STACH Short Story Contest #16: 199 words, 10SBD prize pool!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone, @kingst here with the announcement for the STACH Short Story Contest #16.

What is a Short Story.

A short story is a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. It makes use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote. You can read it in less than 90 seconds.

Contest Rules:

•Write a Short Story based on the topic that will be given every week.
•Write an Original Short Story (Plagiarism will be flagged and reported).
•The Story must contain no more than 199 words.
•One entry per user.
•Story should be pasted in the comment section below.
•Contestants are permitted to post their stories in an article on their blog, so they also get upvotes.

Winners Selection.

Winners will be selected based on the topic, story plot, number of words and delivery as determined by the selected Judge. One word above 199, disqualifies the entry.

Contest Topic.

Write a 199 words story based on LIVE FREE.


First Prize: ----------------------5SBd
Second Prize: ------------------3SBD
Third Prize: ---------------------2SBD.
Good luck guys!THREE winners will be selected for a share of the 10SBD. The story with the most interaction gets a 1SBD prize from @ejemai.

Sharpen your writing skills and throw in some inspiring short stories. XO!

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You can support this work by delegating Steem Power to @stach to enable us reward these users for using their 'gift'.

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There are 2 pages


Ann had suffered at her last foster home, her foster mother had been a frustrated drunk but managed to hide this from the social services who of course didn't really care.

Ann usually got locked in for days whenever she upset her foster mother. Ann was also made to do all sorts of strenuous house chores leaving little or no time for her to rest or do school work.

Ann often wondered what it would cost to be free, money? sex? violence? good education? she however held on to freedom thoughts for years, imagining how and what it would be like to live free from oppression.

It finally happened on a bright Friday afternoon, what had seemed impossible became possible. Her parents had come looking for her, they were ready to fight and get custody again. Ann's heart leaped, she could finally live free.

Go ponmilè, go!

Lol...thanks dear


Please when is the deadline

An interesting story, hope to get the full story...

I am glad Ann's little thread of hope never snapped! What an inspiration!!

Yes...thank you sis 😀

wow this is great

Story is after all appropriate for contest. see what in selecters mood

This is is awesome

I love this

what had seemed impossible became possible.

Looking forward to read more.
All the best

Thank you 😀😀

Go for goldwhat a brilliant story ....@ponmile go

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A Prince of an Island State whose father was going abroad for one year sabbatical leave, gave the son the power of attorney to rule the state for a season until he returns. This over-ambitious youth suddenly conceived a subtle idea of absolute freedom. He abolished all rules and regulations that rob people of absolute freedom in the state. Traffic codes were eliminated. The code of conduct in the society was nullified. Men received freedom to stop women anywhere on the streets for sexual pleasures. People enter markets and pick commodities without any form of payment. Wickedness grew, giving the Prince a nickname: Prince Anarchy. The strange freedom propagated by Prince Anarchy immersed the State in uncontrollable chaos and lawlessness. On returning home from abroad, the father was filled with dismay; he took over governance and ended the terrible era of sad freedom. From the terrible ordeal people learnt that freedom which is controlled is the best for the human society. No wonder we have in our constitution the fundamental human rights that prescribe freedom under the armpit of the law of the State. LIVE FREE, but within allowable limits and defined boundaries. ABSOLUTE FREEDOM CAN BE DESTRUCTIVE.

Nice piece Reverend. I really love your perspective:


It is is very educational. Upvoted!!!

Wow. That's true sir. It's not actually possible to live free without chaos. Every form of freedom is defined by certain boundaries.

Warmest regards sir. Glad to know your are participating in this contest. Have read your piece, it's really lovely.

Nicely written with an appreciable aesthetic touch (well justified, properly emphasized were needed)

LIVE FREE, but within allowable limits and defined boundaries.

A lesson I won't easily forget.

I am just a newbie sir, you could show me love in the future. But sincerely, your piece caught my fancy.

LIVE FREE seems both captivating and ambiguous.Nice writing @reverend-fidelis. The caption for the contest:

You are correct sir. I am aware that human freedom is monitored by the Creator of mankind through a moral code. You can be free to the degree permitted by the Creator’s moral law.

What a challenging message articulated with a kit of fiction....

wow, loved the story. It's been sometime, I read a story with a moral lesson.

story is making sense

Well written sir.

fresh write-up

Good write up @reverend-fidelis. With moral benefits.

I love this story

Wow...prince anarchy. Lovely

Absolute freedom does not exist in its real sense.

Live Free! Upvoted and following sir.

so true

absolute freedom can be destructive

cool Story sir

Man of God. Remain blessed sir. Lovely story.

Good post

Jordan wheezed as he crested the ridge. He had to stop. By the time he caught his breath and still heard no voices or hounds, he dared to hope... He had just seized a moment, he had to make plans on the fly. Joining the homeless community seemed like his best bet, and an upgraded lifestyle compared to where he'd been.

