Is Our Reality Like We Think It Is? Maybe Not

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Check out the Part 2 interview that was exclusively on Matt Beasley's Crypto News show last week. The second half of his show is on his Patreon account only. Interesting topics were discussed regarding science discoveries and our Universe.
Here is the link to the show


@jetblake on the ozone topic.

I am going to say it... You are a fucking legend man!

Hi @jetblake

I like the interview man. I'm busy working my way through it.

Wanted to ask you about the battle between BTC & BCH. Have you been following the news on this?

I have written a post on BTC and it being compromised - and we all know, in the current market, if you control BTC you control the entire market (source of BTC being compromised - ~~~ embed:btc/comments/47zfzt/blockstream_is_now_controlled_by_the_bilderberg/) which happened from February 3rd, 2016. reddit metadata:fGJ0Y3xodHRwczovL3d3dy5yZWRkaXQuY29tL3IvYnRjL2NvbW1lbnRzLzQ3emZ6dC9ibG9ja3N0cmVhbV9pc19ub3dfY29udHJvbGxlZF9ieV90aGVfYmlsZGVyYmVyZy8pIHdoaWNoIGhhcHBlbmVkIGZyb20gRmVicnVhcnkgM3JkLCAyMDE2Lnw= ~~~

Roger Ver claims that BCH is the solution to the cartel that bought up BTC (source -

One thing that does not make sense is that fact that the BCH hard fork was executed on 1 August 2017, which is more than a year and a half after the bilderberg group apparently started buying up BTC.

In this time frame from February 3rd, 2016 to 1 August 2017 the price of BTC fluctuated between US$370 and US$4450 mostly costing less than US$1000. If we go on an avg of US$680 a BTC over this time the group bought something in the line of 80000 BTC which is 0.5% of the current circulation supply. Although you can make some influential moves in the marked with this volume this is definitely not close to owning the market.

Lets give Roger Ver the benefit of the doubt and assume the Bilderberg group has control over BTC (which is what I believe as well) and it was orchestrated before the BCH hardfork. Then they would also have control over BCH because they had the BTC before the hardfork which makes me wonder why he is going on the way he is (I don't know maybe I'm missing something).

If you are following the news on this battle please give your thoughts on the matter.

@vimukthi, @funbobby51 and @positivesynergy has also been following this closely.

1st rate humans pursue freedom and self-development. 2nd rate humans pursue power and control. The "elites" or whatever you want to call than are not smarter than you or more efficient than you. They simply have better funding and better networking. Lots of conspiracy nuts stupidly belive in grand conspiracies that control the fate of the world. That doesn't exist. It's a game of influence with multiple parties trying to take control. It best describes as a mafia. The reality of the world is much closer to Godfather movies and The Fountainhead/Atlas Shrugged behind the curtains.

What these inefficient mafias see is BTC leading the way and all alt-coins being tied to BTC like waves reacting to the moon. Instead of building something better than BTC and competing (like Dash did) or just creating a different kind of crypto like XRP, they try to take over BTC via controlling funding and propping up their useful mutts.

Also read:

Those are excellent points. I also wonder what is going on. I believe close to 60% of all BTC is in cold storage. That leaves just a little on the market to be bought and sold. Big money could still move the market and give a certain perception of price reality that is not always true. I do think that some want to discourage people from holding long term and sell out of frustration. The ultimate goal, of powerful groups, is to control 1% of BTC (each group having 1%). 1% is all that is needed for political and commercial influence once blockchain and crypto currencies take over the old monetary system. BCH is an attempt to stick to the original intent of Bitcoin (a low cost daily digital currency use case, like buying coffee with). I do not have inside information on this. I just think like you do and try to figure out what is going on in the background. Good work on your articles, they really are of value to the reader.

Really enjoying this. I want the pro UV system and the colloidal minerals. It was nice putting a voice to you JB. Let me know if these items are available? I'm interested.

