Oh the shake up... Things are starting to get hot

in #corruption7 years ago

I posted about state capture demonstrations and about the leak of about 100 000 emails a couple of weeks back.

img source

Well, the story just keeps getting bigger.

If you need to catch up here are the links below:





This email leak is turning out to be a veritable treasure trove and now even more international companies seem to have had their proverbial hands in the South African cookie jar.

When dealing with corruption the government entities are usually well known, and this has been the case.

Up till now corporate entities have been pretty much unknown and these emails are flushing them out at quite a pace.

  • British PR firm Bell Pottinger, were some of the first, to allegedly be implicated in the emails, with their diversionary PR campaign, to foment race hatred in South Africa.

They have attempted a lame duck apology and fired a few people already.

Now we have a couple more that are being fingered for dubious dealings by the email trails.

  • SAP, a massive software giant from Europe seems to have made some rather large payments to one of the questionable companies.--- their response is that it was sales commission. Many don't seem to be buying this so it will be interesting to see how this unfolds.

  • KPMG, that massive global network of audit, tax and advisory services.
    They are in the hot seat for not having raised red flags for a very large and very dubious transaction during audits. It looks like private wedding expenses of 30 million rand ultimately ended up being paid for with public funds.
    This was for none other than the now infamous Gupta wedding that made the Gupta's a household name.

  • McKinsey, a worldwide management consulting firm, now appears to have been paying off fronting companies that added no value, while supposed to be looking into wasteful and irregular expenditure at Eskom the state owned Power utillity.

These guys are supposed to be the champions of Corporate Governance world wide and now we are seeing just what they get up to behind closed doors.

It was similar types of activities that brought down the auditor firms and consulting houses relating to the Enron debacle.

It's going to be interesting to see where these revelations lead.

There are 2 pages

It's going to be interesting to see where these revelations lead.

Where do they normally lead to? More corruption! Enjoyed the read!!!

"You follow drugs, you get drug addicts and drug dealers. But you start to follow the money, and you don't know where the fuck it's gonna take you."

Too bad, too -- SOuth Africa is such an amazing country!

I have some really STUNNING photos that I will be posting on the @traveladdict blog soon...

the wire is the best. Pretty much the entire us is as corrupt as that police department.

Oh my... diversionary PR campaign, to foment race hatred in South Africa.
That bastards. This is insane. I'd probably never know about it.
Thanks for sharing!

About 60% of government functions can be replaced by smart contracts via something like EOS. Tax revenue comes in, smart contracts are used to pay expenses in a way that completely transparent, robotic and accountable. Citizens vote for parties based on their smart contract platform. We will never be able to completely eliminate concentration of power and the resulting corruption but the impact of blockchain tech on governance will be like breaking up that group of rich entitled snots in highschool that do whatever they want with total impunity. I can't wait.

Hi @gavvet Thank you for your post. In this world it is no more a surprise to see how much the one who are on the top of every thing are the most corrupt. I get a friend back in 2001 who get killed by a very big french multinational because he was exposing what they were about in Burma. In France it is exactly the same the last president Francois Hollande was the biggest black ops killing order in all the french history. But most country are like that when it come to big company and lobby this is more dangerous. This is also why politician and law makers want to get the wistleblower in jail or even kill. I believe with project like Steem and other blockchain it is a good way to take off their hands a lot of power. Love and Happiness to all of you

corruption, dishonesty criminals everywhere
on this forked up planet !

Is there any where maybe a place still with some
moral codes and honesty on planet Terra ?

The plot thickens...

Great post! I think most of us are "asleep at the wheel" while this occurs. I believe that a majority of the blame goes to our news organizations that fail to report on this while they focus on tweets and other less relevant issues

Agree with u

It is really hot...?

Good post Thanks

This comment has received a 0.11 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

Wow, hopefully these people are held accountable. Seems like at least in the US people get caught and claim that they didn't know they were doing anything wrong, and want to get away with it. If it was a normal person they would go to jail no questions asked.