He jogged and walked for hours in the dark, finally rounding a bend to see a valley aglow. Before long he was on the tracks, walking between rails at the outskirts of the city. Passing a small grove of trees and shrubs he caught the scent of a cigarette. He saw a faint path and stepping to the edge, he said "I sure could use a cigarette." He paused. "And a friend."

Finally a voice replied, "Come on up. Cain't never have too many friends." Jordan stepped into the shrubs to find a comfortable, efficient camp. An old man was holding a pack of smokes out, one pulled up. As Jordan reached out, the old man asked "Whatcha' lookin' for?"

Jordan blurted "Some way to live free."

The old man smiled. "Well, you found it!"

That was fun to read! Good job!

Thank you! Had to do it fast, going to pick up the grandkids in an hour lol!

Haha, real life getting in the way again! But I bet grandkids are always worth it!

It keeps us young chasing them lol!

Fair play to ya! Really good story

It hurt her to watch her face grow old, turn yellow, become wrinkled.
She was unpleasant to see the thinned and faded hair, she remember them long, thick and shiny!
She suffered, seeing in the mirror her aging eyes.

Her son lived far away and when he at last came home for New Year's holidays, he was horrified by the changes in the appearance of the mother and her despair.

He was a very talented engineer and biologist and was perplexed how can this be in the 21st century, the century of unreal advanced technologies!

All the New Year holidays he was working very hard and built a multifunctional cyber service unit!

This is a super-rejuvenating unit. It rejuvenates the person on several levels, strengthening health in general and improving the appearance.
Numerous sensors and systems of this cyber service unit affect on a person during sleep.
They nourish the skin and rejuvenate face.

The face of his mother is getting young very quickly now.
It was what all women dreamed of!
Living free from aged changes of the face!


Regret Prison

Josue keeps a secret that eats his thoughts away, his nights become eternal and in the day he bears a burden that he carries on his shoulders. Two years ago that ominous October day he left with friends at the bar, they had fun and drank without control and now being drunk one of his friends came up with a way to earn easy money, they went to a grocery store and surprised the employee with a revolver, the employee struggled with his friend and the gun was shot killing the employee on the spot.

Things should not have gone that way, Joshua thought, he remembered day after day that horrible scene where an innocent person had been killed. He felt imprisoned in his thoughts and one day he decided to turn himself in to the police and tell his story.

Freedom is not only physical, but it is also freedom of heart and thought, without charges of conscience of having harmed others, that is to live free.

It's a tragic story, but I liked it a lot!

A Forgotten Wish

I drive my car to the beach with my girlfriend Andrea, on the way I see the beautiful and leafy trees, I breathe and I am aware of every breath I take, I feel the breeze on my face and I can almost taste how wonderful it is to be free.

When I reach the beach I park the car and I hold my girlfriend's hand as we run towards the shore, I dip my feet in the water and hug Andrea whispering in her ear that she'll be my wife, I tell her how wonderful it would be to have a home by her side and to be able to become a large family of four children, a life together where with effort and work we can buy a small house with a beautiful garden.

Lying in my cell I dream of this life that I can never have and things that will never be, I am condemned to life imprisonment for committing a serious crime, I made a terrible mistake and today I repent, my immaturity and greed made me sin. Being free and being able to enjoy life is a treasure that I will never recover.

I like your story, much success friend

Reaching Freedom

Dan worked long hours in his small graphic design business, had opened it just 3 months ago, spent all his time so that his business would prosper. Dan was a self-taught student who learned only design programs and was born with natural talent for drawing, but because he came from a humble but hard-working family, he did not have the resources to pay for the university.

Dan previously worked in a large advertising company, in which he spent the same amount of time or more that he now dedicated to his business. The difference was that Dan previously felt trapped and exploited by the company and its bosses.

They give to the creative work, and the others took the credits of their art and bonds in their pays, whereas he for being a boy without university title despised it.

They save all their money, and took the risk of becoming independent, they wanted to be free and live according to their dreams. He created his company with his talent and his vision, the first years were difficult, but now he triumphs in advertising. Today he is free to live reaping what he sowed with his work.

excelente amiga!

Thank you, dear. ;)

It's a story with a great lesson. Everyone who wants to achieve their dreams can do it

At a certain time in my life I so much craved for the love and social acceptance of others, forks I considered stars in the street of life and so I would do and say "God knows what" just to feel amongst. But I got it all wrong as I simply was living another mans life. It was a mirage.
As the day went by the triangular shaped structure of my conscience was beginning to be chiselled round and was spinning free wheels.

But now am a renewed person and thus think and do things from the standpoint of truth and ingenuity, carefree of others in the vain of them accepting my socially or not. Am now conscious of my divine DNA.
I cannot live another persons life anymore. I love this freedom to be myself.

Am now living free from the influence of leaf extracts and more. Its a breathe of fresh air this new life am living. I am know the stuff am made up of am living free, shining forth the manifold fragrance of love, kindness and benevolence making my sphere of contact better than I met it. Am a free man and am living free.

