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RE: All the latest Bitcoin Cash News *Korea Special* - Decentralized Exchanges with team, Dinner With A Billionaire & More

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Shilly shillerson collects shills by the shill-shore.

Its Ver again, doing his best to drum up enthusiasm for his altfork. Thing is, there's more empty chairs than full ones, and people are playing on their phones while he talks ;)

Ver Bores South Koreans

Check out the guy messing with his phone, and the girl reading a paper, lol

Ver Bores South Koreans Part Two

But I'm sure Ver will say that it was packed, and they cheered every single word.

Roger Ver is a con-man and a liar. Here's another one to show you exactly how badly run his altfork is - Github commits between BCash and Bitcoin:

Bitcoin versus BCash Github

And to sum up, a nice tidy list of other lies that Roger has uttered --

Not to mention the hilarity that ensued when he said Segwit was patented (Liar, liar pants on fire) --


I am new to crypto currency but I understand quickly I like to become a big trader

Thats nice, just stay away from Ver's lies and his shambling shitfork and you might have a chance.

(Moved upstream due to Cashie downvote tantrum, lol)