Wow the plot thickens! These vultures will do anything for power. Thanks for the informative update @Gavvet. I do enjoy your posts :)


Interesting topic it's difficult see how this big companies are working bad in some cases and then they clean their hands. and that's it corruption is the big hole in our progress, for example in southamerica we have a lot of riches but big companies and politics hoard all that riches making countries with a huge % of poverty

I wonder if even something of this scale will shake up ANC ranks enough to make the top leaders step down. I have always observed that everyone in power sticks together and protect each others backs. I am horrified that the champions of governance like KPMG and Mckinze etc seem to be invovled This is not the first time though. I have seen a such a problem in one more country too. Thanks for all the links. Will read up. Upvoted@gavvet -

I am continuing my focus on wildlife. Today I wrote a blog on Snoozing parrots with my musings about Thomas Carlyle equating parrots to economists. I request you to take a look at it when you have time. Your comments, as always, would be an encouragement and incentive for me to make better blogs. Thanks

amazing job mate.

What really bothers me is that we just keep uncovering new information about government corruption and then it seems to end at the middle man. It's like we never get to the root cause of the problem, I hope these mails reveal and implicate the people in charge of this. Duduzane's name comes up every single time, it's getting ridiculous now.

follow the money.gif

These revelations are serious and their followup is going to be interesting.
But still we seldom see any dramatic change, all we end up at is "MORE CORRUPTION and MORE INJUSTICE" see for example Panama Papers revelations. Anyway, enjoyed reading ur article.Interesting post! Very informative as all of your previous posts @gavvet

Resteemed and upvote for this post . Thankyou for sharing @gavvet

Thanks for sharing this information. Corruption at it's finest :D

Thanks for this post!
Interesting information!

Great post. Thanks for sharing @gavvet

Very good post :)

Corruption it makes the country destroyed and muddled master @gavvet. Sometimes it is true as you say when their corruption leaks sometimes they fire some officials and replace it with other officials, it has become a tradition in the government of Indonesia, they have also done this tradition of corruption in descent, you try to carefully yourself if possible I speak Without proof ,,, I think a very appropriate penalty for corruption is a death sentence, as the Chinese state did.

Corruption at it peak! But @gavvet , How does that involved all these companies?

This is part of a series I did on Africa some time ago. It shows the pattern of neo-colonialism by the western banks, multinational corps. and the UN. Your article definitely fits the pattern!


Really..i want learn with u

great content! thank you :)

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This is a very good post.
Warm news .. rarely people who know about this email problem ..
Thank you very much for the information you gave to the mansion in the steemit.

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It's hectic. The thing is, what can you do once the information has been leaked.. :O

Interesting and revealing post.

Hopefully, this can lead to the corrupt president to sit down but I guess there is a huge possibility it may not.
We'll have to see what will happen.
We can only hope that things get set right

I do love the information age.

When the gossip gets out, people get flamed.
Serves them right for doing immoral acts against the vulnerable.

The silence of the Western Media on this is absolutely deafening.

From reading the linked posts and watching the video, this would appear to have been going on since at least 2015 and yet, as far as I know, not a word about it has appeared in the Western media.

A handful of Antifa protesters setting trash cans alight on a college campus gets days & weeks of almost nonstop coverage but 120,000 protesters in Pretoria over government corruption, not a word.

Is it because no one in the West cares about what is going on in South Africa anymore?

I have to wonder if people like George Soros are somehow involved here?

It is scame bigger than generally happens in India.

Corruption is the root of all evils..... we should say no to corruption.....

When The ANC came into Power , My Three Sisters and 1 of My Brother's went to The USA, My Dad followed , but not before he Stated , " S A is about to see one of the most Corrupt Governments ever." I always knew he was wise , but the new revelations just go on and on! Brilliant Post , Sadly True! I am sure these recent discoveries are just the scratches on the surface. Mind you, they had planned to Rape the Country with the Toll Roads , and that has not worked out to well for them?

This news is now getting hotter and hotter.

Revelations will lead unto this:

nuff said...

wow !! awesome post... and tittle as well. i like it .
upvoted you.

Thanks For your post

Great post! Thanks for sharing this insightful news!

Oh!! it's so interesting post I like your work .. keep it up

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