I liked your story I will give you my vote and follow you success!

oh thank you...i glad to read ur story.


"Some day the waters of the river will be crystal clear again from her the children of my children will drink, meanwhile I will try to live with freedom".

I Lived in a rural community near the great river , there the territorial conflict was frequent, the struggle for control of resources, families without homes, destruction and death it was usual.

One morning tilling the earth, I noticed a column of smoke, I stopped for a moment, when it was scattered, a caravan of trucks was approaching with armed people, fear invaded my head, one of the men came down with his dark glasses and said: - "I am Colonel Azalee, I need people to fight for our cause, whoever opposes will suffer the consequences". The soldiers with violence they entered the houses to take away those who would serve of cannon fodder, the that opposed was they murdered and thrown into the river; I felt the dreams and joys fade among the ashes devoured by fire.

Years have passed since that episode and I still live the same movie day after day, trying to imagine a free life, with my heart in that field hoping to one day return.

Great story!

Hi! Thank very much!

Freedom is priceless and is not always a choice. Good luck in this contestGreat story dear @edurley.

To live free a forgotten phrase for Juan, and that carried the burden of a struggle that he had not been able to win, a war against faces that he had never confronted closely, a struggle to live freely and with dignity in his country, which destroyed his dreams, leaving him in a hospital bed after a protest where a tear gas bomb hit his head and caused multiple bruises that finally left him locked inside a body without movement.

While Juan and a whole country only ask to live free, where to say what they feel without fear, they breathe the air of a country in democracy, a free life that Venezuelans can have but that Juan will not feel, because he was imprisoned in the attempt, in he lost hope, he will not feel freedom even if Venezuela succeeds, that's not selfishness, it's a lot of pain, it's disappointment, it's the sadness of remembering that one day he went out to fight even on behalf of the family from whom he detonated the bomb against him, he is alone in the darkness that left the scars of his struggle.

He will never again feel his own freedom.

Live without fear

It was a cold morning, the streets were painted in blood, as usual but I knew that I had to go out.

When I woke up I thanked God and my Guardian Angel for one more day, I put all my day’s intentions in living without fear to make it through; and to do so I prepared myself focusing in all the good things that I still have, my family.

So, that morning, I went out in spite of everything. I watched every step I took but then I couldn’t help that feeling inside of me, I needed to be free, so I start running, for the first time in many years I felt alive, the adrenaline rush, the wind against my skin… but I had fear no more, I just ran and ran as if there wasn’t a tomorrow.

I didn’t have a plan or a place to go, I was hungry but I realized that my legs and my feet didn’t want to stop. They will never stop.

I finally am free.


All her life she's lived with pressure of being an only girl child in society where the men rule over the women as slaves. The fear of growing into womanhood (becoming what she fears most; slavery) often dries up her little and sparse moments of laughter... And then hope came along and gripped her... She had been given a lifeline by a total stranger Live Free in a civilized society.

She was walking to the stream on a chilly Sunday evening, to wallow in the sorrow that awaits her, she is 16 years old with no form of education whatsoever(education is forbidden for a girl) when met these christian missionaries who would later become her saving grace.

Amazed that such a beautiful and an endearing teenage girl had no form of education, John Smith was hell bent on changing her status quo, his mind was made up! She had to Live Free.
Free from the fear of what tomorrow will bring,
free from the fear of ending up the way her mom did (died in the farm while trying kill a deadly cobra for it's meat),
free from the pressure of solely providing for her 6 brothers and an aged father.

Owner of his acts

Minister John Spencer was released from prison after making an evangelistic visit to the prisoners. He could not stop in his mind, the memories of 30 years ago, when he was a young man and was caught by the police carrying packages of drugs to a supposed distributor, who was a covert police officer.

Before he was caught, he stole to get high and woke up dirty and trembling in the streets. He had lost weight and had nowhere to live because his family had evicted him from his home.

Once in prison, he could not stand the symptoms of abstinence. He had to join a gang inside the prison to avoid being hit by other prisoners. Living that was like moving to another hell as terrible as the streets.

Until he met a prisoner who read the Bible and told him how his feelings of living human misery had gone and changing them for the hope of a new life. Spencer began to attend religious services on Sundays and when he got out of prison, he made a promise to live free of vices and trusting in God, to be the owner of his acts.

From the moment he was born, Rilik had been a prisoner. He looked different, felt different, was different. People feared and hated him, yet never knew him. They knew only that he was Other, that his father had been dangerous, and held that against him.

His current prison was a small, walled-in corner of the barn in the prisonyard. His guards had probably meant his cell to be an insult, but Rilik found the warmth from the animals to be a pleasant departure from the icy cold of the prison. Besides, the animals did not fear him.

Rilik had never known friendship. The only kindness shown to him was from an elderly woman who worked as a cook at the prison. And it was she who was suddenly at his door that night. It was she who cast aside his shackles and offered him freedom.

