Posting a picture of Kohli cleaning a cricket stadium, the writer said: “Sweepers clean the stadium in readiness for the World XI match.”
The cheeky dig did not go down well with Kohli fans on social media, and Twitter users from both India and Pakistan got together to brutally bash him with their replies. (Maybe that’s one positive outcome from this post that we could appreciate.)
Take a look at his tweet here.
An Australian journalist is getting a lot of heat from Virat Kohli fans for tweeting out a year-old photo of the Indian skipper sweeping the Eden Garden stadium for a Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan event, with a rather objectionable caption. Though, it’s not known whether the journalist, who uses the Twitter handle @DennisCricket_ for his regular commentary on cricket, meant it as a joke or intended to actually rile people, it definitely seems to have done the latter, with many interpreting the tweet as a direct insult to their favourite cricketer.
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