Some of the technology is and some not yet. I have a tough decision to make as far as whether or not to even let the public know about the engineered water. Hopefully you can catch the next interview next Wednesday night on his show. It will be very heavy and deep. I hope they are ready for what I have to share. Promise the information will not be heard from any other source on Earth. Guaranteed.

@jetblake waiting for this, you know I am very interested in what you are doing. You know in your hart you can't keep it from the world : )

Keep up the good work man.

Man, after attending that live stream on YT and Patreon, I've been in that rabbit hole ever since. Nonstop thinking about the data and the dipole moment of water, along with the double slit experiment and how that ties into holographic universe.
And of course if I try to mention anything on this everyone would just blow me off and go back to watching the that damn TV.

You are very correct. I see so many walking dead people in the sense that they are fully engulfed in the Matrix and refuse to get out. The cost is staggering. I will discuss in depth a very sobering reality in the next interview next Wednesday. It will be very heavy and deep. I hope the audience is ready

@sockles it surly is frustrating!

Hi Jet, I watched your live stream both on YT and Patreon. My awakening came about 3yrs ago when my bf casually told me to watch Loose Change documentary re: 9/11. Since then, I've been down the rabbit hole. I have tried to convince others to wake up. Unfortunately, only few will, while others will continue to mock me. It's unbelievable that despite showing them evidence, they prefer to stay in their bubble. "Oh no, that's absurd!" is the typical response I get. Once you see and hear the truth, you cannot undo what you've seen and heard. Anyway, it was a great interview. I'm looking forward to the next interview coming up next Wednesday. Also, the "Jet Box" (calling it Jet Box for now since I don't know what it's officially called lol) that you brought in to the interview was amazing! I'm a long time asthma sufferer & I can see how that can be beneficial for me. Keep up the awesome work that you do and I'll definitely be tuning in next Wednesday. I'm ready for it :D

he readiness for self-sacrifice is contingent on an imperviousness to the realities of life. ...For self-sacrifice is an unreasonable act. ...All active mass movements strive, therefore, to interpose a fact-proof screen between the faithful and the realities of the world. claiming that the ultimate and absolute truth is already embodied in their doctrine and that there is no truth nor certitude outside it. ...To rely on the evidence of senses and of reason is heresy and treason. It is startling to realize how much unbelief is necessary to make belief possible. What we know as blind faith is sustained by innumerable unbeliefs.

  • Eric Hoffer

@jetblake I listened to the entire interview and I hope you remember the first time I came across your work. I was very excited! The engineered water fascinates me and everything else you talked about.

If there was an opportunity for me to join you I would do it in a heartbeat. The information you have is what I have been searching for.

If you ever have that meeting please let me know about it. I would like to meet you if possible.

Thank you for such kind words. I wish I could really say what I am thinking and discovered. It is shocking to say the least. Very few would be ready for what I have to share, unfortunately. What I can share with you is the fact that a global reset is coming and it is more than an economic reset. There is already dynamic forces in place that will change our solar system and Earth. There is no stopping it. The only way to prepare is actually changing our personality and spiritual advancement. If we as individuals do not quickly change who we are at a spiritual level (for the better) we will not survive what is coming. I know it sounds crazy but science and spirituality are connected. It seems that intelligence, located in counter space, is observing us and will decide who makes it and who will not regarding the "event" that is coming. Hope I did not frighten or upset you with this reply.

Not this guy as I believe in "do no harm." Changing the diet to what it should be as most consumed items considered to be food by humans is complete garbage blocking all communication within the body hence turning them into what we see when we just stop and look around within this reality. Yes, something is coming and for those who are aware and actually try, I believe they'll be most pleased but for the ones who enslave, well, I can only hope no mercy. We as individuals must learn how to stop living and thinking from the lower levels/frequencies and learn how to raise ourselves to the higher frequencies to attain this state. First step is turning OFF the idiot box. Second is the right diet then mindset. I'm not scared as I'm involved my brother. Thank you.