He hesitated at the cell door. He had never known anything but this prison. What would he do in the outside world?

"Live free," the old woman said. "And look only forward."

Heeding her words, he stepped into the cold night air a free man. He did not look back.

Life has given me a bad move, because a month ago I lost a loved one, my aunt Emira.

She was not sick, she had nothing, her death was surprising, very painful for me, for my family. She died of a heart attack.

My aunt was a very special being, she helped everyone, even those who did not know, she had a immense heart, and was full of kindness.

The night before she died, she did things as if she sensed her outcome, handed over the keys to his room, gave away some of her personal belongings, in other words, inexplicable actions that make sense once her death has occurred.

Can we feel when the time comes? I don't know, what I know is my dear aunt taught me so many good things in life but she has not taught me one and it is how to live without her.

LIVE FREE as the wind my beloved aunt, go, run to the arms of the Lord!

LIVE FREE in eternity, enjoying the paradise that awaits you.

LIVE FREE and calm because your footprint was very marked in our heart.

I will remember you with love.


muy bien amiga.


The silence was bridged. I overheard the landlord express dissatisfaction to Uche my neighbor who haven't paid his bills since the year commenced. Just after he left, I went over to sympathize with him.
Uche labours hard with a meagre income which he invests in his family having been rid of his parents 2 years back and is the oldest of 4 siblings.
"babe, this is not life. I'm not just living", Uche said.
I listened as he ranted about how much in debt bondage he is.
"Have you heard of steemit?" I questioned
"I'm not in for any ponzi at all. I've heard my fair share with them and as you can see I'm debts already" he blurted. "Well, I could educate you a little about it". I said
Just as I was going over it, a voice interrupted. It's Adaeze. She already earned some money. Together we convinced Uche.
It's just 2 weeks, was trying to shop some wears for a killer show, someone approaches me with all smiles. It's Uche. He greeted me with "God bless you Ugo and Long live steemit".
I now Live Free. Free of debts and full of motivation.

Good read.
Steemit is the future.

Thank you very much for the gift of the previous edition, very happy to be able to share every week with all of you, I preparing now for my nex entry to participate, greetings.


Tonight She did not stand by the door waiting for him to return. This loneliness had eaten deep, deep enough for her to make up her mind and now all was at peace with her. She went over to the bed beside the kerosene lamp and knelt down; for a while she watched her baby sleep, then she closed her eyes and prayed.
Warm tears rolled down her cheeks, but she was not feeling sad. She was rather sober.
He was not coming back this night.
Ever since he lost his government work her husband had never truly come home. It seemed as though he lost his soul too. This was not the man she fell in love with the first day they met.
This was now a beast that hit her every morning to ease off his frustration.
He was now her rapist because she did not feel loved with the way he barged into the house in the middle of the night to sex her like a cheap prostitute.
She wiped her tears with her mind made up to leave his house the next day and be gone for good. She had decided to live free.

John's up every morning to basically the same routine. The homogeneity is all he knows, the spices and intrigues of life were only abstracts to him. John wanted more or different, he wanted something beyond his cognition, a niggling discomfort in his spine told him this life wasn't for him but he tarried, hoping he'd somehow find zen and be at one with this infinite loop.
He was raised by his uncle and wife, both were very religious intelligentsias who would prefer living on a farm, while his actual parents tragically died when he was too young to remember; he had heard stories from his older siblings and uncles about his parents outgoing and seemingly checkered lifestyle, his mum a former back up singer of a fuji musician and his dad a politician, both had a knack for life, often going on trips with the kids to exotic locations. John was barely two years old then, how could he remember? All he's ever been aware of is this life void of excitement and constrained by Religion.
John is a boy crying in a muffled tone, John is you and me, clamouring to Live Free.

LiVE FREE - Ghost of the Past

"You dey craze", the old man yelled at him, " You wan kill me?"

Tensely, he pressed against the door, opened it and came down from the car. "I'm sorry sir" he said brusquely. "But it wasn't my fault".
He didn't even budge as man stood there scolding him. All he wanted was to get home.
He left furiously. The images of Mary had filled his head again that he didn't even notice the man crossing the road. He was fed up.
"I have to confess" he thought. This was the first time a confession had crossed his mind since that night. The night he killed Mary drunk driving. His past was literally haunting him. Neighbors had even started to think he was mad as he would run out at night claiming to have seen her ghost.

With his mind made up, he made a turn for her parent's house. Spurred by the possible freedom, he put a burst of speed. His yearn to live free drove him hard, hard into the ditch that killed. Maybe now he would be freeree

On a warm sunny day with nothing to do when the sun is high in the sky....

"Weave a story" he says.
"I have no imagination" she says.
"Then go to the forest you will be safe there and your mind will wander."
"But I am afraid"

Sitting on the edge of the meadow soon there is the screech from a red tailed hawk just before he dives and catches a mole.
Next a sly red fox captures a bird and before you know it the great eagle begins to soar down.

