the best crypto wallet to use so you can buy Bitcoin ripple eutherian all the top crypto currencies and I'm gonna show you what crypto currencies I'm invested into but before we actually go into the good stuff I'm gonna show you guys actually all my phone exactly how to use the app what snap everything and I'm gonna give you guys a free tip this is something that a lot of you are gonna thank me for in the future I promise you but what I'm gonna be giving away in this video is 25 dollars over Bitcoin and don't worry guys by the end of this video you guys are gonna know how to actually use you all properly so what I want to do for the giveaway like I said I'm gonna be doing twenty-five dollars over Bitcoin I want to know how you first heard about Bitcoin cryptocurrencies how did you hear about it comment that below amateurs of what are seven videos from today so let's dive in I will see you guys in my phone in just a second okay guys here we are in my phone we are going to be using the crypto dot-com app you can literally search it on your App Store and it will pop up immediately there also is a link below so you guys can download it straight to your phone so once you open the wallet it's gonna look like this is gonna be a passcode you have to put in so I'm gonna put in my face ID so this is my balance you guys can see that I have all of my my home button right here it shows you what I'm actually invested in right now one of the top games and I have my accounts so this is actually my crypto wallet guys I do not store a lot of my crypto on an actual vault like this and I'm gonna show you guys what I'm using at the end of this video so stay tuned to the end of the video so you guys you can see that just from today I have a $6 in 68 cents game if I go to my crypto wallet I'm invested in the V chain litecoin dash and ripple so these are all great investments guys on V chain is doing extremely well it's gonna keep going up you guys can see that it's really easy all you guys have to do to actually and go to a train as you go to train and you're going to click buy or sell you right there and then it has all the I could go to VGA and then you could change it from the V chain or the dollar amount whichever one you want to do so I have my credit card right there let's do five thousand five thousand there's only twenty dollars so I go to buy firm there we go it's about a buy some and if you guys have the problem where it says that can't confirm your bank you just need to call your bank and tell them to unblock the charge that was put on it by crypto comm then the unblock for you so you can see that it's about to go through right now boom you purchase five thousand V chain then go to tap anywhere to continue and then we can go back to my wallet under the counts tab right here and then my wallet now I have more VJ and I have twenty dollars more of V chain right there so I was at thirty three thousand now I'm at 38 you guys can play around with the app honestly guys you really don't need any of this other stuff just accounts in the home tab to see what's going on if you guys do want to look at charts for this I'd definitely go to tradingview comm but that is how you guys can purchase crypto if you guys have any questions for me please let me know and I will get back to you I'm gonna see you guys in just a second because we are going to announce the winners for the video that we did seven days ago so I'll see you guys in just a second you alright guys so in the last video of the week did it was ultimate or the video we did seven days ago is the ultimate advice for every twenty-year-old there was a forex course giveaway so I'm gonna copy this link and let's see who the winner is make sure you guys are DMing me on instagram guys it's very important that you guys are doing me on Instagram so I can pick the winner peso link load comments who is gonna be the winner alright guys let's see there you go good video keep it up Sultan for life at gmail you are the winner please DM me ask reach out of this something so I can actually uh make your account for the course congratulations bro alright you guys are gonna thank me in the future for this this right here is called a ledger let me focus on this so you guys can see so what this ledger does is it actually stores your crypto currencies on it it has a little cable an HDMI cord that plugs into your computer there is an app for that basically what I showed you in the video in the beginning was where you guys can actually buy crypto yes you can store on a wallet but you guys want to realize at the end of the day that when Bitcoin first blew up in 2009 it was worth 10 cents and then a couple of years later and went up to $20,000 per Bitcoin that was in um 2008 but at the end of the day this is where you can store your cryptocurrency so it's safe so all my cryptos are on this ledger right here it is called a nano s you guys can get it from Walmart Amazon you can get it it's about $50 guys and what this will do will just keep your crypto