Bitcoin, the best way to survive the crisis?

in #criptomonedas4 years ago

Hello! If you have come this far it is because in a certain way the world of cryptocurrencies interests you.
I understand you, seeing how certain currencies grow exuberantly fills many with fleeting thoughts to try to understand how this world is managed and the benefits it is giving to people who enter the world of crypto.
But why are more people entering this world?

Life is changing, we are entering a digital age and we are not realizing how little by little we begin to depend more on electronic devices, as documents and certificates are becoming digital, how life has been changing and how the 2020 has been the boom of the digital age.

For many Latinos, cryptocurrencies have changed their lives, for others it has been a safeguard of their money and more than anything their income, it has been gains that they had never contested in their life, understanding this world is not easy, we are not talking about anyone becoming expert in one day, but reading a book, understanding the market and more than anything socializing with experts can help you climb one more step in this world of cryptocurrencies, effort and dedication achieve incredible things, but you are the one who decides when end of the day.