"Yes I will go to the forest for there it will be safe"

Only animals live free, or do they?

The Anna´s life!

Anna is today a teenager of sixteen years old. From a very young age, she identified herself as a boy, she felt that his body did not correspond with his physical sensation; liked trolleys, pistols, all games for boys. Her parents always thought that this was normal and temporary. She was an introverted girl, very quiet, lonely, did not reflect the happiness of a child and her parents always said "I am a boy".

At eleven years old, her parents decided to take her to some specialist doctors to explain the reason for that behavior. All the doctors agreed on the diagnosis, the girl had a "Transgender" condition. Anna's parents did not accept it and asked for time to face this hard reality.

Little by little and with medical help, her whole family was beginning to understand that condition
and that is when the process of gender transformation begins. Now Anna is a happy person, the most important thing for her is that her parents accept as she is. His words "I am happy, I feel a free person, I want to inspire others to do what they like, to live free as I am now".

muy buen relato amiga, te felicito....

Freedom is the most important gift of life" Shina always says while others scoff at him. In the confinement they were provided everything they desired irrespective of cost but were prevented from freedom! On several occasions, shina would argue with others on importance of freedom above what they had, but most thought him insane. One day, they woke to find bloodstained shackles and a note, where he used to be and it read "today I live or die free!"

"He wouldn't even make it past a day out there, that's even if he survived the guards" one mocked. So, they quickly forgot him.

One day after endless wait for supplies, they cried out but none came, except a boy, who offer them food if only they remained his slave, to this they agreed. It happened that a famine had occurred and only a man in the far east had enough to feed all, the man who incidentally is the boy's master. On arrival at the plantation, the boy introduced his master to the new set of slaves, they all bowed and sulked in shock and regrets, for the chance they failed to take. Their new master was shina, He lives free!

I liked your story I will give you my vote and follow you success!

Thanks alot!

Aliyu from Mubi in Adamawa was seen lying down albeit in pains. He was among the thirty-four brave local militia known as the civilian JTF to enter the dreaded camp of the Boko-Haram terrorists who have caused untold hardship and numerous mortalities to the peace loving people of Adamawa and the neighbouring states; having also kidnap recently fifty-four girls from Hong (which is a community close to Mubi).

Andrew Bock, the journalist from the BBC who was interviewing the actors in this war of Seven Years was amazed at the energy with which he (Aliyu) carriec his local gun and joy he expressed even after having not seen his family for close to one year. We, in the entourage from got to know that Aliyu was a graduate from the Federal Polythenic , Mubi.

"What gives you the drive and passion to follow this cause with so much energy?", Andrew asked him, and with a tear laden eyes, he replied "I grew up in this village, surrounded by farmlands and family, i never lacked anything. I'm married and my wife just gave birth to a baby girl. I do this for my daughter, I just want her to LIVE FREE".

LIVE FREE: A Short Story

Prof. Wale, whose hairs are now grey from the dye of time, stands in awe watching a bulldozer uprooting his only house. The house stands on the popular Tinubu road. The teacher's eyes are red, full of dust and tears. The government had issued him a notice to quit a few weeks earlier and now the evil day has come.

Prof. Wale is a cold skeptic who does not believe anything. He had stumbled on bitcoin years ago when the miracle coin was sold at $1 but he cited the "greater fool theory" as why he would not invest in cryptocurrency. He said, "bitcoin is a bubble, it will burst soon"

As the bulldozer kisses the roof of the helpless building, Prof. Wale wished he had bought 50 bitcoins nine years ago. Now, he would be worth over $700,000. With this huge money, he would build a mansion and even visit the moon. Alas, it is too late. He had lost the opportunity to LIVE FREE.

I was seating down under the tree with Kingsley when a supposed family friend walked in(a very beautiful lady), she stared and smiled at me and said I was handsome I smiled back at her.
Few minutes later Kingsley called me that they where having a joint conversation and she actually relished me being part of the conversation and I opted in...
Just imagine the beauty as I started at her and with a very vivacious eyeballs and waist line

She offered me fruit salad, I accepted it in keeping with her smile and never knew it was a smoke screen until we got to a dead end in the conversation.
She screamed at my friend Kingsley that she wanted to be left alone in the room and soon signalled me to hang around..
The rest was history and we dated for 3months just to realize she was married with 2 lovely kids..
Guess what, her husband works with an Oil company (always offshore) and you know what that means for both of us.
It was an unforgettable experience.
The break up process was so unpalatable because my emotions where involved.

Madeleine Courtois was undoubtedly the most talked-about woman in the ton. She was the French-born mistress of the most powerful man of the beau monde: the Duke of Cornwall. Fate had thrown the two together in a hunting party hosted by the Earl of Rotherham. The Duke had been an unhappy man stuck in a loveless marriage, and Madeleine, a lowly maid.

