Cryptassist Cryptstarter - Eine innovatorisch Krypto-Crowdfunding-Funktion

Cryptassist sieht eine Welt vor, in der Krypto für jeden im täglichen Leben nützlich ist. Um dies zu verwirklichen, wird die Plattform eine Reihe von Funktionen bieten, die den Benutzern die Möglichkeit geben sollen, ihr Krypto wirklich zu nutzen.

Wir haben alle von Kickstarter gehört, der beliebten Crowdfunding-Plattform für kreative Projekte. Die massive Ausweitung des Kryptomarktes in den letzten Jahren hat das Fundraising für Zahlungen mit Kryptowährungen bereit gemacht. Cryptassist wird dies mit Cryptstarter möglich machen.

Projektentwickler können ihre kreativen Projekte auf der Cryptassist Cryptstarter-Plattform veröffentlichen, um Geldgeber zu finden, die entweder Kryptowährungen oder Fiat für physische Produkte beschaffen können. Unterstützer werden in der Lage sein, Gelder in einer der Top 100 Kryptowährungen zu senden, und Schöpfer können wählen, ob sie diese Gelder in Krypto oder Fiat erhalten möchten, was sie vor der Volatilität des Kryptomarktes schützt.

Auf der Plattform werden soziale Funktionen bereitgestellt, die es CTA-Inhabern und Projektentwicklern ermöglichen, Diskussionen zu führen, Kommentare zu hinterlassen oder Projekte zu bewerten. Dies stellt sicher, dass Unterstützer so viele Informationen wie möglich über Projekte haben, bevor sie sich an sie binden, und ermöglicht es den Unterstützern und Erschaffern, während der gesamten Dauer des Projekts in Kontakt zu bleiben.

Cryptstarter erfordert KYC sowohl für Projektentwickler als auch für Unterstützer, um Sicherheit für beide zu gewährleisten und nachzuverfolgen, dass die Ersteller ihre Produkte oder Dienstleistungen nach Projektende bereitstellen. Zur weiteren Sicherheit fungiert Cryptassist als Treuhandservice.

Um mehr über die Plattform Cryptstarter oder Cryptassist zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte unsere Website oder laden Sie unser Whitepaper unter herunter


Cryptassist creates a link between the cryptocurrency and its users.
Cryptocurrency and blockchain is the future.
With Cryptassist cryptocurrencies will be available to all!!!
Project and developers best wishes!

This company includes the best quality to become a leading in the market! We are witnessing a huge increase! The company is gaining momentum and shows great results! A great opportunity to become an investor of an ambitious team with a unique product!

And finally the ultimate destination of all crypto coin will be the @cryptassist thanks for your innovative ideas and startegies for making the uses of cryptocurrency on daily basis.. Best of luck team..

While people stuck out with their investment, a fresh project was born and will turn out the atmosphere. So glad to be apart of this. Cryptassist.

Innovators are the winners of every field . Cryptassist will be a great innovator in this field !!

Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Erfolg in alle eure token verkauf Phasen ! Viel Glück!

Cryptassist is a new ICO whose goal is to make cryptocurrencies usable by everyone in everyday life.Cryptassist will be a great innovator in this field !!

Safety first!

The cryptassist platform will be valuable to merchants. I have examined his report totally.

This project seems to be real and worth to invest in

I am excited about the possibilities Cryptassist offers.

Nice project!

this is definitely a good platform for developers to explore their passion without limitation. giving them the opportunity to be more creative while being supported by the community to fund their projects.

Don't miss out! Be a part of the project by joining the ICO or bounty program. Visit the website for more information.

I think representatives of investment companies and large private investors like the platform. I will always follow your updates, because I believe in the success of the whole platform

Cryptassist - is
success! Cryptassist will solve the problem and make cryptocurrency
available to everyone in everyday life.(this is my personal text, thank you!)

Very interesting project! A professional team that knows its business! One of the most promising and successful projects to date! I advise everyone to join and to watch the development

Good team

it is definitely good platform for developers to investigate their passion without restriction. granting by him an opportunity to be more creative, being the supported community to finance their projects.

it is definitely good platform for developers to investigate their passion without restriction. granting by him an opportunity to be more creative, being the supported community to finance their projects.

Cryptstarter is one of the best tools on the Cryptassist Platform. With it Developers will be able to find Investors and get protection from scams.

this platform ICO is one i am excited about its prospects

this will create the market worthwhile, those person who are afraid of volatile cryptocurrency prices, it will help them with its tools.

An amazing project on itself, a must watch for investor and crypto enthusiast.

#CryptAssist #CTA great marketable strategy and a solid group of masters. In the event that we think about the best tasks of the present year, I would put this venture in the best rundown with the most extreme rating.

I am energized with chances of the offer of Cryptassist.

I consider delegates speculation organizations and vast private financial specialists as the stage. I will dependably take after your updates since I put stock in achievement of the entire stage

a great project, with a great team
This company includes the best quality to be the leader in the market! We witnessed a huge increase! The company is gaining momentum and showing great results! A great opportunity to be an investor of an ambitious team with unique products!

This is a project to look forward to because this will surely be a success

Das innovativste und nützlichste Projekt der letzten Zeit

Exceptionally fascinating undertaking proficient group which knows her business! So far I educate one regarding the most encouraging and fruitful ventures to all to join and screen improvement

Trend-setters are champs of every territory. Cryptassist will be an incredible trend-setter around there!!

Really looking forward to this project, I hope the team will continue good job!

surprising business sector system and firm gathering of proprietors. On the off chance that we think about the best issues of the current year, I would put this venture in the best rundown with the most extraordinary rating.

Cryptassist will solve the problem and make cryptocurrency
available to everyone in everyday life

This project seems to be created out of the new consciousness which is starting to emerge on this planet. I think this is the case since we need to do things differently from the old and we need to do it fast because the planet is threatened!

A distinctive feature of the project is that the platform supports smart contracts. On the platform, many functions that are managed by smart contracts are possible.

this platform has lots of amazing features and with this, increasing it potentials and chances of getting everyone on it

cryptassistis is very promising and have a very bright future too.

Cryptassist has a very large team, but the amount of work is also great. Cryptassist is a platform where you can find many functions and tools that you can use.

Great idea

I think that this project will be successful and bring good returns to its investors. I am sure this project will occupy a leading place in this world!

I studied the project by reading white paper. I was impressed by the size and scale of the project.

Das Projekt hat viele Vorteile!

nice and useful information

Nettes Projekt. Ich freue mich auf einen starken Anwendungsfall für dieses Projekt. Sicherlich seid ihr wunderbar und fleißig dabei, dieses Projekt in die Realität umzusetzen. Ein technologisches Projekt basierend auf Blockchain mit großen Träumen, es ist gut. Ich freue mich auf die zukünftige Entwicklung. Ich möchte mehr lesen und ich werde.

the revolutionary of cryptocurrency platform has come, cryptassist bring the next generation of crypto world

#Cryptassist envisions a world where crypto is useful to everyone in everyday life. The platform Cryptassist Cryptstarter will offer an array of features give users the opportunity use crypto! Everyone can choose exactly what is needed for him!