The Government Is Lying, The Dollar Is Dead [VIDEO]

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Have you ever thought about how much you are being lied to?

Many years ago I went on a traveling spree, venturing beyond my “homeland’s” borders to about 70 other countries.

It was during a time in my life when I’d begun to realize that not everything the government and mainstream media said was necessarily the truth.

My extended travels quickly revealed one of the greatest frauds of all: that America is “the land of the free”---dare I say it, the US is one of the least free places in the world.

Since then, I’ve been on a tireless journey to awaken myself and inspire as many other people who are willing to listen. I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Matthew Aaron of the Crypto101 Podcast.

He asked me about the whole gamut of deceptions deliberately dosed onto the masses to keep them disoriented and easy to manipulate by the powers that (shouldn’t) be.

You can watch our full interview here:

What the government calls “conspiracy theories” can really just be called “classified information.”

As we discussed in this interview, I’ve long strived to get classified information out to the public. One of my earliest projects---which is still the top financial website in Canada---was originally designed to provide the average person with access to the same information that traders on Wall Street had access to.

Today, I’m proud to still be a thorn in the establishment’s side as TDV has grown massively, red-pilling countless people with our insider newsletter, which covers it all, from the downfall of the dollar to the rise of bitcoin and cryptocurrency (SUBSCRIBE HERE).

This flight to the moon may have some more turbulence, but rest assured that we’re on the right side of history.

A word of advice: HODL (Hold On for Dear Life)



It would be awesome if more business could take crypto instead of fiat, then it should​ be easier to live a freer​​ life...

I planing very soon accept crypto only. Only difficulty is that I have to pay still in fiat.

I agree with most of what you said in this interview, but seems to me your effort to enlighten people might be better served if you dialed it back a bit, not saying deny the stuff you are talking about, but just saying, do you need to fight every battle at the same time?

Very interesting and important information to share.

Thanks again, Jeff. Watch it, sometimes they tell the truth to keep you off balance.

So you say it'll be about 2020 before the collapse of the dollar begins to accelerate and the economy to truly take a hit... What do you think is going to happen? War? Everyone loses their homes? How bad are things about to get? And this will obviously be a process, if 2020 is the beginning of the end, what year do you think marks the beginning of a new tomorrow, where things improve on from there?

I'm Finnish. Is this a joke? Or do I not exist?

Is what specifically a joke?

Six months of paperwork and $100,000 for a lemonade stand? God the U.S. is fucked... Jeff, you really help me realize how bad things are over here.

Bitcoin can be the needle...!
To make the bubble burst...
Thank you for your tireless struggle, you are important for Crypto's are few people who fight for a good future as they do

The dollar is fact they have pumped the dollar and sent the blobal markets into turmoil here with the FED balance sheet reduction. I am looking for them to walk these decisions back and the dollar to head down towards the 80s

Fiat system is dying, to the fact that all fiat currency around the globe is based on dollar value.

Always good to look and read your posts. Just make more and not stop.

If Dollar is dead then why the price of Indian Ruppy is going down day by day?

Dead as in dying very fast. In the same way a person strapped to train tracks is "already dead".

People are hopeful but the USA is still very powerful. This is beyond the imagination of the enthusiastic.

If the US's interest on its debt exceeds the amount of money it gathers in revenue, then there will either be hyperinflation, a lot more taxation, or defaulting that results in wars. We are mere years away from something like this happening. The US's power is in a bubble, and it may be like God now, but it's about to go bankrupt. The result of it's bankruptcy will be the economy getting torn apart. This is why we need to escape the US dollar, before it's too late.

I agree. In fact US dollar is the reason of many vices in the world.

An interesting read. Looking forward to Anarchapulco.

After travelling a bit myself and watching eye opening documentary zeitgeist some years ago I was quite certain the goverment is lying. By that time I just did not know on what scale!

The dollar died in 1972 when it completely left the gold standard, but it had been on life support since the Fed started.
The shreds of paper we have now are not and never were dollars.

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