Love had blossomed and soon, the lovebirds started a relationship that set tongues wagging. The duchess, a heartless woman who loved not her husband but the fame and wealth her position brought her, had been none too pleased about it, spreading insulting tales in an effort to thoroughly besmirch Madeleine’s reputation.

Eventually, everyone realized that as scandalous and unbelievable as it sounded, the Duke really loved his French mistress. Madeleine herself couldn’t care less about the tales being bandied about. She was in love and she wanted to live free.

In a tea party one sunny afternoon, the Countess of Warwick had asked her in a moment of courage, ‘What about morality?”
“Morality?” Madeleine had scoffed, “I make a pact with morality, cherie. I never take it to bed with me.”

She walked to the window and raised the curtain. The sun was out, the rays streamed in brilliantly and lighted up the previously dark room. It was past noon. She stared intensely at the rays like one who had never seen the sun shining. Uncle Bisi was fast asleep, snoring heavily and giving off a sound similar to Mama Shekinah's pigs when snorting. She thought about running away, but she knew her freedom would not be complete while his heart was still beating.
She walked over to his wardrobe, the same one he always opened to take out his whips and belts of mass destruction, which had continually wrecked havoc on her youthful body. She took out his gun, a glock 'safe action' pistol, the same one he had waved in the air several times in previous drunk states and threatened her with. She checked to see if it was loaded, sure enough, there were some slugs left in the Parabellum seventeen round magazine. Just like she had seen in the movies, she disabled the safety mechanism and sent two bullets flying into his bald head. No fear. No regrets. The deed was done. Now she could LIVE FREE.

"The last day of the month" Femi thinks to himself. Pay day. He picks up his pay check smiles down at it and as the thought of his pay day tradition floods his mind. He grabs his coat slings it over his shoulder and waltz out of his work place, he hums a feel good tune, as he walks to where his car is parked.
As he drives out, wondering what this night of adventure has cooked up for him, as he steers his car to his favourite club house.‎
His pent up joy crashes almost immediately, "darn it! How could I have forgotten" as he stares at the wedding band on his finger wrapping the steering.
He makes a sharp U-turn heading home to his one month old wife, he couldn't help but realise how he could no longer live free, no more allowance to do or spend as he pleases, stay out late with the boys clubbing, all the pleasures of a bachelor.
But then I, Femi, would rather stay home and spend time with the one i love... I guess if you're going to be stuck be stuck with the right person.‎

341 342 343 344, I was counting the stars in the sky, something that I was not obvious to, I was in deep thought about my life.

I had clocked 27 years, though I seemed to look much older; to have failed in all facets of life; education, social life, joblessness, home and I had got a girl pregnant. I had lost freedom, became an object of ridicule.

Truancy never pays, I had sort the company of young men whose lifestyle predicted a bleak future, I made my future bleak, we intermingled and now I have found myself where I wouldn't want to be.

As I sat in my couch, counting my curses and naming my blames, my pregnant girlfriend came through, offering an opium through the words of encouragement.

She said thus "it is not the end of the world" "why don't you pick up the pieces and move on" "nobody is putting you in this bondage situation".

Her words were just beginning to strengthen before she added, "get up let us build up together, as long as there is life there is hope; let us long, linger on and live free"


She hated her office, her colleagues - but every morning at 8.00 was at work. Her salary was enough to not die of hunger, but not always enough for gasoline for a second-hand car.

But somehow she bought for fun, 50 ethers for 10 dollars, and for three years forgot about it. The ether did not grow, and she decided - again, no luck!

She came to, when the wave was spreading all over the press - the ether is growing!

She bought a new car, resigned from work, and now trades with the Crypto currency at the exchange. She will never sit in the office again!

Live free
Just like the nomadic, grandpa lived freely, he had a free-spirited soul and the mindset of a warrior. He offered no apologies for his wild heart and exploits. Grandpa left the normal and usual to explore and dug beyond the outskirts of magical, mystical and extraordinary world. In all his achievement, he was a great philanthropist and gave freely without any expectation for returns.
He would constantly quote the words of ‘Hubbard Davis’ saying “to be born free is an accident: to live free a responsibility; to die free is an obligation” when he sees anyone living a fake or false lifestyle. He would always say to the depressed “you hold the key to happiness; it’s your choice to open the door”. He tells the worried, “keep calm and be free”.
I’m hardly unhappy or depressed whenever I thought of the glorious life he lived because he lived freely. Grandpa, may your gentle soul rest in peace.

I want to write briefly on what freedom is and what living free entails, I will be writing from a personal perspective.

According to online dictionary, >freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. going by this definition, some persons would think that living free, is doing whatever you want at every point in time, my perception of freedom is totally different. I believe in freedom with responsibility.

Living free entails living without constraint in choice or action, being free from slavery or restraint or from the power of another. Everybody wants to live free but in one way or the other, people enslave themselves to material things.

