hello my friend, excellent post I am from venezuela and I am very enthusiastic about the petro project. I think that The book L BLANCO exceeds the expectations, for the countries participating in the ICO because it will be a good business because when the petro increases in value they will practically buy oil For a lower cost, almost free and Venezela could evade the blockade imposed by the United States, it should be remembered that Venezuela leads several organizations in countries seeking to solve common problems and trade such as ALBA, PETROCARIBE, NAM, OPEC, China. The 40% of venezuela's oil and strategic partner in China is also the largest community of investors in cryptocurrencies
on the other hand, in the month of February will be activated the petroyuan which will put an end to the petro-dollar and allow the participating countries of the yuan to exchange money for gold. It also enters the game of strategy and politics Russia which also shows the possibility of a cryptocurrency partner business and ally of Venezuela and also sanctioned by the United States.
Finally, venezuela is not alone the current situation of blockages and crises forced the government to take the first step and all countries to the expectation to make a ico based on their raw materials!
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