Creating My Own Cryptocurrency Vlog 5-2-2018 (Video)

Yesterday was pretty productive. I had a phone meeting with the relations person for the Atlanta Blockchain Chamber of Commerce. I was invited to speak about my coin, but after the conversation, she wants me to come more often to speak about blockchain in general for educational purposes. Since I enjoy teaching, this is something I'm looking forward to doing. This also affords me more exposure with my project.

As for actual manual labor, I was able to almost complete the Intracoin website yesterday. I still have a couple of things to do such as add the whitepaper and I'm debating adding a page for people to buy the token straight from me, this is all dependent on whether I can get picked up by an exchange... or if I even want to do that.

Today I'll be working on the egoods website. Purchasing the domain and getting things started there.