dark murderous controllers behind all the current global chaos, thus the reason cool folks are betting on the cryptos.

"Cryptocurrencies are popular with guys who like to sit in their pajamas and tell their wives they are going to be millionaires."

to be fair he has my number there!

Crypto fans keep dreaming of tax free world. It will never happen, because greedyness is in mans blood. As soon as big enough mass will be able to avoid current taxation, governments will change taxation base to one that cant be avoided, like real estate, land, roads, ports, airports, newborn registration and many other forms. They just want to delay these reforms as they cost money and reputation.


Crypto fans keep dreaming of tax free world. It will never happen, because greedyness is in mans blood. As soon as big enough mass will be able to avoid current taxation, governments will change taxation base to one that cant be avoided, like real estate, land, roads, ports, airports, newborn registration and many other forms. They just want to delay these reforms as they cost money and reputation.


They have a reason for losing money in terms of getting into the bank, so look for other reasons to ban crypocurrencies

Control freaks who can't move out of their comfort zones.

not "our control over you" he meant "America's control over the globe". The dollar being the worlds reserve currency is good for American power in the world.

so another reason to ban crypto. Strange controls that can not get out of their comfort zone. This is an amazing thing!

It may just be the new world currency (biblical prophecy) coming true with a little bit of problem reaction solution in our faces to pepper it up.
terminator.jpg It may SEEM like we are taking back the power, but nobody knows who wrote bitcoin. What if Sophia was the figurehead for the antichrist? And The U.S. dollar (or corporation itself) is just a patsy? Just playing some mental gymnastics here. In the mean time, we all have to pay our bills. But getting chipped is where I absolutely draw the line.

Umm I just watched Sherman's five minutes twice and nowhere in there did he say anything like what you quoted him and titled the post for. Did you link the wrong video? Am I getting hard of hearing in my not so old age?

A fantastic report outlining what we all suspected. Thank you for sharing!