I could not agree more. I hope I can help people to wake up. I got rid of TV 24 years ago. One of the top 3 best decisions of my life. I am not sure how far I will go in my future interviews about the reset but it is coming soon

I believe it brother. One can just sense somethin' is brewing but for the unaware/not caring... you just wish you could say somethin' without them thinkin' you're rAtarded but they'll find out soon enough as they're left behind.........

@jetblake I know a lot more than the normal matrix dweller and that is why I have been so fascinated with your work from the beginning.

Most people look at me funny when I talk about these things but I always argue that it is just as stupid to accept an idea because you saw it on TV or it has been written down on a piece of paper by a person. I believe it is because we are programmed that way. Programmed to reject foreign ideas and cast out those that speak the truth.

I don't think we have met for no reason. Can you imagine what the chances are that I found your post in the steemit feed between thousands of other posts? One of the first posts that made me follow you was on the engineered water and to this day I have been trying to think of ways to reach you and discuss this further. I know this can ease the suffering of a lot of people but it is like you say in the video. The bastards won't let this technology get out there.

On the other topics I have no doubt. Faking a 9/11 and blinding billions of people must include the hand of non human entities. There is no way a human would be able to pull it off (not even considering all the other events).

If I had the opportunity and knew that the work done would help a lot of people I would have drop everything I am busy with and come to help you with what you are busy with.

You are awake, my friend. Yes, you sound like me. There are few of us out there but we can make a difference. I live in the Mid West U.S.A. My funds have dried up and my research is slow (on less than a shoe string budget). I keep plugging along but do not have the funds to go global with the technologies at this point. I am hoping to get funds with my crypto investments to fund my work. Fingers crossed

If you ever need help, you just let me know. I will see what I can do from my side.

Best post my friend.

Thank you for the compliment. Have a great day

Hey Jet,can’t wait for part 3

Wednesday night around 8pm I believe. I am not sure if the audience is ready for what I will be discussing. Soon, I will be describing by whom and how society is being manipulated and about a universal reset that is coming. Most do not like these type of topics but ignoring them will not make it go away. I have a strong personal feeling of what it will take to survive the reset but am not sure if I should share it or not. Pretty heavy stuff for an alternative late night topic from Cryptos.

We ready,you have no haters in the 🔧 gang

Jet, if theres any plausibility to the one world currency/NWO theories, then bitcoin would fit that mold perfectly. I used to think crypto is the nail in the coffin to banks, but given they already have all the money in the world, nothing is stopping the current powers that be from getting into crypto themselves.

Also i believe after the global reset takes place, who ever is left with cryptocurrency will be at the top of the next global pyramid of wealth. It would almost be the same system all over again. Haves and have-nots. Bitcoin was created with the current monetary model in mind in terms of the more money you have the more powerful you are. I think there needs to be the equivalent of bitcoin but in a more egalitarian approach. Proof Of Human if you will, where if you're born on this planet you are guaranteed basic human rights. This IMO would be the perfect coin/protocol/network to use as a core for the multi-layer approach they're planning for bitcoin and the others.

I have some theories as to a more egalitarian cryptocurrency, but I would need much more than these comments to explain it.

We need an entirely different system. One that somehow allows humans to move unanimously for the betterment of the planet and all its life systems. I don't quite know how we would get there, getting passed all the ideologies and brainwashing would be tough so it would almost have to be coded up and dropped on us the same way bitcoin was. A system that inherently bypasses politics, ideologies and all the cultural conditioning. No chance in hell is everyone ever going to agree on it, so it just needs to be created, and released to prove its effectiveness. Maybe attach an incentive to use the system, like a monetary reward in the beginning. But eventually it woud be great to become something like star trek where they stopped the idea of money all together.

Anyways I may be in SE Asia for the reset so i might not even make it to see a better world.

Thanks for your reply. The reset I am referring to involves which humans will make it and which will not. The reset will be selective. Bad people will not make it. Those that are left will make up a new society including a different economic model where money is not used. The new society will behave in a manner that supports cooperation and kindness. Greed, corruption, violence, anger, jealousy and other negative traits will not be tolerated. Seems far fetched but ancient sacred writings discuss this eventuality.

XLM work! <3