millions of cryptocurrency? Then move to Monaco

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

If you have made millions and wants to live where millionaire lives, then there is no other country in the world  than Monaco.

The tiny coastal region of France is the second most smallest country in the world after Vatican,but unlike the papal's country, Monaco has  just 38,000 residents with 30% percent   those been millionaires. Pitching  it at 1 millionaire out of 3 residents.

finding a millionaire in Monaco is so high that even It's ruler prince Albert  II is a billionaire. The weather is a Mediterranean one with sunshine all year round so camping out door on the beach side is very popular.

Other side attractions are yatching and motor racing. House Prices ranges from $67,000 to $8142,000 per square meter,according to  Knight Frank (property agent) 

So if you make millions move to this millionaire hub of the world and who knows you may run into Lewis Hamilton or even Novak Djokovic in your neighborhood and you live there without income tax.