One can be without restraint or constraint but deep down within him, he/she is not free, some persons have enslaved themselves to either alcoholism, womanizing, cultism, avarice, to mention only a few.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said that "man is born free, but he is everywhere in chain". Looking at the statement on a surface level, you might think that it does not make sense to make such an assertion, but in actuality there is no absolute freedom. To live free, you ought to be responsible.

This is the link to my "live free" post

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Live Free

As she stared at the stars from her little room window. She wondered to herself, 'how can one continue a life like this'? She had dreams of travelling the world and seeing exotic places. All hopes were dashed when her mother passed 13 years ago and her father's wealth dried. She had to be given out as a maid to the rich. She was maltreated and also kept in shackles and at a very minimum wage that could only support her immediate needs. After a grueling day of labour, she made up her mind. 'Enough is enough' she thought.
Carla had on this day decided it was enough and she fled on the night when the sky was the least lit up with stars. By morning she got to the village farthest from her town. With excitement beaming on her face she met a group of people who asked if she was lost. She replied, 'no, I am just where I need to be to live free'.

It was just another regular morning, waking up to large heap of books on her table kept there by her parents. The pressure on her increased as her final exams grew nearer. Her parents would say that what they were doing was for her own good but at least she deserved a little bit of space.Stephanie decided to study but study to extent she can, she decided that the pressure her parents were putting on her was not going to weigh her down,she slept with this thought on her mind.
Days passed on and finally reached a Sunday, which was a day to go to church, Stephanie was ready before and parents and was waiting in the car, her parents joined her and they left for church. The service that day was for youths and was conducted by youths. The first speaker talked about the way parents act towards their children and adviced them to give them some space and allowed them to LIVE FREE, that freedom would help. At this moment it was like the service was for Stephanie's parents and immediately to their daughter and told her to LIVE FREE from that day onwards.

I don't no how to express my feelings because I got married in 2008 till 2013 no fruitful of womb, in 2013 my husband impregnate another woman and sent me out.
Still healing from the pain,One guy i met one day at the mall start disturbing me to marry him but mare looking at him he looks like person father so i asked him if he is married or had married before and he said no.
I told him all my story from beginning to the end, some months later l got pregnant before l delivered my baby I heard that he impregnate another woman. Five months the woman delivered too my husband came to me and told me he was going to a naming ceremony I was very sad he beg me after some months I heard he have two daughters in their town I was annoyed so i packed my things and live the house.Since then he has been calling and asking me to forgive him that if he had told me the truth I wouldn't have marry him.
But as it is now i have decide to live free!

Nice story line, keep living freely

"Bring the niggas, Bring the niggas", they shouted.
We were led to the platform, linked together in chains. Babies were being snatched from their mothers amid wailings and crying, young women were stripped bare, you could hear the excruciating melody of the whips as it went up and landed on the scathed brown skins.
"Ten dollars, going, going, gone, sold to that fine gentleman" the auctioneer shouted.
I looked at him, he was shedding tears, I could feel his pain, being separated from his wife and newly born son. He tried to reach out to them, but the melody of the whips resounded, sending a jolt of agony to his brain. The shouts of "whip that nigga" rose up from the crowd.
A young boy was sold for nine dollars, he wanted to cry but couldn't, he was frightened to cry in front so many strangers, strangers who had no iota of sympathy or pity, he trembled, and cleaned the tears from his cheeks with the back of his hands.
I knew it'd get to my turn, I just stood there with tears rolling down my cheeks, wondering what it would feel like to live free.

He was arrested for a crime he did not commit and all plea for bail were abortive because he could not afford a good lawyer.

Days, weeks and months passed, he was in prison. He lost all the good things of life such as freedom of movement and liberty to do whatever he pleases.

His life and environment have now changed. He misses the company of his family and the good times he spent with his friends. Would he ever be free again? This was he deepest worry.

His inmates made life difficult for him as they would not let him have peace with their troubles. He was maltreated and treated as a slave.

His World now revolves around the prison walls. All those he hoped for to bail him abandoned him because they did not believe he was innocent.

At this point, he thought of suicide because life in the prison is as good as death. While contemplating on taking his own life, something good happened.

The government as part if thier amnesty program, decided to release 100 prisoners and luckily for him, he was among.

At the end he was released and now, he can live free.

can I post mine on this comment session?

My Parents My Choice

Joe always wanted to make his parents proud and happy. He did all they asked him to do without any objections.

All he did in life was to please his parents at the detriment of his happiness.

His educational background, what he studied and his current job were all influenced by his parents.

It was time for marriage and as usual, his wife was chosen by his parents and reluctantly, he agreed because he was not free to make his own choice.

Unknown to them, she had lost her womb due to numerous abortions and she kept this a secret. Years passed by and they could not give birth and this became a problem to the family.

Each time joe went to his parents to complain, they would refer him back to his wife, insisting that he is a man and should be able to handle his marital problems. Out of desperation, joe and his wife went for check-up and the truth was revealed.

Joe cannot have a child with his wife because he has no womb and his parents are not interested in thier problems.

