I lost it all, everthing... gone.

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

The silver-lining is that I've been using my credit card for all of my crypto currency transactions. So in reality, I haven't lost any of my hard earned money, I'll pay it back in a few years. The nightmare started in late October 2017 when I bought Litecoin at $56 and Ethereum at $285. Initially I made great profits, I nearly tripled my money! I threw the profits into Ripple after watching a few youtube videos and continued feasting. It was at this point when I thought I was the next goddam Warren Buffet.

I got over-confident. I started following a few people who I thought were messiahs straight from heaven. These messiahs were Trevon James and Haejin. I immediately got into BITCONECCTTT and any coin that Haejin used in the same sentence with "orgasmic gains" or "double cup and handle". Yeah okay - I was doing pretty well, In reality the whole market was doing pretty well - I mean I was already estimating 84 month payments on a new M4. And again, I could use my credit card as my down-payment, so it's basically a free car.

And then it happened, I got fucking rekt. Booker T scissor kicked me and I met Jared from Subway on the other side. It was a toasty Tuesday morning, I woke up jolly as hell. I started my morning routine by checking my discord group, and to my astonishment I had dozens of notifications about a BITCONECCTTT exit scam. But this couldn't be true, right? I mean Trevon "godsent" James couldn't do this to us. He couldn't do it to me. Coincidentally I couldn't log into my BITCONECCTT account. Shit, my laptop must be fucking up. I mean, this is my mom's laptop, it's outdated. And then my brother called me, in tears, claiming that this is it, it's over, kiss my baby blue M4 good bye.

It hit me harder than a United Express Airline employee. My hopes and dreams were ripped from my heart, and now I'm here, ranting online with tears dripping from my face. But you better goddam know that these tears are falling on my Gucci belt, which I am not returning.


Please follow (or subscribe to me, whatever its called here), because I have a beautiful story to tell, all about my beloved Tron investment.bitconecttttttt.jpg


The euphoric aura surrounding cryptocurrencies is almost exactly the same as the dot com bubble in the late 90's. I went through that as well and remember no matter whatever stock I bought, it made money, for awhile. Then the crash came. Luckily I did buy tangible assets with some of my earnings like a, car, rental apt. etc. and I didn't lose everything; but the portfolio took a major hit.

A major lesson I learned from that experience is that the crypto world will be very similar. Last year you could of thrown darts at a dartboard containing any crypto and made money. That's why you shouldn't listen to anybody, and I mean ANYBODY, giving their BS technical analysis for any crypto, period! Anyone could have made these analyses and looked smart. It doesn't mean they know fuck-all!

Most cryptos are dogshit, wrapped in catshit, and deep fried in birdshit! Time WILL prove this to be true, just like most of the dot com companies of the late 90s. However there will be some major winners from this space that will change things dramatically (just like the 90s) and money and wealth will be created. And always be very wary of these scammy exchanges. I don't trust any of them really. Never EVER hold your crptos on an exchange! At least that's my 2 cents worth so take it for what it's worth.

Hope you didnt fall for this guy



glad you're holding onto the most important thing....your Gucci belt....:)
I think all of us entrepreneurs have been in at least one good scam. following you....the best to you too. :)

Shit that a horror story from Fox business channel. Glad you were able to keep your Gucci belt; Just keep your head up and you will recover your losses.

He wanted to gain the bitcoin but in the process he lost his own buttcoin.

Sorry for your loss mate, but good to see you're still in the game! Be careful who you choose as your guides in this space, and remember that it's always more important to do your own due diligence rather than FOMOing ahead. Be a shephard - not a white sheep. Sheep get eaten by wolves or the shephard!

completely agree. It's better to just take what they say as advice. Then make a move only after your personal research.

That guy in the pic is Carlos Matos or something like that. I went on his twitter and he said something that the Bitconnect website is back up and that he's still looking forward to the BitconnectX ICO. I also something about Trevon James saying that the BCC tokens would still be worth something when the ICO launches. Buuuuuuut.... These class action lawsuits are still happening. I didn't fall for the BitConnect hype and I won't for the ICO. Better safe than sorry.

yikes man this a travesty to end all travesties I am truly sorry to hear this news.. I hope you are able to recoup some of these losses and prosper in the near future.

Regards from @conradsuperb

why dont you go flag @trevonjb posts and let him know how you feel

How diversified were you at the time? Must have had a LOT In bitconnect, right?

I know the feeling brother, My last hopes went up in smoke on Davorcoin yesterday. We are good people trying to become financially free. Stay positive, that's the hardest part, especially when others who didn't invest seem to revel in your misery. You are not alone.
Tomorrow will present itself to us anyways. It's up to us to see how we can mold it. Trying to make Caesar's coin in Caesar's world.
Much love