Yes, you heard me right, it's one of the most expensive cryptocurrencies in the world so far, and in January 14th 2014, its price was $1,013,620
per unit .
Please, Welcome ................??!!?!
42 coin
Max money: 42 coins
Transaction confirmation method: PoS+PoW/Scrypt
Number of transaction/block confirmation: 7/42
Target spacing: 7 mins PoS, 21 mins PoW
Block reward: 0 PoS, 0 + tx fees PoW
Min/Max stake age: 42 hrs/unlimited
Transaction type: Public & Private
P2P Port: 4242 (port to open)
Price :
Price history:
Why is it too expensive ?
Because, there is only 42 coin in the world, so it's very rare.
lol, at a 42 coin limit thats not impressive.... looks to me like someone made a coin just to have the most expensive coin available. Garbage.
Last time I saw this coin is was only 2.5! wow such a huge increase for a coin that does virtually nothing haha!