If only joe had lived a free life, this would not have happened.


“Now look at you, are you a boy or a girl?. My dad yelled.
I got into a fight with my dad again. He wanted me dress appropriately even when i don't know what that means. To be understanding he wants me to be like other girls, put on long skirts, heavy makeups and whatever ever girl do.
Unfortunately i am a TOMBOY, i don't feel like a doll, am perfectly happy the way i am. So i will keep my appearance because they make me who i am.

Mum walked me to my room. We arrived at my door in what felt like seconds, i had no memory of the journey.
Listen to me Stephanie she said, i know you're having a hard time with your dad trying to change you into who you aren't.
Don't let him. We all pretend we are perfect but we aren't. Don't let him crush your creativity and individuality, always LIVE FREE. I love you now go to bed. She pushed me to my door.
I realized she was right. Being myself no matter who that is, is more important than pretending to be someone else, i need to LIVE FREE.

Hi, thanks for this contest and here is my entry. :)

Lina was chained, not physically but emotionally. She is still blaming herself from an accident that happened last year. It is easy to say move on, but can we really move on from a tragic past? Lina telling her friend who was just concern about her and telling her to move on.

It was a year ago already but she can still remember how she lost the life of her husband from a car accident. If only she was more careful while driving and never insisted to drive that time, that will never happen, she told herself.

One night she was so depressed and crying herself to sleep. In her dream, her husband was smiling at her and telling her how much he loved her, as well as their son. He told her to live free from the guilt and enjoy life to the fullest. She woke up crying hard and realizing how much she neglected their son after the tragedy. She immediately went to her son's room and watch him sleep. Lina told herself that from now on, she will be the best mother for their child and will focus more on moving on for the better.

Jenifa lived with her stepmother ever since her mum died in a car accident on her way from the hospital after she went for a check up. Jenifa was still in nursery 2 at age 4. She was still young, so her father had to marry another wife to take care of her..
jenifa was a brilliant young girl in school and this is what made her teacher so fond of her.
With the high level of intelligency possesed by jenifa, she was given a schorlarship as well as double promotion which made her education very fast. At age 15, jenifa has already finished her secondary education.
But throughout those years, life hasnt been a bed of rose for jenifa because her stepmother on the other side has not made life easy for her..she maltreats her a lot, giving her so much chores to do at home, she will beat her at any slight mistake, raining curses on her, calling her names, and also telling her she cannot kill her as she killed her wretched mother..all sort of curses, talks and abuses .. But jenifa never let that bothered her too much and inspite of all her present predicament, she still find time to read, study and focus in her academics pursuits, hoping one day, she will live life freely as she wants.
Well well at the long run, to cut the long story short, after some years later, she got married to the man of her dream, living happily with her husband and was then she recalled about her past life and sufferings, she then proclaim loud -SO I CAN LIVE FREE!!!

Everywhere was quiet as I was having dinner with Damon. I guess the neighbours were not in. Of course they were not in, it's date night.
"You have to quit your job Megan" Damon said and continued eating like it was nothing
"What do you mean quit my job"
"I mean quit as in resign"
"You are joking" I said and continued with my food. I don't remember what happened, but I saw myself on the floor clinging to my cheek.
"Don't ever talk to me like that again" Damon said and walked out. I managed to pick myself up and sat on the chair crying profusely. I couldn't leave him, I am 35 years old, what will my friends say, they will mock and laugh at me. Who will want to be with a 35 years old lady. All these thoughts ran through my mind.
The next day, as I opened the door, I saw Damon sitting on the sofa drinking a glass of alcohol.
"Where are you coming from" he asked looking down at his glass.
"I went to the office"
"What did I tell you" he said standing up and moving close to me
"I went......" at this point I had started stammering knowing what he was going to do next.
When he had finished beating me up, he walked out of the house. I just laid on the floor and all I could think of was how to run far away from him. I just couldn't take it anymore. I didn't even think of packing anything. I headed straight for the gate and didn't look back. I got to leave and live free

I was told of a land far away where everything was better. Daily I longed to move, migrate to this land of milk and honey.

I had grown up in the depths of Africa, a native of a powerful kingdom and bastard son of the King.

Acceptance was a phrase so far away that the sun on the horizon felt closer to me. The moon was my friend, the darkness my partner. As she wrapped her arms around me then I truly felt free.

In the quietness of the night with the crickets chirping , a soul had been released , a bird from the fowler's snare. My true nature broke forth and I truly lived free. Ohhh, the glorious freedom to move and live and have my being.

After suffering the pains of the day, the whelps of the belt, the cuts of broken glass, the piles of lies compressing me, the hurt and rejection from non acceptance and grief. I had utter release at night as the moon came out and showed me her love, acceptance for who I truly was I planned my migration to another land, The Land of No Return where I could truly live free.

Can it be posted here also rather than my blog?

You have to post it in the comment section, but you can still do an original post if you like.

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